So THIS week I went back to my fathers to celebrate Christmas. Now that the folks have had their shots; they've allowed the family and all the little kids to come back around with no fear of croaking. So the holiday was pushed off to this Saturday. THIS time I came well-armed.
I had my pre-amp, The OPPO BDP-105, my test discs, a portable soldering iron, crimpers, cutters, drill, nuts and bolts, 12AWG wire and ANY thing I could see myself all the sudden needing and not having. Brought the whole house with me. No more bad test incidents. First thing I did was look at what this sad look of a rack was plugged into. (Image Below) What did we have? TWO Giant Refrigerators and a dehumidifier plugged into a 15A dual Gang wall outlet at the other end of the basement with one of those multi-outlet converters. The extension cord for the audio rack was on that thing as well. Hell, just touching ONE of the fridges cords was hot. I can't imagine him trying to run a power hungry system thru that? Lest it be a Grizwald Christmas and fire hazard. Yikes. No wonder the meters dimmed at every bass passage? I tore that SHIZZ down lightning fast and sent that cord to an isolated outlet on its own breaker for the time-being. He really needs a dedicated drop there.
Next, I got rid of that equalizer, and then his preamp. We went from running a straight single PL400, to using the latching xover on the back of the speakers to bi-amp them, and put the WOPL400 on the lows and the Factory PL400 on the highs (that has Joes bulk caps in them. That's it). I tore out all that mess of patch cords going nowhere; ran new speaker wire runs, brought a handful of dual-gang gold-plated Phoenix bananna jacks so I could use 12AWG to the binding posts, and put the OPPO in-line at the bottom. Whew! Time to TEST!
He put in a song he likes to use for testing in the OPPO and walked over to the chair in the center of the room, sat down and turned it up, and the end result?........ and I quote................
Finally! He has now Admitted that a White Oak Audio Phase Linear Amplifier is WORTH the convergence!! As I fell to my knees and threw up my arms. Thank GOD the 7-yr saga is Over! And he would actually agree that it wont be ME flittin the bill for the next one. (The high end amp). We still have to address the Preamp. My Rotel was better, but it's still a weak spot admittedly. I am aiming for an Acurus RL-11 upon Lee's recommendation. Just waiting for a chance to acquire one. I'd like to save him the $1,800 on the Audio Research LS-2 he thinks he needs. I think if we can resolve that, then he'll be ready to bite the bullet and WO his other 400 in the rack.
Sorry I didn't take a pic of my handy-work AFTER I fixed all that up, but trust me when I say I wouldn't be 235 posts IN deep just to lie to you all.
Joe - AMAZING. The mans ears HEARD and that's all that needed to be said. DONE!!