My father called me today out of the Blue. I thought he wanted to know when he was getting his pre. But in fact he was calling me to tell me how AMAZING and INCREDIBLE the white oak Phase Linear 400 sounded. I said “didn’t we test it and you said it was great”? And he said “Yeah but it was xmas and your mother was barking at me to get upstairs so I didn’t really have time to ‘Listen’ to it. The grandkids were runnin around screamin etc”. Well, he was downstairs this week cleaning up and just turned the system on for background sound when he noticed “hey, this bass response sounds incredible! Oh my God”. So it was brought to my attention that he was considering White Oaking the other 8-fin PL400. I won’t pay the bill for this one but I’ll lend my hand in the build again. Which is amazing because in the beginning he wouldn’t even consider doing a conversion whatsoever.
It seems no matter Who you are: one thing holds true. Once you hear a WOPL, you never go anywhere else. His mid and high end on his bi-amped system he says sounds harsh. Well that’s for two reasons. The pre-amp and the original guts of the other PL400. Once we get this second one converted, and the Acurus Pre-amp in....He says that’s all he’ll need. The equipment will outlive him. And 20 yrs is all he’s expecting. No doubt they’ll go for 40.
Hats off to Joe and White Oak Audio. Superior Preformance changing the minds of even the MOST indescisive doubters.
It seems no matter Who you are: one thing holds true. Once you hear a WOPL, you never go anywhere else. His mid and high end on his bi-amped system he says sounds harsh. Well that’s for two reasons. The pre-amp and the original guts of the other PL400. Once we get this second one converted, and the Acurus Pre-amp in....He says that’s all he’ll need. The equipment will outlive him. And 20 yrs is all he’s expecting. No doubt they’ll go for 40.
Hats off to Joe and White Oak Audio. Superior Preformance changing the minds of even the MOST indescisive doubters.
Yup, a WOPL grabs those woofers by the balls.