Ok, need some more clarification. On page 2 of the assembly instructions in the power transformer paragraph he says and i quote" A center tapped primary can be used; just leave D11,12 and R301, 302 off the board then attach the center tap to the CT connection point" unquote. This may be X-former 101 knopwledge that I missed, but every transformer I've come accross has the AC mains as the primary, or in 480 3 phase when going from 480 to 120 the 480 is the primary. Is there something I'm missing here like the high voltage is always the primary?? It would not be that hard to figure out if (what i call the primary)windings in this toroid also have a center tap. So..... does he want the center tap of the 275--ct---275 in the center tap connection point??
BTW ---those Goldpoints are NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!