AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to Heart greatest hits Been a long time since I did any PM listening. Went to sleep at about 4:20. I apologize to those who I use to email and haven't in awhile. This is going to be a pretty busy spring that is for sure.

I read a lot of news. Read the posts afterward. Can't believe how these people think. Left or right. Some very angry people in the world. People live in their own little world I guess. Just can't figure out the hate though. Have to buy another weight for the TT lost the fish line. LOL I have 3 TT. May have to get rid of one. Probably the cheap Micro. It has a very slightly used Shure. PM me if you may be interested. We can talk. Have one thing to do this spring. Will not say till it is done.

One of the Carver groups has a pretty cool get together in TN. They rent this humongous cabin in the Smokys. Some nice systems. Think I will go looking for some Morels. Be back in awhile. Maybe LOL


PS Thoughts may be more random than they appear. LOL


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Sorry I missed your post. Speakers. The tweeters when I started using them they were made in Israel. Listening to Bloodline. Pretty good CD. That computer is taking awhile. Thank God there was another Toshiba in the house. Couldn't do my disks on the puter that was dying. Sitting here thinking do I want to keep doing tapes. Watching House right now. Going to something else. There is one car I never had that I would really like to have. Almost any year but the mid to late 70s. Had a chance to buy a 71 454 4 speed Vette in 77. 3500.00 Would like something like that to come my way again. I would mortgage the farm. LOL

Have A Good Day


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
I have a limited supply of CDs in the garage. Listening to Bloodline again. It was the last CD I listened to. Been thinking about the amp question and CDP question.

Amp question from Sutton. Sutton you can't really look at a price today. They are using so many different ways to build components. I can guarantee the designer looks at numbers ; but each designer has a sound they are looking for also. Do you think if Pioneer could build a spec for the money you say they wouldn't? 2000.00 for an amp is nothing today. My Creek cost that. It isn't a beast either. Prices of metals has went crazy. So I really don't think simple inflation would be a good thing to go after. The dollar sucks. Not everything comes from the states anymore. Affordable is relevant. These guys are laser cutting resistors to match them on attenuators. An ounce of gold is over 1600.00. Improvement cost money. We won't go into rare earth metals.

OK the CDP question. This Onix wasn't a 500.00 CDP when it was made. You can tell. This thing is heavy. OK back to what I was writing. LOL I may go off topic a bit at times. I think that the guys engineered these decks and Shanling built them. The voltage thing. I have never had a problem with any CDP I have had. I don't know how to explain the digital gear thing. This is my set up for digital. Clocker,Anti-jitter, DAC, CDP. I don't care what CDP you use it will help. Till you get to a certain level CDP or transport. Which I would rather have. I saw Jerry was still running the AA gear. Lee are you still running the AA gear? Been reading about dedicated music servers. Have to read more to see the benefit. If you can find some Perpetual Technology gear. I suggest you buy it. Don't even look at the price. Just buy it. LOL I would send it out to try ; BUT don't think I could live that long w/o it. LOL

Just put some Ray Charles Live on. On my favorite CDs. Very good CD. Jerry heard it. Man can not live by one form of music. My last CD up here is a Diana Krall. Depends on the mood I can and will. This kind of music sends cold shivers up my spine. LOL The system in the garage will not last long. I know what these speakers are capable of doing. It is better than this. I am waiting on some digital amps being designed. I can wait. I know the engineer. Which is cool. Very nice guy. There are a few members in here that know their crap. You have no idea who is in here. Artist , record companies, designers speaker , digital, TTs , amps, audio dealers.

Don't know what an audiophile is. Do you? This is a very diverse group in here. Just have to ask the right question at the right time. You never know who is in here. LOL I use to tell aircraft owners that if they had to ask then sell the plane. That is how I look at audio. I have been very lucky. I have fallen into sales that are buy it all and you get it at this price. I already have magazine reviews set up on the X amp and the one being designed. I am suppose to get one of the first 5 of the ones. Tried to join Lance Dickerson's group on Linked In. LMBO Yea right. He will get to know me one day. I am a baby in the audio world. LOL If I had the money I would buy an Onix from Hugh. Very good investment. Once you take the step there is no turning back. LOL You always advance a little further into the black whole called audio. LOL It is like with anything in this industry. You take the step and never look back. Once you take it you can't look back. I'm tight before I buy most anything I research. Little mad I have to fix the Vandys for my ears. LOL I can do that. I have the means and the technology. LOL

Just thought of a story. LOL
Was in LA playing inspector. Dude this was a private jet for someone I don't remember who. 1 st thing a guy called me over to look at some compressor blades. LOL I wrote them up. They needed to be blended. Some pretty big nicks. The wanted to know how to do it. I looked at them and walked off. they didn't know what an OHM was. Overhaul manual. About 4 days latter they come to me to buy it off. I didn't want to look at those blades. I went up and looked. They were knife edged. I went back threw the paper work on the desk and told the lead to pull the engine. LOL They hired this one contract mech. He thought he was gods gift to an aircraft. He had to drill some rivets and put in pull rivets. He put them in and there was no buck heads showing. To short of rivet. He swigged it in the whole. Well I missed a crack doing my inspection. Usually if a mech finds something they grab an inspector and he writes it up to be worked. Not here. LOL The lead comes and grabs me and goes you missed this. I go ok. I'll write it up. He goes no I'm going to write you up for missing it. I was the only inspector pulling a heavy check on this plane. I started laughing. I go are you nuts? He goes no you have to sign this. LOL Dude you do not make an inspector mad. He will find every thing he can wrong. He will make your life miserable. He will not buy any of your work. I said cool dude. See you later gator. Threw my shirt on the insp. desk and my ID. Called a cab. LOL I'm done. They were coming to me as I'm waiting for a cab. I told them I quit. I was the only insp. there. I shut the plane down. LOL



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Well I have the heaters on in the other place LOL Laughing at myself. Listening to what I was listening to earlier. You know I could dissect my system. Why though? Takes the fun out of listening. Let the music flow with your thoughts. LMBO Both of my cats are here. Tom has his own style that for sure. The Red Rocker must have gotten jealous. Not as much Satch on the last CD. May have to go for a subliminal landing. LOL Love it. I do have some unplugged I do like around here.

Good CD. Gotta stop and listen every so often. You know people are funny animals. Argue about stupid things. Strange. Not many things are real. They are just perceptions.

Have a nice day


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Dude you are too much!! Ya know if you were a wee bit funnier you'd have a helluva stand up routine!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
I think I found the power supplies and cables. So, what goes first the interface opr the dighital decoding engine?


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to Black Country Communion. Lee did you get a really short RCA digital cable? Just started thinking about micrometers. LOL Sterett was one good one. Who was the Japenese company that made very nice ones. Probable spelled it wrong. Tripplet and Fluke meters.Torque wrenches were Snap On. If you ever dropped anything it was turned in to be recaled. Don't get caught dropping something and picking it up to use again. Someone will see you and jump your butt.

You guys were talking about sending goffers after things. LOL I had to laugh. One time I went to a job. Was standing there waiting to get work. A friend walks up to me. Hadn't seen him in years. He walks over to my lead and tells him something. Later that night my lead walks up to me. He goes you must be pretty good. I said why would you say that? He goes the inspector just told me to get you hired for QC. I laughed and said no thanks I'm fine doing what I do. I hate doing make work. Yes children I'm cruising. Don't think it will be a bumpy ride. Was working in the fuel tank doing a pump mod. Told this guy I was working with sometimes I hate getting crap jobs. He looked at me and said that this isn't a crap job. I LOL and said ok working in a fuel tank is a good job. LOL

Ever used a tensiometer? You tension up your cables to a certain tension. You take temps. You have a stip that tells you if your getting 35 lbs then you are really getting this which is usually higher so you can mess up and read it wrong. I was working a DC-8. The electricians had disconnected every cable in the right wing. Did not mark one cable. I had to make cables to the prints. Swedge them and everything. Run them tighten them up to make sure they were routed rite. We were watching this guy in the wheel well doing a flap buss cable. This was a 1/2 inch cable going too 100 lbs. He asked once how to read the meter. We showed him. He got it backwards. We were out on the wing. All of a sudden we hear a big bang followed by metal tearing. He over torqued a 1/2 in cable. We heard the bang and we were gone. Something that loud no matter where you are you run. If you can hear it it may hurt you. I have been hurt. There is no way around it unless you don't work.. We did get the DC-8 rigged. I'll bet that there aren't to many mechs that can make cables bend tubing and pound rivets and can run and taxi. I hated to taxi. I hated talking to the tower. That is how bashful I am. LOL

I had a guy ask me once how I became the mech that I was. I told him I was scared. If I messed up someone could die. I wasn't kidding. To do a job. You must have paperwork on how to do it. Every precision tool better be caled. You write down the tool # and the cal date. Your sign off has every thing documented. Your MM is stapled to the W/O. You also put your reference on the sign off. We had a saying. The only difference between a Dr. and an aircraft mech was a Dr. buries his mistakes. I know there were people that didn't care. I stayed away from them. My friends lived and breathed aircraft. A certain type of people hung together. We had this lead running the engines one night. Well he couldn't get the engines trimmed. I was suppose to do vibe check. I hated doing them. The vibe tester ran out of cal at midnight. LOL Well they got the engines trimmed at 12:15 am. LOL He goes hook it up. I looked at him and told him it is out of cal. He goes your joking. I lLOL and told him yep 15 mins ago. The manager goes hook it up any way. He looks at the insp. and says you will buy it won't you. I laughed. What is there to buy off? I'm not signing it off. The insp. said heck no I'm not buying it. LMBO He was mad. Yelling why didn't you tell me. I looked at him and said you were bust triming engines for 4 hours. He got quiet. Everyone was laughing. That is the only place I played by the rules.

I was at an out station doing over nights on 727s. We always went out to launch the planes. I was sitting in the back of the plane. This pretty flight attendant comes up to me ans says when you leave can you take the trash with you? I was on my 15th hour on a double. I was the lead. I looked at her and asked why was her legs broke? Wow dudes you would have thought I just lit her hair on fire. Her head started to spin. She starts going off on me. I laugh. Asked her if she knew who she was talking to. I told her they don't pay me enough to carry trash. LOL Well she goes and gets her boss. She comes back and goes what is going on here. I told her I'm not carrying trash. Told her it wasn't signed off on my OJT records. I wasn't trained for it. She goes and gets the ground handler manager. He goes you will take the trash. OK I let it drop. Climbed in the truck and waited for him to come. He took me to the shop I went home. With the trash right where they left it. LMBO I got a phone call from the station manager that day. He asked if he woke me I said no I'm taking my sleeping pills which was a 12 pk of the beast. LOL He goes what is up with the trash. I asked if he would carry it. He said no. I said enough said. Bye Well one morning we were watching the pilots check a CSD out. If it didn't work we had to get a MEL number and defer it. Well she did it again in a wispier to take the trash with him. I was shaking my head NO. He looked at here and told her to ask me. She looked at me as I was shaking my head NO. She goes never mind. We all started cracking up. She called me out on a coffee pot one morning with passengers on board. I go ok what is it doing. She goes it is slow. I asked is it working. She goes yes. I go why did you call me. She goes I'm writing it up. I go please do. She wrote it up. Handed me the logs. I signed it off slow but ops ck gd. Signed it off. You can ground a plane over a coffee pot. She hated me. I wrote up an order for a new one. Swapped it out in 5 secs. Got it when it came back. The other flight attendants laughed when I went on board. If you carry trash once they will expect it every time. Not going to happen.

Have A Nice Day


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I like my Slocomb mikes. Mitsubishi makes mikes, don't know if that's the Japanese you were refering to, but there are more that are good.

I got a cable with em, don't know what you would call it.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
I think it was Mitoyo. Test the TT this morning. Have it going through the Nak deck. Gotta weigh again. Set the speed this morning. Doing some jammin. Forgot how good this Nak sounds. Left the phono amp on all night. It looks a mess it is controlled chaos at its finest. LOL Ah was trying to think who this was. LOL Jimmy Page I don't have the number of LPs some of you have. I have one that is so badly recorded it isn't funny. Spin did the 100 best guitarist list. Was funny I had to laugh.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
To the sounds of nature with a little back ground noise. I try to not get upset over things to much. When Bush passed the anti-terrorism laws I got very upset. I saw it as taking my rights away. Still not happy at all. Where my freedoms are concerned it is wrong.
I got very upset over the killing of an American citizen without a trial.Dude In the last 15 years we have had more freedoms stripped from us than I care to think about. Has the digital world made life better? Ask Zimmerman? In the earlier days of my life. If you could not answer yes to having never heard of this case you were booted from the Jury. Now they are asked do you have an opinion on this case. Give me a break. Am I anti media. NO I read a lot everyday. Now we don't have a 1 kind of press we have them with agendas. I have my panties in a wad with Fox at the moment. So in the mornings when I'm in the house I watch MSNBC. In the house is the disclaimer. LOL

What should we do is the big question. An 870 is looking to be in my future pretty soon. LOL I hate even having the feeling that I may need one. My wife will be home very soon. Gotta love it.

Have A Good Day
