AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Put some Frank Sinatra on. Been sawing have to find my Gorilla glue. May drill some dowel holes and see what I can do. No heat on and sitting with a t-shirt on. Gotta love Frank some times. Pretty mellow music. How could the cops arrest you for blasting Frank at Mach 8.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just woke up again. listening to Kenny Wayne Sheppard. Little grouchy. He does one with Kid Rock. You can hear it. It stands out. About to go on another music journey. John Mayer Trio. the bassist on this is very good. Pino Paladino. The guy is great. A lot of bass players just stand there. This guys does jam.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just lost an hour. More Kenny Wayne Shepard. Bet Sutton thinks I'm going to keep his decks. No Sutton I'm not. I have a 2000 sitting on my bench. This room being done sort of sucks. Made a panel I want to plane. Figuring out how to clamp it so I can plane it down. The planer takes 1/16 off at a time. Max cut at once is 3/8th.

Going to have to wow that thought just went bye bye. LOL Was sitting here thinking. What if all this money I have thrown at this system is for naught. LOL Don't think so. I'm usually pretty close to the sound I am going for when I buy something. May have to save up on somethings for the PL. This is a band I saw at a county fair in Washington. Was pretty cool. I walked right up to the stage. Well not walk. I made my way. Grabbed my girlfriend's hand and said come on . Hang on. Three Dog Night. Saw Arlo in Portland. Was so hung over I got lost going to my girlfriends. Never did it sober. Think I'm turning Japanese and I like it. I really think so.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Well in the garage Joe Satriani is playing. In the house Jeff Beck is playing. Joe is coming off the computer. 480 some tracks on this play list. I pay 4.99 a month. I went through the 10 hours in a day playing with it. That is what they give you free. Some people copy my play lists.

So there is music every where.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Well listening to tull. Room is torn apart. Don't know if I like the floor. To busy for me. Looks nice. You know sometimes customers suck. You still remember they are always right.

Had a customer once. He didn't do business with us ; but he couldn't start his plane. it was the starter solenoid. Looked up the price. 300.00 He about crapped his pants. He took the part and came back about 3 days later. He had a new part in his hand. He asked me how much to put it in. I told him 100.00. I'm done with everything in about 10 mins. Ops Chk good. He had already given me the 100.00. He is waiting with his log book for me to sign it off. I looked at him and I looked at the book. I go whats that. He says here sign it off. I started laughing.No one had said anything about signing it off. That would be another 300.00. The cost of a serviceable part with a yellow tag. That part was a Ford solenoid. He freaked and went to my boss. Well my boss comes out. He goes sign this off. I told him no way. Told him I would pull the part. He signed it off. I laughed a long time.

Had a Piper come in for its annual inspection. Told me to do it. LMBO Found boundary corrosion in both main gear. The corrosion lets you see how the metal is made up. They thought it was going to be a week turn around. LMBO That thing became a hanger queen. Don't ever give me an inspection to do. I was taught you find everything you can to make the shop money. Plus you sign your life to it. People have been known to go to jail and get sued.

Well back to the floor The guy thought he would be done today. I told him no you won't. He got 1/2 done today. Not easy work. He will earn his money.


PS was thinking pics would help me like it more



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to new music that just came out. This band is The Men. This one is Delta Spirit. Trying to think of the sound. I'm a member of some groups on Linked In. Dude they flame each other bad. I stay out of it.

I get these thoughts. I have met all kinds in these groups. LOL I do try to wrap my head around different kinds of thoughts. If I can't see it I ask. That is how I learn. It isn't making fun of anyone. I just don't understand sometimes. Just put the Stones on. Some Girls. Don't care for them very much. Never have. OK here is my thinking. Every thing I do is to tune my base system. The base to me is Amp,Preamp. Everything is chosen to get a certain sound out of it. Over the years I have spent some money on components. Amps and preamps. Still spending. I could have started with a Yorx and said good enough for me. If I hadn't listened to any thing better I would never know. It will be a year till I save up for my next speakers. Nando did you hook up the non-Pioneer speakers?

The french rub is coming out pretty good. I have to rub longer with the rubs. Well it is a gloss. Just softer than gloss lacquer. Yes this is a ramble. I'm a little over the weather. Sweating now. LOL This is the 1st week I have made some money. This week has been good to me.

Still listening to the Stones. Rubbed the wood with the stone some more. Think I'll do the pumice longer. I be learning. LOL Opened the garage door let the cool air in. Doing an order to the UK. Phoenix isn't where I made my money this week. Man it is dark here. LOL The rub is looking alot better. Got all the swirl marks out. Learning.

Have a good day.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Till I get a better offer. Or I quit getting up at 2 AM. Just put on some Lou Reed. Have to check the weather. Gotta go to the store. About to cut this bench down. 55.5 degrees out Think I'll take a journey. Think I'll do some Billy Joel next.

I have a pretty good life. Don't know why everyone is worried about my temper. LOL Dr. trying very hard to keep it in check. Could it be I lost it one time in front of the Dr..This time they asked if I had a gun. I laughed. I think I do pretty good for being in pain 24/7. They won't give me Perc.s Did 3000 grit on my finish. Don't like the polish.

Thinking the Creek goes in the living room. Billy is live in Shea stadium. He can write some good songs. Did the Rotten Stone with the drill. Came out nice. Hope the 10 inch miter comes today. Fedex lost the label. Man finishing blades are not cheap. Getting over the weather at the moment. The guys are on the second room. Have to redo the french doors. Water coming in. Not good. My only customer gets some nice shells. Was looking for a frame for some things. I have a black and white photo of the Beatles. Only 10,000 made. Tony Bennett was just singing. Good voice. The one song Billy sings about Vietnam is my favorite. Does anyone else remember it. The last two we really didn't need boots on the ground. We could have ended it pretty quickly. They now have a 30,000 pound bunker buster. The MOAB was 20,000 pounds. When they tested it in Fla. It felt like an earthquake hundreds of miles away. Do you think the bomb coming out now is for Iran's sake?

Is this soliloquy good for you Lee? I'm trying very hard to keep you reading. Yes I ramble about anything that jumps into this cavern I call a brain. This is my attempt at wit. Nando where are you? Have the saw set up. Just can't run it. It would wake everyone up. Found my Carnuba wax Going to try it on the finish. Just a tad of pain this morning. Ok back to music. This is a good CD if you like Billy.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Who is the piano player from VA. I can't remember his name. Dave Mathews has a wine out. I'm going to miss spell this name for sure. If you like wine try Chateau St. Michell. Very good wine. It is made in WA.



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Yep, I would say the 30,000 pounder with hardened and accelerated cone is due for delivery to te Israelis any day now. We don't need to do Iran, just keep Israel in parts.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
A guy with a temper should have a gun, society is much more civil when everyone's packin.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
laatsch55 said:
A guy with a temper should have a gun, society is much more civil when everyone's packin.
Carried a 22 magnum derringer for awhile. Pulled it once. Guy was going to cut me. I asked him how smart he was as I pulled the pistol. Bring a knife to a gun fight. Carried a Buck knife for years. Only pulled it twice. I am calm till you try something or do something to me. I am listening to Everclear. Back in those days the only life I cared about was mine. I was a little guy. I lived around people it was put up or shut up. How many of you have been in a real bikers bar. I sat there and made fun of Harleys. I had ridden Harleys and I had ridden Jap bikes. They tolerated me. LOL I made sense in what I said. Their come back was yea but. We sat at the bar and played liars poker and did illegal drugs. A good time was had by all. I was pretty crazy in my 20s. A guy about 6'3" tall and about 250 lbs hit me one time in the face. It knocked me back 3 steps and then I said you shouldn't have done that. He goes I want no part of you. You took my best shot and didn't go down. When I was drinking I felt no pain. I'm not saying I was a bad ass. I just protected myself

Just put on some Meatloaf. I like some of his music. Found my saw that Fedex lost. Will be here Tuesday. Need a good pair of corner clamps. End cuts are usually darker than the other wood and I don't want that. Robert if I use a sealer on Rosewood will that allow me to finish it the way I want. This stuff dries very fast. Going to do some yard work today. Sitting here shaking my head. Lot of work to do in this house. May have an audio yard sale. I have a lot of stuff I didn't know I even had. Will start posting things. Alot will be just pay shipping.



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Speaking of lost freight. I bought some power switches from Ed Blackwood's kid, seems they took a side trip to Hawaii.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to the Beastie Boys this morning. Wow I have half the table clean. You guys have been talking about wires. I'm not going to get into it. I know what I think. Will leave it at that.

Just put some Warren Haynes on. Will probably do some B-52s in a bit.

No use arguing about certain audio things. Wires and other things being put into the path. I try to keep it as pure as I can. If it is a bad CD I just won't play it. I don't argue about it. Been called a snob and a few other things for my beliefs LOL Just like a duck I just let it roll off my back. When you know you just smile and let them go. LOL No use fighting over it. Sent my clear tops. Just got my black plates.

I think it is funny. I can read something 100 times and I don't get it. Then all of a sudden I read it again and it is clear as day. So I need to read more on the tubes.

Yes I'm getting over the weather. Gotta love it. LOL Took pics of my rug for the room. It is smaller than the last one. This one is 8X5. It is a tad bit brighter. It is called Rainbow. Carly thought I should put my desk in the closet. Would give me a lot more room. The feds gave me 4.00 more for my mileage to go to the Dr. because I have a military desirability. So it is good in one way that the gas has went up. Was 0.50 a mile. Who knows what it is now. Well it is 3 AM do you know where your children are?

Well it is time to get the sticky stuff for the flies. In the Air Force we had a joke. Lifers are like flies. They eat crap and bother people. LOL I wasn't a good soldier. I was a good mech though. I got an Honorable Discharge. Just a little early. Unable to adjust to military life. Go figure. LOL Me adjust to anything. You know there are things you just can't do. I can not weld. On Oxy Acetaline or Gas welding they wanted 100% . I gave them 100%. I was good at filling holes. LOL Arc welding I was a stick sticker. It looked like a porcupine with all the sticks sticking on it. Just could not get the welding thing down. I passed the test that is all that matters. Think I'll go measure my desk.

We got some stainless steel appliances. My wife has small hands. She drags her fingers across it at every handle. Don't buy it. I hate cleaning it. It is an endless chore. Looks nice but man. LOL

Just put on some B-52s. May do some Talking Heads. Just went to Speaking in Tongues. Not my favorite one. Will do though.

Have A Good Day


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Doing some Butthole surfers this morning. Working on things to get the sound room going. Get this working I will do Suttons deck. If I drop the clip Sutton you may need to order more. LOL am going to try something though. So many nice woods and so little money. LOL

Have A Good Day



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Well it is AM. Have Little Feat on. Did some sanding. My lacquer sputtered while I was shooting. So I am trying to smooth it out. Well next stop is Ozone alley. Checking out the tweeters while I'm there. You know most things that emit a spark create ozone gases in open air any way. Built a Jacob's Ladder once takes some serious voltage to bridge a 12 inch gap. I threw everything at it but the kitchen sink. Did it up the ladder twice then kicked the breaker. LOL I was stepping up 220. I would try one transformer. If that didn't work then I would add a bigger one. Even had fluorescent ballast in it. If I remember right we were up to 40,000 volts. Always had fun in electricity.

Well I moved the speakers and the CD cabinet into the sound room. The CD cabinet was heavy. Using those sliders you see on TV. Isn't that easy. Trying to make room in the garage just to walk. If anyone is expecting a package from me if I can't carry it on my scooter don't hold your breath. The sound room puter is down till I do some upgrades.

Getting it ready to bring the one pair of Epos in the garage. Hook them up to the HK. I have an Onkyo 6
disc CDP in here. Have a Denon somewhere else. Have some small CVs I think D-1s or D-5s. Have been refoamed. Danny wants to build me a pair of 20-21s out of rosewood. I would have to take out a 2nd mortgage. LOL Haven't talked to Mark in awhile. Wondering which CDP will go in the living room. I know the Creek is going there. Wondering what else.

Oh the music is Waiting On Columbus. Good Cd if you don't have it. Ranks right up there with How The West Was Won. Ok how many more are going to do the Pink Led tape. Rex set your peaks and record 2 songs. May take you half an hour. I just don't have a system set up to record. If you want to do more just throw in an extra tape. Trust me no one will get mad. LOL Sometimes I like making tapes.

Amazon is going to robotic warehouse workers.

Have A Good Day