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  1. stuwee

    Hey Hey, My My...A book for us speaker freaks Woof, whatta book for the 'ol coffee table!! At $130+ it ain't cheap, looks cool and should we all chip in and then send it 'round? Please no Cheetos eaters...etc... and no masturbaters over the awesome pictures :la:
  2. stuwee

    Meridian MQA audio

    I wasn't sure where to post this since I have no idea WTF it really is :tongue4: It sounds like a fantastic upgrade to digital listening, some of my buds at the Martin Logan forum heard samples at the recent CES...
  3. stuwee

    Drones light up in Germany

    Maybe old news but, still very cool I'd love this in my man cave, late at night, brandy in one hand, big green doobie in the other :happy2:
  4. stuwee

    New martin Logans No doubt the stu loves his 'stats!! 25K for the new bad boys? I gotta hear them 1st!! The Neolithes at $80,000+ are waaaay outta my range... I'm more than happy with my Summits!
  5. stuwee

    Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! David Bowie just passed away

    Shit! Fuck!! And goddammit!!!
  6. stuwee

    Gonna see the new Star Wars movie tomorrow!!

    I'm off and it's date night for John and I, no 3-D IMAX for me, this theater has recliners, made from scratch restaurant....and a F'n full bar :hello1: Should I hide my lightsaber in the popcorn bucket?? :toothy5:
  7. stuwee

    I finally hit my magic ebay # 777

    I've been a long time ebay member and wanted to hit 777 and tonight I did! This is my next buy hopefully, a very nice hard to find Corgi/Dinky from the '70s with 4 people in the car, I don't know how...
  8. stuwee

    Happy Birthday Lazarus Short And nadude98!!!!

    Hope ya'll have a goodun' :hello1:
  9. stuwee

    A Very happy birthday to Lee!!!

    Happy 60th to ya buddy!! Many, many more...can't wait to see ya !! :happy2:
  10. stuwee

    An interview with Roger Sanders

    Very interesting interview from a brilliant man in audio, you have a big 1st part about electrostatic speakers then he goes into his amp designs, read his white paper links for some juicy good stuff from a true master!!
  11. stuwee

    'Absolutely Fabulous' new movie in 2016

    Pat's, Eddie are back :hello1: Drinking, doing drugs and chasing gorgeous under aged males :happy2:
  12. stuwee

    1930's style ribbon microphones make a huge comeback!

    Made right here in Tucson AZ, Too cool for school :toothy5: , the pre-amp looks especially juicy :happy2: , hat's off to designer Rodger Cloud for using Mr. Olson and Mr. Sank's technology from the '30's to bring some warmth...
  13. stuwee

    DVD-Recorder Q's

    Since my beloved Onyx CD-2 decided to quit working and, the cheapo BluRay player I bought to be able to play CDs recently quit working as well. I saw this DVD-R deck on CL I'm wondering if it will record audio CD-R's, if so it might be worth...
  14. stuwee

    Stu's bitch/rant

    Many of ya'll know I'm a rabid NASCAR fan. Mike Helton the CEO says no more Confederate flags allowed at races :angry8: F U Mr. Helton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where the hell do you think this motorsport came...
  15. stuwee

    Digital cameras, need input...

    Hey all, I have $300 in ebay bucks from my recent purchases and I can throw another $300 to buy a nice new rig, markWcomer, I respect your opinion greatly, I didn't PM you because I wanted as much input as I can get, my ocd and spreadsheet mania sets in, also, I'm not rich and need to spend...
  16. stuwee

    A James B. SST Preamp transformer!! Woof!!

    Hey boys and girls, I'd love to hear what ya'll think of this puppy, Lee, would it integrate into the Theobe? Or would that be a waste...
  17. stuwee

    Uh Oh, oooNoooo! SAE Pre might have taken a hit!

    Yesterday morning the power went off, my SAE P102 won't come out of standby, it flashes the meter salute then goes back dormant. Everything is plugged into high quality surge protectors, nothing else was hurt. The SAE P102 is a 'computer direct line' series unit, all switches are fed to the...
  18. stuwee

    The Voice 2015

    Lot's of talent however, I'm obsessed with this Sarah girl, here duel mate Hannah is no slouch either...they sang 'Gimme Shelter' I love women who can show the boys how it should really be done, YMMV...
  19. stuwee

    Asleep at the wheel, not the band...the Detriot bus No one hurt Dayum!!
  20. stuwee

    Anti-cable speaker wires

    First, thank you Nick Danger for the set!! :hello1: When I opened the bag, I was like what are these little spaded wires for? As opposed to the longer banana on one end spade on the other wires. Doing research it looks like bi-wiring and parrell bi-wiring might be the use for them. Look about...