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  1. stuwee

    Shure steps up to the plate with electrostatic 'phones!!

    Am I excited?? Doh! My old AKG 340's electrostatic/dynamic 'phones from the 1980's were beyond the bomb! I'm not sure how these will stack up to my old memories, very willing to give them a shot since my days are most folks nights...
  2. stuwee

    Want your mid blown? look at this rig...

    I'm putting this under 'speakers' cuz, I don't know where else it would go...the Thorens Reference Turntable made purple gas cum outta the top of my blown off skull :hello1:, the horn speakers as well :laughing8: :laughing8...
  3. stuwee

    The 2016 Summer Olympic Games Thread

    Hookay fellow sports lovers, here we go! What do you love? Do you care? Thouusands of wonderful young folks and some a bit older are putting their hearts on stage for you and me... I love everything about the games, love putting on some great tunes, blasting while I watch...then I saw this...
  4. stuwee

    Ozzy and Jacks' World Detour on the history channel tonight

    It's on right now, how great to see Ozzy back on telly :shaking2:, bless his heart, he just keeps going, and going and going!! He's been through so much!
  5. stuwee

    Yes Fans!! Say yea! Oldie but goodie... Steve Howe holds his guitar right up to his nips!! nO one plays like that! Jon has the voice of an angel :angel10: Chris...
  6. stuwee

    The Sumo Electra Plus preamp review

    Hmmm, where to start? It's much clearer and cleaner sounding than the Yamaha, the wonderful soundstage is about the same which is great!! Maybe a tad deeper. John actually said it sounds better, and that's alot coming from his non audiophile ass :laughing7:. It's very butch looking, nice...
  7. stuwee

    Need a preamp, like right F'n Now!!

    I always have a back up amp/pre wise...lost my lovely SAE P102 last year, now the Yammie has given up on me!!!! :angryfire: I can get one channel on cassette, the other on LP, nothing on digital...yeah, I swapped cables, made John pick up the 90lb SAE to balance it....F'n Shi-te!! I have about...
  8. stuwee

    Let's talk about gorillas and stupid human parents...

    I assume everyone has seen the video of the boy in the clutches of a teenage silverback gorilla at the Cincinnati zoo? I saw an animal trying to help a young boy that had fallen into his lair, the crowds started screaming and the gorilla kind of freaked, dragging the boy around, same as it would...
  9. stuwee

    Marantz HD880 or 770 parts WTB

    K, so as much as John loves these big boxes, since I got them for free, I talked him into gifting them to my girlfriend Sheryl, both need woofers, one needs tweeter and super tweeter. Not alot of parts out there, if you come across some, please let me know, thanks guys!! :love4:
  10. stuwee

    No mention of the passing of Prince?

    Steven, didn't you see this...I know ya did! I didn't go online Thursday I was so upset, just pulled every Lp I had of his and spun...1999 to Sign 0 the Sexy Motherfucker on CD, God, he was half time show at the super bowl in the last decade!! R.I.P my friend, you...
  11. stuwee

    Cave house in Bisbee Arizona

    John and I are obsessed with this house, 3 dipping pools outside, Solid rock walls, clean fresh water daily into the house! constant temp throughout the year! Safe from Zombies...
  12. stuwee

    Help for tinnitus

    Most of us have it to some degree, I blame mine on many, many loud rock concerts in the '70's and '80's. Plus numerous car races too many to count throughout my life. I consider mine mild for what Ive put my ears through. When it's quiet, I hear what I think sounds like cicada's, it's very low...
  13. stuwee

    My problem

    So I've chosen one of the most difficult speakers to drive with an amplifier. I made my choice, bought, paid, and shipped to my home. I'm beyond in love and can't imagine any thing else...pretty sick eh?? could ya's please read the following and leave comments on amps for me? Thankee buddies...
  14. stuwee

    Anyone catch the iheartradio '80's concert at the L A Forum on TV?

    Pretty amazing show! Billy Idol, Missing Persons, Rick Springfield and saving the best for last....Culture Club...Boy George's voice in very fine shape :hello1: Wow! Just Wow!
  15. stuwee

    Welcome Joeparaski

    Hello Joe! Guys and gals I invited Joe to join our cool, anything goes, have fun group of audio nuts, he owns the SAE 2400 I posted about here, Welcome Joe, I've never posted a video here but, I'm sure my buds...
  16. stuwee

    I don't ask for these kinda things very often, some prayers needed

    One of my customers and now a good friend has an 11 year old nephew with a brain tumor, he's a sweet kid and I was talking with his mother yesterday since I went though what he's gonna go through, and Damn, shit started welling up. I did my best. I couldn't finish the phone call. his name is...
  17. stuwee


    Kinda old news, but Linda has lost her voice, I grew up listening to her and the Stone Ponys...aka soon to be The Eagles, I had the pleasure of serving her food at the place I worked at, she loves Akita's as do I, I hope she remembers me...:love9:
  18. stuwee

    Marantz HD880 speaks

    These are a bit tatty in the cab department, not bad but a bit beyond me. One works perfect, the attenuation controls work as they should, the other has no sound from the tweeter and the supertweeter, both have nasty non original woofers with surrounds on the way out. They were FREE! John LOVES...
  19. stuwee

    SAE A1001 amp questions help!

    stu needs some help, anyone close to Wardsweb...aka luther on other forums? I've loved this amp beyond anything I've had...but,my recent speaker purchace made my S/O ask for more power~! The SAE shuts down for a few milliseconds on power over 200wpc. The Martin Logan Summit's have a 400 watt...
  20. stuwee

    My Christmas gift to myself, all leather Batman Biker Jacket

    1st, George nice to have you back and feeling much better!!! :angel10: My only xmas gift was from here at Phx, so I saw this jacket on line and bought just for me! It came today and I LOVE IT!!