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  1. Lazarus Short

    A Worthy Antenna

    I have one of those Radio Shack powered antennas - the one that looks like a flying saucer on a pedestal...with rabbit ears. I have not been too fond of powered antennas, having used Terks in the past, but yesterday I decided on a hecksperiment. I matched it up with a power supply and...
  2. Lazarus Short

    Ever put a cap in backwards? These guys did more than a few.

    What this world needs is a good, solid-state capacitor.
  3. Lazarus Short

    Mounting bracket between the garage door springs

    The crack in the board tells me it's under tension. Consult an expert.
  4. Lazarus Short

    Pending argument ?

    OK, I'll raise you these - Acoustic Reseach Master Series Silver Component Video Cables...with locking RCA's - I found them at a local thrift for $13:
  5. Lazarus Short

    Pending argument ?

    A visit to Phoenix just isn't complete without a "HUH?".
  6. Lazarus Short

    Pending argument ?

    "Wire" we even discussing this? I'd rather talk about all the non-copper (to put it mildly) signal-carrying metal inside components...
  7. Lazarus Short

    Pending argument ?

    Line-level cables: The only difference I ever heard was when my not-terribly-expensive Cable Talk cables stopped passing signal. My cable collection was smaller in those days, and thus my choices were I tried a pair of component video cables. They actually sounded better than...
  8. Lazarus Short

    New Music and Music Genres

    This is SO much better than the Beatles original...IMHO.
  9. Lazarus Short

    I Killed My Cyrus Today

    There were artifacts in the signal and I had to jiggle the source selector from time to time. So, the other day, I pulled the Cyrus out and put in the Luxman, which I connected to the power amp with some fairly high-end AR component video cables. It sounds really good for once. As for the...
  10. Lazarus Short

    Funny pictures...

    An amazing photo of a swamp turtle meeting a dragonfly. Photo by Tzahi_finkelstein instagram account — with...
  11. Lazarus Short

    New Music and Music Genres

    I picked up my used copy of "Never Cry Wolf" today - it's highly readable, and Mowat has quite a low-key sense of humour, besides a gentle contempt of most scientists and bureaucrats. He's written more books than you can shake a stick at...
  12. Lazarus Short

    Hi All, Been flat out lately......

    Go for the gold.
  13. Lazarus Short

    Serious preamp (line amp) question:

    How about battery power with automatic recharging when turned off?
  14. Lazarus Short

    Serious preamp (line amp) question:

    So far, I think you have it well thought out.
  15. Lazarus Short

    Serious preamp (line amp) question:

    Many years ago I was lucky enough to score a TM-1001 tuner from a fellow who also owned an Ampzilla and two huge Saba speakers - he raved about it and after I used it I raved about it too. It was one of the best tuners I ever owned. Then I goofed, went to my local Radio Shack and bought the...
  16. Lazarus Short

    Hello new to the forum
