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  1. Lazarus Short

    New Music and Music Genres

    I did read Barry Lopez's "Of Wolves and Men" years ago, but until the other day, I thought what Mowat wrote about wolves was fiction. Now I'm interested...
  2. Lazarus Short

    New Music and Music Genres

    There were two references on FB today about the movie "Never Cry Wolf." I got involved with watching trailers of it and decided to watch it later. THEN I found the soundtrack on Ewetoob - here it is: I heartily recommend the movie as well. If your heart doesn't swell within you at the end...
  3. Lazarus Short

    Funny pictures...

    Barb offers: "I tried it, and it still won't fit."
  4. Lazarus Short

    Funny pictures...

    For Sale or Trade: Fixer-upper raised (and dropped) ranch, perfect for a young couple who have watched a lot of HGTV. Also, Ford F-150 for sale...needs minor repair. Bring flatbed trailer.
  5. Lazarus Short

    Always a day late

    You could buy a REAL turntable for that kind of money. I would not take it home if it were's like trepanation - I need it like I need a hole in the head.
  6. Lazarus Short

    Funny pictures...

    I let speaker cable run along the floor...bare wood or carpet, so I must be among the unwashed. In my shop system, the speaker cables are hung from the ceiling, so it would be the analog of risers. Now that I think about it, that system does sound very good.
  7. Lazarus Short

    Funny pictures...

    Yes, very polite...for AK. "I say old boy, did you know that sixteen-gauge speaker cable is adequate for most applications?" "I did not! Do you mean to tell me that the $900 I just recently spent on speaker cable was all for nothing? Goodness, gracious!" "My man, I do hope you're not too put...
  8. Lazarus Short

    Klipsch - share your thoughts

    In fact, at a local audio meet, I was astonished to hear a KG4 with full Crites mods - it was one of the best speakers I ever heard. On the other hand, while in Carlsbad, NM, I picked up a rough pair of Hereseys for a hundred bucks. They sounded OK, but when it came time to move back up here...
  9. Lazarus Short

    An Addition to the Adage "Wear Pants When Soldering"

    I was working on the front brake of my step-daughter's mountain bike this evening. As I usually do, I plugged in the 35-watt iron to put a bit of solder on the end of the cable, so that it would not fray. I laid down a sheet of cardboard so hot solder would not damage the shop rug (it's a...
  10. Lazarus Short

    Shure V15-V

    It's not in grapplesaw's listing, but I bought a used T4P V15 a few years ago, but it lost a channel soon after.
  11. Lazarus Short

    Funny pictures...

    My time on NextDoor (it got to where I was unable to log in) showed me that our insular neighborhood has less crime and general problems than those around it.
  12. Lazarus Short

    Onkyo Preamp P-304

    Welcome to the Phoenix Audio Forum! There are lots of good preamps out there, but in my experience, features and performance are in an inverse relationship, all else being equal...which it rarely is.
  13. Lazarus Short

    This is the BEST video about LOUDSPEAKER CABLES that you will see all year

    That's what I use too, in the main biwire.
  14. Lazarus Short

    I Killed My Cyrus Today

    Maybe I just did not notice how good the Cyrus pre sounded with the first set of output cables, but with the second set of the same brand & model of cable, the sound is quick and dynamic. I have been listening over the past two days to all of the Fresh Aire CD's, one through eight, and I know...
  15. Lazarus Short

    33 engines

    Wow - I remember the failed USSR moon rocket having about that many engines. They lacked the computer technology to coordinate that many engines, so they never went to the moon...or so I read, years ago.
  16. Lazarus Short

    what are you listening to?

    In the past I listened to Switched-On Bach, where JSB met the Keystone Kops. Now, here I am listening to the Canon in D...slowed down 400%. Liking it too.
  17. Lazarus Short

    Funny pictures...

    Q: Why do women twirl their hair at stoplights? A: Because they don't have nuts to scratch.
  18. Lazarus Short

    what are you listening to?

    After "Hoedown" and the "Overture from Candide" I'm listening to a fav: the New World Symphony.
  19. Lazarus Short

    New Music and Music Genres

    Here's a newish band, Tierro, playing what they call "Gypsy Grass." Several tracks are on the PS Audio website, so have a listen: