Search results

  1. Lazarus Short

    James Webb Space Telescope hit by tiny meteoroid

    They should have seen it coming...pun intended. No, really, why did we NEVER hear of it happening to the Hubble telescope, and it has been in orbit how many years?
  2. Lazarus Short

    Hello all from Fresno CA

    Welcome! What power amp are you using?
  3. Lazarus Short

    Wanted to reintroduce myself.

  4. Lazarus Short

    SILCLEAR Silver Contact Enhancer

    As a component of grease, silver may not tarnish. This stuff may actually work and though I am sensitive to snake oil, it's the price that puts me off, even though it is reasonable, given the silver content. I'm really on the fence on this one.
  5. Lazarus Short

    New Music and Music Genres

    Here's a lovely tune by the Swedish band Garmarna:
  6. Lazarus Short

    Vangelis Has Passed
  7. Lazarus Short

    End of the Road for Onkyo

    Yes, the trade mark may well survive, but I don't expect it will be placed on gear as we remember the brand.
  8. Lazarus Short

    End of the Road for Onkyo

  9. Lazarus Short

    Fecal Transplants Reverse Hallmarks of Aging

    That puts a whole new spin on "Eat shit and die."
  10. Lazarus Short

    The Astounding Eyes Of Rita - Anouar Brahem

    That was enjoyable - thanks! A couple of times, though, I thought the recording could have used a Glenn Gould hum filter...;)
  11. Lazarus Short

    New Music and Music Genres

    Years ago I bought an LP of the "Siena Pianoforte" - an old and very ornate piano...once owned by the King of Italy. The tone was wonderful. Rather than drag Barb downstairs to hear the LP, I looked it up on Ewetoob, and here it is. The photo at least, is better than the LP jacket.
  12. Lazarus Short

    what are you listening to?

    Barb and I once visited the Roger Miller Museum in Erick, Oklahoma (just off I-40). I got to read early drafts of famous songs - fascinating. Currently, taking a rest while otherwise cleaning out the area under the stairs in the basement...while listening to the local FM classical station.
  13. Lazarus Short

    I can’t even afford a cup of coffee…

    Coffee promoters have been using the language of wine aficionados. I buy coffee at the local salvage grocery and make it up in my French press...for pennies a cup. How the hell does ANYONE justify coffee @ 72 bucks a cup? Some people must not live in the same universe I do.
  14. Lazarus Short

    Hello from Ontario

  15. Lazarus Short

    Hi guys

    WELCOME! You've come to the right place.
  16. Lazarus Short

    Von Schweikert VR4 speakers

    Asking for two grand and GOING for two grand are two different things...
  17. Lazarus Short

    Head groove-o-mania

    It's just another variation of "Your gear is junk...and my gear is excellent."
  18. Lazarus Short

    Pick a Pick a Preamp

    I swapped my FX-01 the other day for some cash and a Douk Audio passive preamp. I tried it out with the Pig and the Ohm F speakers (here on loan, sort of) and it all sounded kinda mediocre until I cranked it to about 20 watts of output...then it sang. Now, for normal listening on my main...