It's getting late...


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I'm stuck on where some of the panel tabs go to.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
No matter if vBulletin 4 is working right or not at the moment...I'm loading 7 on the Gateway 310S I have. Might as well take some time to get things running on a couple more while I'm killing myself moving things and cleaning. I's plum tuckered.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Phoebe had a floppy, just forgot to switch it on in the setup, and for some reason the editing icons work here.:iroc:


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Now I think I know why...

Alison ran her HP Vision diagnostics and...

You guessed it.


Blocks cannot be written to or read, drive is failing.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I don't know and seriously doubt that had anything to do with the problems I've had using vB 4 on her.

Phoebe and Emily ran okay and I'm still working on getting Valerie going. Caroline had a couple minor glitches but I think we'll get there.

Yes, there is a computer forum I'm on but it's older, pretty quiet and suffered a big database blowup over three weeks ago...the DB is pretty fragile so the owner/IT admin put up a page with no links to announce it. WHEE.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I've got all of Emily's RAM in Valerie, 3 GB (2.87 usable)...or is it Phoebe? Need more for Emily.

Anyhoo, I finally got that bent IDE pin back and got the cable back on so all I have left to do is fix the stupid Windows Update Viagra can't download/get it on thing.

The other Vostro is next (Phoebe's sister) and then back to Derek's board to get it going finally. I am SO out of SATA cables for all of the hard drives and DVD drives and I still have to replace Alison's hard drive and reload 7 after she died just as I got the last data saved...she was brave, and I'm running out of SATA hard drives...3 bazillion IDEs tho. Perhaps if I can hard wire the drive enclosure power supplies or something then I can use them for a boost. Wee...

If Valerie works well with 3 GB she just might become the bedroom unit and do some media duty.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Well, I almost had Valerie wrapped up again but I seems to have hit something and canceled the updating accidentally just as it was creating a restore point and now it needs to download the digital blue pill again :sigh:

At least I got a ton of dishes and a laundry load done waiting.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Some things have me confused...all about memory.

My Dell Dimension E310/3100 "Emily" has a 533 MHz FSB. She does not like 800 MHZ/PC 6400 RAM. maybe 667/PC 5300 will work...

Vostro 410 uses PC 5400/PC6400 (667/800)...I have but ONE 6400

But I have a TONNE of PC3200 (400 MHz) in 256 and 512MB, only 2 memory slots.

I have THREE PC(3?)12800/1600 MHz, two 1333MHz with cooling fins and even a PC3-8500, one PC6400/800.

I am not having a lot of luck with getting RAM in a decent amount on the boards.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Well, I got a card reader installed in Phoebe...I wonder if the AA batteries in the camera are about shot and is that how I get the lines in the picture. The camera is supposed to tell me when it's getting low on power as far as I remember.

We started with THIS:

YAY 001.jpg YAY 009.JPG YAY 016.jpg

And are currently left with this:

YAY 017.JPG YAY 021.jpg

So we are slowly moving away from the poor, broken down floppy disc camera of the 1990s to the card based version. The floppy drive is removed and the card reader installed in it's place.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
And meh on pictures for a while, it's radio, imagine stuff.

Just like high school football on AM radio with the announcer telling you the home team is running from the left side of the dial :)


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
It's true that Microsoft had a rollup patch to remove all the GWX related updates...

the free downloading ended 2-3 months ago and they're just shredding the documents. Now you get to howl about their new WEBMAIL...

Whatever. I expect to lose hundreds of saved PMs and really important messages from the Hotmail daze on, maybe ten-twelve years worth, or have a lot of hassle finding them when the migration is completed (hasn't reached me yet).

It's really making a stink on the Microsoft Answers site (you know, PEER TO PEER, with 'moderators' having strange names reading from a script about how sorry they are, causing xenophobia and bad flashbacks about cable TV and the phone company)...

Next time, let AMERICANS do the job, we screw it up CORRECTLY!

Meanwhile, the P2P thing is starting to bite MS in the butt as people grow tired of guessing and want real MS people to fix things NOW...they must not realize Windows 7 Home Premium is out of free online support now.

More and more people are expressing their regrets at ever having 'upgraded' to 10, they don't like it, it's junk etc.

Now Microsoft is sending out patches to 'make 7 and 8.1 more secure/stable', but with the mistrust made by all this 10 nonsense and the modern American who is totally running in circles and worn out as it is, thinking nothing they do works or matters, will people just start turning the updating off, whether some updates are really needed or not...and will they just continue to believe that 7 is being broken by the patches to make them use 10?

In 25 years, Apple Mac has become almost an afterthought and Linux is still a toy OS.

And I see those tablets with detachable keyboards like I see beer.

If you have to add fruits or chocolate or whatever to make it taste good, you were meant to drink rum and whiskey.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Yes, and I finally got the house done and passed the re-inspection so I'm here until I have to hook up with a bag lady.

If I could get ahold of two 1 GB or 2 GB 400 or 533 MHz PC2 DIMMS I could at least get Emily to do 2-maybe 3 usable GB without throttling Valerie back.

I discovered something very interesting...apparently the latest version of Adblock Plus either didn't install correctly or isn't showing in the taskbar but I'll be damned if the pages it's not blocking ads on at all load very quickly now in some cases where they were total dogs. Maybe Valerie's Home Premium needs reloading.

Phoebe has 4 GB (3.25 usable). I try to work in here (second bedroom) because the cat really needs sleep after all she's gone through with me cleaning for the last few weeks. Valerie can cook if she's set up right though. Alison will get loaded again now, I didn't have the time for a while. I have a rally nice looking case for Derek's motherboard but am stopped at come board connections and the fact that one of the tabbed wires has on tab on the end and what IS it for? You put things aside when you have a lot to do.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
It all depends on the speed and type. I'll look it up again.

If Jani's old computer still works good going to Windows 7 will probably help it. Windows 8.1 and 10 will be a pain, if they work at all. Depends on how old it is...Early 2000's computers may not have the features Microsoft demanded for 8.1 up.

Since you use your computer for your business, you don't have the room to mess around but she can use Linux or try a lot of things you may not be able to and still get good use from her computer.

I was trying to help a person on Microsoft's Answers site yesterday who had FOUR partitions/boot options...get this: 10, 7 Ultimate, XP and OS/2! I thought that was pretty impressive but told them they probably should get another PC for the XP and OS/2, the problems they were having with deleting spam were probably compounded by not knowing which OS was updated fully or which rollup had a bad update to address and how do you deal with System Restore like that?

That's why I'm no fan of 10 to start with and it just gets crazier after dual booting.

I got my turntable parts today but the cassettes from Shotwell won't be here until Monday. I MIGHT have the hinges for the Pioneer PL-4 I'm giving a friend after the speed blip is fixed but I have to sort through stuff today. Cereal isn't quite as good without a little sweetener.

Why do I have about a zillion VCR type belts neatly arranged in stacked plastic boxes with the fuses and other assorted stuff and I don't have a bead on turntable hinges? Bread loaves would be cool too. Hamburgers become finger sammiches when all you get at the food bank is artisan stuff, oval shaped and thin sliced.

The house is clean though.

You get the What are you doing today post here because I just got up and I've been in meh mode for the entire weekend but still working. Sleep is nice.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable

or TESTY...whatever.

All of the vB 4 sites I use are doing the same shit with composing posting editing...not wearing protection or whatever.

So I once again rolled back IE 8 and started over to see if it will work again.

You can post but the window never shuts, it's posted but try again, you'll get the duplicate post error the thread up again and it's there, compoing and editing, other stuff. Ran scans, pan and scanned Ran and played Ram Jam, sam I Am.

If I have to sit here all night I'll have eaten all the little bag of Tootsie Roll Midgees, whhe a bender of sorts.

okay, here goes nothing.

Whee something worked, and I killed about 20 hotfixes too. I do that every time.