It's getting late...


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
The USB external drive was good to go without the driver disk, XP just assimilated it happily and the transference has begun!

The Evo is back and loaded with XP Pro and although my friend say it has a number of swollen caps to his knowledge it was working great.

Two things I am still looking for:

2 512 MB SDRAM modules, 133 MHz preferred for a Dell GX-240 (the early i845? chipset made to run on SDRAM...I'm not going to get goofy on it but XP on it (2000 is on right now) and finding the ATi Rage 128 dirver for the low profile video and it will see duty in the workshop.

I have another Dell, Dimension 8250...the case is really neat but the motherboard is that horrid RDRAM one. It uses a convetional ATX PS so if I could find a motherboard with 4 PCI and an AGP slot that will handle a decent amount of RAM (like maybe 2 GB or so or DDR type) and SATA perhaps or another large drive or something.

Well, I'm just rambling at the moment but I know what I want, I just don't have it figured out. You don't need to ask right now.

I'd had the Dimension 2350 off line for about an hour now and the files transfer is close to being done for the media files. then some other files.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Steve, I pretty much got rid of all my computer parts that are not pci-e or DDR3 or newer.

I have friend that sells, parts out and works on computers everyday but he sells his parts on ebay. He might have some of the older parts, but I know him well enough to know he won't give them away..:rabbit:


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I'll work on that...right now I'm shuttting down for setup on the Evo and maintenance on these two.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I'm working on the Evo now, wisely decided to get some things moved into the sheds and clean, get some sleep at a good hour and I awoke at 5 something this morning and went back to work.

I like the desktop image he installed, looks like the artwork from Bat Out Of Hell II: Back From Hell kinda a motorcycle riding skeleton with long hair and a biker jacket riding out of the grave :)

Back to work, I want to get the re-inspection done and over with by Thursday if I can help it.

Well, goodness, I've already found two issues at 95% of a full AVG scan.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I still don't have floppies (GREMLINS. I SWEAR, BUT I'VE got two new Mitsumi drives any more cables...

That's getting nutsy when three computers all hate the A: drive.

Well, I went to another place and here are some pics.



Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
I'd lose the A: drive altogether Steven. Unless you plan on running windows 98 on it.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
I still don't have floppies (GREMLINS. I SWEAR, BUT I'VE got two new Mitsumi drives any more cables...

That's getting nutsy when three computers all hate the A: drive.

Well, I went to another place and here are some pics.
Ooooooh Fishsticks Yummy. :rabbit:

I think his digital camera uses floppies so he needs a floppy drive to work.

I all you computers are giving you fits then it is probably a defective disc, toss it and try another. Really the only things that could go wrong are bad disc, bad drive or bad cable. It is possible the floppy controller can go bad, but not on a bunch of machines all at the same time. I'd say it is a bad disc or cable.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
MORE PICTURES...I'm going to have all of this done in time for a Friday reinspection.

I got ahold of Rex finally...that's taken care of. The pipes and antenna topper are gone, the topper is for sale and at my BIL's because it's easier to sell it over in Nampa-Ontario, Oregon is a ways to drive.

I bought the same amount of food as last month and had to spend even more, it's getting sick. So I'm still paying the electric bill. Everything else is taken care of. The food bill is all related to drought, corn being diverted to getting a car drunk (ethanol), which created a feed shortage, which in turn prompted beef farmers to cull their herds, the price of anything related going stupid and on top of that there's a virus killing off droves of young pigs that's making pork prices soar.

So now you know. You can't live on $740 and 78 bucks in stamps when you are hit like this for at least a couple months...still, the crunch is a lot more stupid than it was the last time. I don't drive, I don't do a lot of anything and I pinch and figure out every cent.

There are a bunch of us there right now...

Last pics and I'm going back home to clean and get ready to pass finally.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
By the way, I finally figured out I could EMAIL myself the bookmarks file.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
By the way, I finally figured out I could EMAIL myself the bookmarks file.
Yep I do that all the time. not with bookmark files, b ut all sorts of files I send them to one of my eamil addresses and just store them online in my ISP's email space, then I can log into my eamil from anywhere and have access to the files.


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Yep I do that all the time. not with bookmark files, b ut all sorts of files I send them to one of my eamil addresses and just store them online in my ISP's email space, then I can log into my eamil from anywhere and have access to the files.
That's Ratchet! :rabbit:


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I've got 3 XP computers and a 2000 Pro Dell GX-240 running...I will go back to this during the weekend.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Tings were hunky dory until last night when I started the AMD up and got this loud buzz/hum noise. I thought it could be one of the fans but all of them were cleared and unobstructed.

Then the bad news...


I went through BIOS but that didn't cure it and I checked my connections to no avail. I'm on the Dell again for a short while.

It's sounding like the 750 GB SATA drive either died or something but I can see them in BIOS just fine so now I wonder it the battery I put in to replace the other battery is Pfffft too and I have to find the SATA settings or something and reset them.

I usually give the case a slight rap here or there when I thing one of the fans is cranky...the top one definitely is and takes a while to come up to speed. I keep thinking to replace it and it gets past me.

And it IS true that since the End Of Support I've been getting a number of exploits, many on port 80 and all healed by AVG and Spybot- Search and Destroy found adware or something when I got this up again, while AVG was finishing it's update. I don't know or care if Billy G. is pushing or hackers are but it's a damned jungle.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Hmmm, never heard HD buzz or hum before, but it is not out of the realm of possibilities. If you got a disc boot failure on your screen it could very well be just that. It was a used drive that tested out ok when I put the system together last summer. sigh nothing lasts forever. unfortunately you may or may not be able to recover the data. I'd double check connections and cables if they are ok I would check the drive on another machine to see it it is the drive or drive controller.

As far as end of support, the only update out of MS that I have been able to get with XP is that as of 4/8 they will no longer offer support. The two machines I tried to update got snarky too so it isn't just you.

I might get my hands on a Vista machine in the near future though, atleast it will be supported for two more years
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Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Hard drives can buzz for a number of reasons. The primary reason for a buzz noise is that the servo that drives the head-armature can be forced into either searching for tracks in a track-to-track sweeping mode or in a more extreme but fairly common mode, the heads get stuck to the disk and the servo locks into a loop where it goes into a wiggle mode in an effort to break the head/disc stiction.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
I have heard the read write heads click and the drive bearings whine, but I have never hear humming and or buzzing but it is certainly possible as they are mechanical and electrical and anything that goes wrong can effect one or both areas of the drive.

Unfortunately it isn't a good sign for the drive or the data contained on it. :-o


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable

I'm almost caught up with all my bills and debts now and that should be done the first weekmof May, just as I planned...

The Evo's going offline soon as I'm finished working on it today and then I work on the others more.

I'm back to working for my own wants again and what I really need is ONE copy of 7. And more 100 count cassette wall shelves. If somebody will help on the OS that's my summer project. Now, refresh my memory, can you run IDE and SATA on that board at the same time or do I need to I need to find a couple 250+ PATA HDDs?

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
If you want xp mode in Win 7 then you will need either Win 7 Pro or ultimate, Win 7 Home has some XP compatibility, but it cannot run virtual XP nlike it's big brothers. And of course it's big brothers are more expensive.


Now, refresh my memory, can you run IDE and SATA on that board at the same time or do I need to I need to find a couple 250+ PATA HDDs?
As far as Vista, people mqake a big stink but it isn't much worse then XP or 7 it just likes a lot of reassuring when you run it by making you sign in as admin to change anything. I was lony saying because it has a few more years of support and I may be repalcing a relatives computer in the near future so I may have an complete system running vista. If you are not interested, then I'll sell it on ebay when the time comes.

And yes you can run IDE, and sata drives on that board at the same time. I am pretty sure the optical drive I put in it was a IDE but I could be wrong. You can fill up all the ports with drives if you like I think you could hook up four IDe's and 8 Satas if you had enough of them and had a large enough case. I would skip the IDe 250gb drives and find either one large sata or two of them.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I don't need to virtualize XP, some compatiblility is fine.

At least it has been easier to solve my TV line amp problem...a friend of mine had an Archer amp, 15-1113 listed for just under $10 and it's just about as powerful as the Channel Master I was using with at least 20 dB vs 22 so I can split it and it's adjustable too.

I have an early birthday present too! I'm being given a real (plug in vs some cassette gimmick) demagnetizer and some cassettes. the only bummer I've had today other than this was that I had the negative terminal on one of the small Infinity tweeter from my small 2-ways I built a few months back break off while I was reinstalling it after putting the remaining Polk Audio Monitor 4 crossover in, they are adapted for the larger hole and I have ONE thing close that would work, only friens saidthey are also tearind down a pair of Radio Shack speakers and he might have a pair if they work and fit.

He also has a Zappa LP I want but it's not BIN so I have to wait 2 more daze to see if there is a bite.


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