AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Been awhile 6 String. I have been wanting to go back to work. Can't pass a pee test. I'm not an aircraft expert. They always use pilots as their experts. They say the air speed indicators were off in one crash. Yea the pitot tubes froze. Pilot didn't turn on the heaters. The one where they say spark in the center tank. BS The Navy did an oops and shot that plane down. The only elec there is the tank probes. Millivolts. need a little more juice to cause a spark. This is funny Was transferring fuel from one wing to the other. I had ground men. I'm getting no indication of the trans. I go to the door to look. The left main tires were almost off the ground and the R/H wing tip was 2 feet off the ground. 30 people standing around and they let that happen. I'm yelling do not move. I was moving fuel every where I could get it out of the r/h wing. That was a get drunk evening for sure. No one had ever seen it done. We laughed. Been towing and watch the nose tires come of the grd on a 27 as I was towing. Didn't have enough people in the front of the plane. Was towing once all of a sudden the tires come about 6 inches off the ground and stayed that way. Stopped the tug. Told them to tell the person who was in the back of the plane to get to the front. There was some cussing involved. Parked it let the guys off. My question was who was it. I told them stay in the front. Do not walk around before I closed the door. We had 55 gal. drums cut in half filled with concrete for nose weight. We were going to far. I opened the door 1st words. Who was it? Stupidity causes damage and gets people hurt. They told me who. I was not a happy camper. I was not nice in my conversation. He requested removal from my crew. I didn't show him respect. I never cussed anyone. I could make you look dumb. I could have had him fired for raiding the galley. That is what he was doing in the back. Looking for something to drink. I miss my job. I always thought I was being punished. Mech.s have to take FAM classes on systems and type aircraft your working on. 40 to 80 hour courses. Everyone was suppose to go. I never made it more than 3 days if they sent me at all. It was always we need you.

Got 3 cards one day. Eng #123 throttle pulleys corroded. Center pedestal. Throttles, flaps, TRs, Horiz. stab. speed brakes, trim. All or most pulleys. You can't just drop cables. You use cable blocks to keep tension on them. If not they fall off pulleys and other weird stuff. It is a hole 2 feet sq. on 2 sides. We get to the pulling of the center pin. It holds everything. It just says remove it. I'm not going to pull that pin and let everything just drop. We had a special tool made. They made us a dowel the same diameter as the pin but longer. We drove it through. Slicker than snot on a door knob. Two months later I get the cards to put it together. Boeing had to make the throttles. The best part was they didn't give me anyone to help me. Was not a happy camper. 2 to take it apart and one to put it back together 2 months later. Have a good one.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Sammy Hagar – Sammy Hagar & Friends Did you know you can buy used vinyl on Amazon. Bought a Used Joe Walsh VG cond 3.99. See if their grading is any good. Anyone else have Stink Bugs. I have killed a bunch. I hate them. Sammy Hagar Fun to have a brain to play with. I have cut back from a pack of cigs a day. To 2 packs 3 or 4 days. Been testing tobaccos and pipes. <iframe src="" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe> Did a USB to load the new HD. I'm just getting to that. My hot water line is to short in the bath sink. Will add more sometime.


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
I tried quitting with an E-cig, still have it sitting on the desk next to me (along with a pack of Marlboro's). I have tried so hard to quit but I get stressed out and then the chainsmoking starts. Been smoking at least 35 years and I wish I could quit. Even thought about the hypnotism route


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
I have cut back from a pack of cigs a day. To 2 packs 3 or 4 days. Been testing tobaccos and pipes.
That's pretty good, Larry. I went a step further and finally (had to get over the flu first, couldn't stand the "hit") today switched over completely to "vaping". Or at least I think I have switched... still have my "last" pack of real cigs in my coat pocket, just in case.. :smokin: I know a guy at work that was a 2 pack a day hacker (you could hear him a mile away koff hack hack koff koffin) that switched over - says he feels like a new man, and no more hacking. Maybe I'll be able to say the same thing here in a few weeks.. :mrgreen:


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
I tried quitting with an E-cig, still have it sitting on the desk next to me (along with a pack of Marlboro's). I have tried so hard to quit but I get stressed out and then the chainsmoking starts. Been smoking at least 35 years and I wish I could quit. Even thought about the hypnotism route
What kind of e-cig? If it is one of those lil guys that barely produces any "smoke", yeah... me too. I still have that kit, for which I tried for a week but the last straw was me frantically trying to get a good hit while still in the middle of a nic fit that just wouldn't go away.

The one I have now gives a real good, strong hit... makes a big difference. The real challenge will be in the next few days where I don't have that safety net of "real cigs" to fall back on.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I was that way to Jer until I bought the 3 day battery. You can adjust voltage and wattage so it will give you a good hit..


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
What kind of e-cig? If it is one of those lil guys that barely produces any "smoke", yeah... me too. I still have that kit, for which I tried for a week but the last straw was me frantically trying to get a good hit while still in the middle of a nic fit that just wouldn't go away.

The one I have now gives a real good, strong hit... makes a big difference. The real challenge will be in the next few days where I don't have that safety net of "real cigs" to fall back on.
It's a Blu Jer, I can get enough "smoke" out of to literally gag, it just does not do it for me for some reason, missing that Marlboro taste I guess. I've got to do something though while I still have my health


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
I was that way to Jer until I bought the 3 day battery. You can adjust voltage and wattage so it will give you a good hit..
Got me plenty of hit/smoke now.. it was the old 1st generation ecig that didn't do it for me the first time around.

Just wondering tho about another concern... I wonder how many vaping get pulled over by some ill-informed dingbat cop who thinks they just saw someone drive by with a mini-bong??


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
6 inches of snow and the hardest hasn't hit yet. All of this snow will create some beauty this spring. My tulips are coming up.<iframe src="" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

I like weather.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to a Steven Wilson DVD. My Karma must be dirty. Ribs are messed up back on steroids. Carly is sick. Cart came all busted up. Trying to get something cheap. Really can't complain. Or I shouldn't. I'm not broke, nor hungry, or cold. Lot of people have it a lot worse. Wish I could share what I'm hearing and watching. Carly has been hinting about a hair cut. Told me the other day. You know your hair is down to the middle of your back. I LOL and said yep. May get it trimmed and grow it one more year. If I do get it cut will give to locks of love. My Mother would be freaking. Really have it very good. If I didn't hurt when I wake up I would think I was dead. It is just a reminder. Walmart in ND 20.00 an hour. After Fairbanks and Chicago. I have had enough cold weather.

My wife was cheating on me. Well I found him where he shouldn't be. Not in bed. She had moved out. Still didn't matter. I had broken in and put all her cloths in the tub and let it run all night. She came home and there was a flood. I had my son's. She paid me no money. Yet her boyfriend was buying her all these nice things. Well the next day I went over and he answered the door. I was cool till he told me he was gonna beat my butt. All I remember is sitting on top of him. Holding his head 6 inches off the concrete floor and every time I would hit him I would let go driving his head into the floor. He was out when I climbed off. She called the cops. They come. I told them what I did. As I'm talking he comes running out jumps on my back. I lower my shoulder flipped him on the ground. The cops stopped me. He is yelling check him for Valium. The cops start laughing. They looked at him and said do you really want us to write that a guy on Valium did this to you. The younger cop says he will go in and look at the damage that was done. The one with me. Says this isn't going to be nice. I said why. He goes his wife just left him for another man. He told her she was lucky and to let it go. So I'm suppose to be arrested for assault while on valium and breaking and entering. I tell them I want my car. She goes that is my car. They run the plates. It is my car in my name. So I walk away scotch free with my other car. Yes he is lucky I had taken Valium or I would have killed him.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I got in 3 fights in my life and each one I don't remeber until people freaking yelling in my ear to stop or you'll kill em. I black out, see red and feel no pain, and I don't have a brain left. But I still keep beating long after there is no resistance. I guess fighting for me is a survival thing for me, it's ugly and I try not to do that anymore, but there is a point.....


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
David Gilmour I know I haven't been coming here often. I'm not mad. The last 3 years or so haven't been fun. They took me off my Clonazapam. I started getting very bad pain and diarrhea. Lack of interest. Regressing into a shell. It took almost 2 years for me to figure out what was wrong and how to treat it. I have severe IBS. I had to tell them what to prescribe just to keep it in check. They were giving me 5 mg of Oxy. The Oxy was their idea. The Tramadol wasn't cutting it. I have a good week. Then I go for as long as 2 months of doing nothing. It is very frustrating. I go no where I talk to no one. I have tried to talk to my shrink. I'm not scared to do the other things. I will just have a panic attack. He has cut my anti-depressants. So I finally started thinking. When did this all start happening. It is when he took me off my Clonazapam all this started.

While on the Clo. I and Jerry started this group. I started a Cassette company. I taught Sunday School. I took my wife out to dinner. People came to my house. I finished my projects. I have never abused my med.s. My pain med.s last longer than the script is for. I have asked for a new shrink for 6 months. Something happened last week that totally made me PO'd. I can't say what because somethings that I have said have come up on FB as attacks. I'll leave it at that. I contacted my Congressman. They are starting an investigation. This is one diagnoses. Panic disorder with agoraphobia. It is frustrating; because how do you explain how you feel to yourself. You know you shouldn't feel this way; but you do. Some think I don't deserve this VA treatment and I shouldn't say a word; because to them it is free. They took me off Crestor and put me on Lilpitor; because it is cheaper. My Chol. went from less than 100 to 295 last labs. I pay for my Med.s.

That being said. I have a pretty good life. I can afford to help others that are worse off than I am. I have a roof over my head. I can pay my bills. I have a great wife that I love very much. I have my share of toys and I don't go hungry. There is always someone worse off than I am.


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
Sorry to hear about that Brother! My wife has been fighting IBS for almost 2 months now but her doctor is treating it with diet. As for Clonazapam (we call it Klonopin) I have bottles of them kicking around here as Debbie takes it for anxiety and never uses up her scripts so I end up with them all. If your close, LMK and I will give you a bunch


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
I got in 3 fights in my life and each one I don't remeber until people freaking yelling in my ear to stop or you'll kill em. I black out, see red and feel no pain, and I don't have a brain left. But I still keep beating long after there is no resistance. I guess fighting for me is a survival thing for me, it's ugly and I try not to do that anymore, but there is a point.....
You and I have a lot in common except I have been in many fights. I think I have lost 2 in my life and that was when I was in prison fighting multiple dudes who thought a white guy in a black man's prison was an easy mark. They went to the infirmary with me, amazing how good of a weapon a mop handle can be. One time I spent 68 days in SHU for busting up a dude with a sock full of D batteries who stole a couple cans of tunafish out of my locker. The called me the crazy white boy and after a few fights, I was never messed with again

I know what you mean about seeing red, all normal thought disappears and a rage comes on. When your in that state, you can easily kill someone. This is the reason I no longer go to bars. I have not been in one since 2001 which ended up with me in a police cruiser and the guy in the hospital for a few days. He was messing with Debbie to the point that she started freaking out and he got a beating with a pool cue
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