The Sansui is back together, looks and works much better than it did a few days ago. I also stripped and refinished the case while I was messing with it. Have not given it a full load test as I am not sure where all those load resistors are could only find a couple of them. Hooked it up in the shop where I had the Pioneer SX850, all is good so far...
Started on the TEAC last night as well. Removed the back panels and cleaned goo for a couple hours. Cleaned all the switches and pots, replaced the counter belt as it had turned to glue. BTW, I found that WD40 on a Q-tip works great for removing that black, sticky belt remains. Hopefully today I can get the front panel in shape and give it a try. Will give FF a call mid-day to see if I can stop by and get a tape.
Dug the PL-518 turntable out of the box and think with a little work it should be good to go. The rubber on the shock mounted feet has gone bad so will need to do something there. I don't believe the stylus is the one in Nando's ad, but if I remember right it was one of their better ones. It looks like the metal tab with lifts and lowers the tonearm is not right (maybe bent a little). The plater spins and the speed control works.... Think I'll get a photo and start an new thread on this so we have someplace else to hide our ramblings.
Lee, I will get the CD-3 opened up shortly..... The bench has some room now that the Sansui is together. I need more benches and some shelves for all the gems!