I expect a lot of research info from this one. The sun's surface is only 10,000+F, the corona, the gases that blow off the surface are 10 million+F, we haven't figured out why yet...
It takes a proton close to a billion years to get away from the sun's core where fusion started billions of years ago, it bounces, mates and fuses, then escapes to the turmoil near the surface. To blow off into light we see, warmth we feel

. Then we have this wonderful magnetic field that protects us from the harmful radiation the sun spews our way
Is there another place like this anywhere else?? With billions of living things everywhere?? I know we're being watched because we are special, 'they' are not happy with how we conduct ourselves lately, we are about to throw it all away because of some petty bullshit differences amongist ourselves of religion, the 'why are we here' crap, let's grow a pair, MAN UP, WOMEN UP, TRANS UP!! GAY THE FUCK UP!!!!