We made one of those pinhole boxes to view the eclipse, and set the welder's glass into a cardboard frame to shadow the face. Our houseguest got an invite to an eclipse party from his bank in Kearney, Mo, so we made up a detailed route to the town using secondary roads, mostly two-lane blacktops. Traffic wasn't too bad, so we went north on MO-291 and then I-35 to Kearney, leaving (hope & faith) at 9:30 in driving rain. It was still raining at the party, but cleared about the time the eclipse started. Totality occurred during a lucky clear spot in the sky, with only a thin scrim of clouds, so we got a good look. I let lots of folks have a look thru the welder's glass, though we all had the special glasses. A Mitsubishi Eclipse drove by. After totality, clouds came back, rain came back and everybody left. We saw a lot of traffic coming south and west, so we just did the reverse of our B-plan route, driving in heavy rain thru the backroads of Clay, Ray and Lafayette counties. Whew! It was worth it.