The Great American Eclipse 8/21/17


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
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During the first phase of the eclipse, a visible object crossed in front of the Sun, it was not the moon, it was the International Space Station. It was uniquely visible from the state of Wyoming, according to Smarter Every Day.
Destin Sandlin, the host of the You Tube channel, Smarter Every Day, traveled all the way to Wyoming to see the eclipse because he and a buddy figured out that from there they could see something that could not be seen in any other state.
The entire eclipse was a three-hour event. The moment of totality only lasts 2.5 minutes. While totality is an amazing event, there is a lot to see during that long transit time.
Call it a “Three Clips” because you can see three objects at once. As the Moon crossed in front of the Sun, so did the International Space Station.
Amerter Every Day chose to set up in Crowheart, Wyoming as the best point to see the transit of the space station. They were gained special permission to view the event from a ranch in the middle of an Indian reservation where not many people are allowed to visit.
Folks in Glendo were also able to see the transit of that space station as well, but Crowheart was considered the best place to witness the crossing, according to the math.
Anyone outside of Wyoming would not be able to see the station transit during the eclipse because of the time and angle of the eclipse in their corresponding area.
So chalk one up for our state, we had something extra to our eclipse that no one else got to see.

Read More: International Space Station Only Visible in Wyoming During Eclipse |

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Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
Deb and I went over to the Nathan Hale Homestead to catch it when it was at max coverage at 2:45pm. Got a little dark, nice to have a chance to do something cool with just the old lady


Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
I've got some great inspiring pictures on my other desktop I'll post up some day.
My wife is Dutch & stays in touch with kin back in the old country.
Did you know that they do a HUGE re enactment of 'Market Garden' every year? I mean YUGE! Mass air drops, rubber boats across the river, hundreds and hundreds of amazing restored vehicles. And they are suited up as AMERICANS! They LOVE us like we liberated them yesterday! And they still honor the few remaining Dutch WW11 survivors like nothing I have ever seen here.
I have multi files of pics from last years events.

Gotta love those C-47's !! Most beautiful aircraft ever built. Well............The A-10 ain't bad either.
I love the Dutch!! I was there back in 1990, everyone speaks English, and yes, they love Americans. I had more fun there than any other country I visited in Europe.

Back during WWII, the Dutch would ask certain questions to folks they did not know in their towns, the answers to the questions answered in Dutch could only be from someone who was born there and spoke the language, the Germans trying to infiltrate were immediatly shot :cheers:

You can't speak proper Dutch unless you were born there, period. I would love to go back someday, a friend and his partner own a beautiful 6 story house built in 1512.