My on again, off again project has hit yet another snag. I replaced the TL 431s on the board, plus all four of the pico fuses before, once again, attempting to breathe life into my WOPL 400. All went well, until it didn't. I went through the Variac and DBT process with no apparent problems. The DBT came on with full brightness, then dimmed down somewhat. I thought it was a little bright for idle, but when I looked on my meter, the unit was pulling no more than half an amp – 0.453. So I thought everything was okay. Then I plugged it directly into the AC — no noises, no smoke, no nothing for about 15 seconds. Then, just as I was turning away to get the DMM and start checking voltages, there was a pop and a puff of smoke. A resistor in the left channel blew, and I shut everything down immediately. It's R24L, 182 Ohm. I feel like an idiot, repeatedly having problems with this amp. But it's actually rewarding. With every problem, I learn something new. So I'm still plugging away, even though I need to again ask for some assistance from you much more experienced guys. Does anyone have any thoughts about this particular resistor blowing up?