Well, it seems that there are a number of resistors on the backplane that are blown, as shown in the photographs. The layout of the board I have with my documents is different than the boards in front of me. So I’m not sure I have the numbers correct, as some can’t be seen, but I put arrows in to show what’s gone. Surprisingly, there seem to be two resistors blown on the right side as well. On the left, it looks like R5 or 6 (like I said, I don’t have an accurate, numbered layout. Even the schematic is for some other version), both 10 ohm resistors at the bottom of the board, both 150 ohm at the top, then R31, R33, and R35 – 0.33 ohm resistors on the left board, and both 150 ohm on the right side, as well — Boom! Why there’s a problem on the right side, I can’t figure out.