Record Stores... Whats your latest buy?


Veteran and General Yakker
Nov 1, 2014
Gaston, SC
Victim of the record bug since age five
Digging for treasure at a thrift shop

Three visits to a thrift store on three separate days- found 38 records of dubious value. A buck each! A few comedies, a few RCA Orthophonic mono classics as well...
Getta kuppa kawfie before hitting the "play" button- this is a half hour long...

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

or: whichever works...


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 18, 2013
Coventry, CT
Fondler errrr... fan of all Nav's avatars
Three visits to a thrift store on three separate days- found 38 records of dubious value. A buck each! A few comedies, a few RCA Orthophonic mono classics as well...
Getta kuppa kawfie before hitting the "play" button- this is a half hour long...

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

or: whichever works...
I have that Man on the Moon sealed LOL

Cool vid Mark, your a funny dude LOL


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
I have to admit - I haven't watched your entire documentary, Mark, but more than half. You are a natural in front of the camera. Want to be the Master of Ceremonies at our wedding?

Three days of camping out at the local flea market going through piles of records must have had the attention of the shopkeeper. But, you enjoy finding rarities as much as I do. Our local flea market has stacks of records but if the titles don't interest me, regardless of the condition of the jacket and vinyl, I wouldn't know if they are desirable from a collectibility standpoint.



Veteran and General Yakker
Nov 1, 2014
Gaston, SC
Victim of the record bug since age five
Cool vid, Mark. That Uriah Heep, is a total score IMO.
Cover is a wreck, vinyl is dirty as a politician. Just bought a spin-clean, we'll see what happens...

I have that Man on the Moon sealed LOL

Cool vid Mark, your a funny dude LOL
My mom kept the Baltimore Sun newspapers of Kennedy's assassination wrapped in saran wrap. Don't know whatever became of them. The Man on the Moon is in poor condition, but still played on the Zenith foldout.

I've been told I have an infectious personality. Neither amoxicillin or tetracycline cured it. I considered doing standup a couple of times, never pursued it.

I have to admit - I haven't watched your entire documentary, Mark, but more than half. You are a natural in front of the camera. Want to be the Master of Ceremonies at our wedding?

Three days of camping out at the local flea market going through piles of records must have had the attention of the shopkeeper. But, you enjoy finding rarities as much as I do. Our local flea market has stacks of records but if the titles don't interest me, regardless of the condition of the jacket and vinyl, I wouldn't know if they are desirable from a collectibility standpoint.

What does an MC do at a wedding? I haven't been to enough formal weddings to know what goes on. Polish ones are fun, though.

I'm an all-out nut for records, my collection ranges from 2 1/2" to 16" in diameter and from 16 2/3 to 80 RPM. There's music I like, and then there are the oddballs that are too unique to pass up. Once in a while I'll hit a flea market or thrift shop and spend whatever time it takes me to get through the pile. This heap was the largest I've seen, and mostly a graveyard of obscure label gospel records. Lots of discarded rap and hip-hop and "easy listening" from the early '60s as well. Legitimate collectors can be on the snobbish side, I don't follow their rules. The really sad ones are the broken shellac 78s- while going through that heap I found "A Tisket, A Tasket" by Ella Fitzgerald- or maybe I should say I found half of it. What a shame! The Enrico Caruso was a gem, really good condition, the best info I could find dates it at 1912 (the year of the Titanic sinking!). 103 years old, and no chips on the edge!
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Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
The Sword - Gods Of The Earth


Pride & Glory.

The Sword was an order I picked up here in town on Friday, found the P&G down in Toronto at Kops yesterday. Love that album.


May 15, 2013
St. Louis, MO
One of my best days sifting through the dollar bin at a local record store in a long time.

The big find is Strike Under: Immediate Action, the first record ever put out by Wax Trax! and a rare piece of vinyl from one of the earliest bands to help form the Chicago hardcore punk sound in 1980, even got one of the copies with the silk screened cover. Been wanting a copy of this forever and never dreamed I'd find it in the dollar bin as they usually go for some bucks.

Guessing this stack of records was someone from Chicago because buried in a ton of late 80s industrial singles was Thrill Kill Kult: I see Good Spirits, I see Bad Spirits full length as well. Nothing super hard to find, but in mint condition a buck was a great buy.

Last one was just something for fun. Probably can find -M-: New York - London - Paris - Munich for cheap all over, but I didn't have a copy and it is a nice mint German pressing and a fun old new wave listen.


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 11, 2013
Been wanting a copy of this forever and never dreamed I'd find it in the dollar bin as they usually go for some bucks.
Seek and ye shall find.

Golden rule of record collecting is to never stop looking.


May 15, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Yup, I've almost given up the constant stops past thrift shops or flipping through dollar bins, but look enough times and eventually your odds of happening across that stash you hope for start looking up. The most discouraging are those ones where you look and think you've hit the jackpot, only to find the wrong record in the sleeve of something you really wanted, or you find the record and it looks like it's been scraped with a nail or an empty cover, etc... But the finds always make up for it, and really I like the process of hunting around anyway.


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
Brian May + Friends/Star Fleet Project

Black Sabbath - The Eternal Idol

UFO - Obsession

The Micheal Schenker Group



Veteran and General Yakker
May 14, 2014
Southwest Kootenays BC
No such things as bad days, just bad moments
Quest for T. Texas Tyler

This may not be that interesting but it does involve finding that one album I've been searching for for years. Most would consider it a lame album and not worth the trouble of looking but it had sentimental value and I was fixated on finding it. I think it was made in 1956 or '57 and my parents had it. I loved dogs (still do) and the track "Dad Gave My Dog Away" was the saddest thing I'd ever heard at the time and I played it to death when I was 4 or 5.

T.T. Tyler album.jpg

Dad passed away in 1987 and Mom moved away so I wound up with their box of 50 or 60 albums. Mom died in 1999 and I got nostalgic so cracked open the record box intending to play that song but the record was not there and it bugged me. For about 10 years, I've avidly gone to all (and I mean all) of the Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley thrift stores and a lot of household/storage locker auctions purposely looking for that one record. Once, at a Sally Ann in Abbotsford, I found it only to discover, as someone else pointed out, the record was missing from the jacket and nowhere to be found. I took every record from it's jacket and looked through all the loose ones thinking it may be there somewhere but nada. E-bay was a dead end and only produced one seller with other T. Texas Tyler records but no luck. Several couples I know do mega road trips in the US and hit whatever antique, junk, book and record shops they come across so I gave them printed pictures of the album to find for me.

Then, last October, on my third or fourth visit to a newish thrift store in Mission BC, I found it again - fifty cents. I was thrilled to have finally found it but simultaneously felt a kind of empty, let down feeling like "OK, now what?"

Admittedly, I wound up with another six or seven hundred albums (and other stuff too) over those years, but it was the chance of finding this one record that goaded me into driving thousands of miles, and burn who knows how much fuel just to find something that eventually would up costing half a buck.

I've coined a motto for myself - "Some people have hobbies - I have obsessions"


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Scored the Rush - R40 book on a record store run last weekend.


It spans all five of their last recorded concerts with a boat-load of xtra content.
Two take aways for me; 1: the 'Snakes & Arrows' tour showed the best energy
and IMHO, sounds the best. Super killer! 2: And having sat down and watched
a good amount of the 'Clockwork Angels' disc just now, I have a new found appreciation
for that material. Including a string section on stage with them made it massive
in terms of sound.

I traded in a bunch of dusty stuff, LP's and CD's, and had one of those days at
the store where I couldn't decide what to friggin' pick up. I ended up getting
this book-set and felt some remorse in doing so ... until tonight.

Great collection of shows with awesome set lists.

As a side note, there's quite a bit of 'Grace Under Pressure' material throughout
the set and they play all it really tight. Bonus!
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Flying the Vista Cruiser up there... RIP
Jun 12, 2010
Deep in the Sonoran Desert SW
This may not be that interesting but it does involve finding that one album I've been searching for for years. Most would consider it a lame album and not worth the trouble of looking but it had sentimental value and I was fixated on finding it. I think it was made in 1956 or '57 and my parents had it. I loved dogs (still do) and the track "Dad Gave My Dog Away" was the saddest thing I'd ever heard at the time and I played it to death when I was 4 or 5.

View attachment 19321

Dad passed away in 1987 and Mom moved away so I wound up with their box of 50 or 60 albums. Mom died in 1999 and I got nostalgic so cracked open the record box intending to play that song but the record was not there and it bugged me. For about 10 years, I've avidly gone to all (and I mean all) of the Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley thrift stores and a lot of household/storage locker auctions purposely looking for that one record. Once, at a Sally Ann in Abbotsford, I found it only to discover, as someone else pointed out, the record was missing from the jacket and nowhere to be found. I took every record from it's jacket and looked through all the loose ones thinking it may be there somewhere but nada. E-bay was a dead end and only produced one seller with other T. Texas Tyler records but no luck. Several couples I know do mega road trips in the US and hit whatever antique, junk, book and record shops they come across so I gave them printed pictures of the album to find for me.

Then, last October, on my third or fourth visit to a newish thrift store in Mission BC, I found it again - fifty cents. I was thrilled to have finally found it but simultaneously felt a kind of empty, let down feeling like "OK, now what?"

Admittedly, I wound up with another six or seven hundred albums (and other stuff too) over those years, but it was the chance of finding this one record that goaded me into driving thousands of miles, and burn who knows how much fuel just to find something that eventually would up costing half a buck.

I've coined a motto for myself - "Some people have hobbies - I have obsessions"
Wow! Just Wow, what a wonderful story with a happy ending! As a Lp freak I can't compete, :hello1:, as to the "now what"? Let the universe slap you up side the head!! Be amazed, :angel10:


Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers. I saw a song from this album on a video I think Jer posted a while back. Its one I had never listened to previously. The track he had posted sounded really cool so I thought I would grab this to add to the Purple section.

And finally 1 of my orders came in,

Devin Townsend Project - Epicloud.



Veteran and General Yakker
Mar 13, 2013
Being that most of the RSD titles weren't all that interesting to me, and that Foo's laundry bullshit was 50 bucks, I decided to grab a couple used albums.

A Canadian copy of Skynyrds Second Helping, and Rory Gallagher's Top Priority.
