How do you do it Joe?
These Jensens now sound as good as the RCA LC-1's sounded on my other amps and, believe me, they're very good but they couldn't touch the LC-1's before. I think the search for the perfect amp for me has just ended after listening to one CD. I read stuff like I'm now saying and knew it would be good but it has exceeded my expectations, as high as they were. These things should be blind tested against all those ultra expensive boutique amps at the CES sometime, it would blow some folks away!
These Jensens now sound as good as the RCA LC-1's sounded on my other amps and, believe me, they're very good but they couldn't touch the LC-1's before. I think the search for the perfect amp for me has just ended after listening to one CD. I read stuff like I'm now saying and knew it would be good but it has exceeded my expectations, as high as they were. These things should be blind tested against all those ultra expensive boutique amps at the CES sometime, it would blow some folks away!