Hi Lee, I haven't received CARE package yet

I`m hoping it will arrive shortly. I had to put the amp away in the meantime, all 100 pieces of it because I live in a small 4-1/2 room condo and had to use the kitchen table as a workbench.
When the package does arrive, I think I`ll start populating the driver board and then do the drivers and output transistors, that is, unless the initial fire-up (bad choice of term) procedure should be done in stages, please advise.
I`ve couple of questions:
The TO-3 sockets seem prone to being troublesome, can any preventive measures be taken to avoid potential issues?
I will be careful not to over torque the screws and will check for collector to heatsink continuity at every step.
Also, should the old thermal compound be removed?
What type of capacitor is that in the output RC network, Mylar, polypropylene or other?
This down time is playing on my worst fear of a reoccurrence of what got me into this predicament initially

the consequences of which are quite obvious now however, I only wish I knew
in order to avoid history from repeating