I`ll begin this next phase (pardon the pun

) with a new grounding scheme. My interpretation of Gepetto`s diagram is as follows:
*Buss bar to center terminal of Left channel backside terminal strip
*Left channel center terminal to center terminal of Right channel backside terminal strip
factory wire from input switch to right channel terminal to be removed
Correct, to be removed
*Buss bar to PL14a Chassis Ground pad
that pad used to get its ground from input/output terminal grounds?
Correct, it used to but it should connector to bus bar star point ground.
*Buss bar to light board (pad 4?) on WO light board
*Buss bar to Left and Right negative output terminals
input jacks and switch chassis grounded through input/volume pot wire shields to PL14
Correct except that there is NO ground applied to the switch, that is unnecessary.
The schematic is quite literal, you have correctly interpreted it with all your comments except for the one about the switch ground.
See picture below for a method on how the switch and inputs are handled.
Does this sound about right?