<iframe src="https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify:album:3Gpc2X74zr97TLzxg1vhsQ" allowtransparency="true" width="300" frameborder="0" height="380"></iframe>
Smoking a pipe is an art. How to pack it to keep it burning. So far the whiskey blend has less bight. Going to try the vanilla again. Breaking them in isn't fun. you will have some bite till it is done if I remember right. Been itching for scooter; but just not done yet. Next step is torqueing some bolts on the tranny. Gotta get this bathroom done. Hung TP holder, hand towel and 24 inch towel bar. Need a 9/32 drill bit to hang the curtain rod. some sax for you Lee. <iframe src="https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify:track:1aw98Av7VhOuE0A5fLKYKh" allowtransparency="true" width="300" frameborder="0" height="380"></iframe>
My uncle use to smoke Middleton's Cherry Blend. Trying it now. Jury is still out. The whiskey left a sweet taste in your mouth. If this will keep me from smoking cigs it is a good deal. I use to smoke Cap't Black white label. It had a bite. Make your tongue peel till you got use to it. Can a die grinder with a cut off wheel cut tile?. Think I may start playing music for money. Need a truck. How does a laptop fix itself. My burner doesn't wotk. Had to buy one
Carlys grout.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/251375770828?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649. Will take a pick. Everything is brushed nickle. The tile is a brown base italin tile. With espresso cabinets. Vessel sink with Waterfall faucet. White toilet and tub. Will figure this out later. I found a gray toilet, but not cheap. I would love a polished slate colored marble for the shower. The shower will be a long term project. That means saving money. It takes a long time for me yo get thing done. I try to do good work. The garage will be last. I have a die grinder should I take a video of a tape loader being dismantled. Would probably make someone cry. Not me. May have to pay town tax. Work out of the garage. Cut my table down. Just can't have a bunch of scooter kids hanging around. City gotta buy a license. Think my Cary system will make a good DJ set up? Can run everything from the puter. Gotta have some smoke breaks to stay in the constant state of mind. The Black Crowes - Greatest Hits 1990-1999- A Tribute to a Work in Progress I am perusing at the moment. So you may hear a lot of divers sounds tonight. Yes I'm rambling. Just bear with me. Robert Plant-Alison Krauss - Raising Sand Try to put yourself in my shoes. Listening to this kind og music. If I had a gun I would shoot myself if I had to listen to this for very long. It sucks. I would probably trade a RT 707 is someone would get a Nak 1000 running right. I have the manual. Spare head bank, lights. Let me know. This deck is a work of art. Joe Walsh - Analog Man Disc 1 Great CD Don't think I could be the DJ. Could you see me caring Carys, Vandies, Shanling and a puter to play music. Could be like a tupperware party. Come and listen then want buy. Who knows they may think they sound like crap. Need to put sand in the bases. LOL I'm hating this tile. Should have shown a pic of my hall way. Jow Walsh "India" That shower was covered in paint. Miricle Eraser worked great. Thanks jim
http://www.faucetdirect.com/index.cfm?page=search:browse&collection=Kohler+Alteo. Those are those fixtures. No I didn't pay that much. Never pay retail. I'LL BE BAK