AM Listening


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Larry, I didn't think you were trying to make me feel sad man, it just hit me, it does that sometimes when I hear the word suicide. It could be anywhere,anytime.... but I'm getting a handle on it.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
PM's are clear Larrt.

In this season where most of the population is deciding what to GIVE to others, Gillette is a great place to be. During the last week, when an organization, or association thought they were not going to clean off the gift tree, or fulfill all the Secret Santa requests, all they had to do was mention it on the radio or the paper and it was taken care of in 24 hours or less. All those who requested a Christmas dinner got one, or a coat or clothes for their little ones got em, a toy they couldn't afford got one. Most folks here were not born here, but came from all over to better themselves by hard work and determination. We didn't want anything but the opportunity to work as hard as we could to achieve what ever we could. Most folks did real good. And there is something about "making it" that fosters humility and empathy for others. I can't explain it, but I'm afflicted too. If I have something and someone else NEEDS it, it's theirs. It's a "thing". There are always more things, but perhaps not the "thing" that that person needs right then. And you're right Larrt, you get back ten-fold what you give. I have never been part of a community that was so giving, but it's a wonderful place to be.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Kenny Wayne Sheppard "How I Go" Been scraping paint in the bathroom. Some dummy didn't tape or even cut in. Boots is going to have to get more patience. I told her if not once a hundred times. That is what that tapered angle brush was for. I fired her. Never make a mess you can't clean up. Always hold the Ace back. Never play your best game first. It is always luck. Never give reason for an apology. War Story. I use to carry a pager for work. In case a plane broke. Think I got 100.00 a week. If something broke I got double time. I got a call one Sat. night. It was under the front seat of my car. I got up Sunday. Pulled it out from under the seat. I called. They said it would be there till 3 PM. I got there about noon. I walk out. Write up was. #1 Eng spinner has signs of oil. There was oil on the spinner. It was clean and 4 inches away from anywhere oil could come from. I pulled the spinner. Looked. Put it back on. Checked the engine oil. Went in and got the logs. Here is my sign off. Found evidence of oil on #1 eng spinner. Rmvd #1 spinner. Insp. #1 prop and eng. for lks. No evidence fnd. Installed spinner. Removed evidence of oil with rag wrench. I/A/W MM 12-10-5 I find this aircraft to be airworthy I/A/W or SOP or gen. prac.s. I made some pretty nice bucks. Someone wanted my gravy train. LOL Must have thought I had worked PT 6s before. So they poured oil on the spinner. Gave the counter girl the logs and to call maint. con. and tell them it is good to go. Read my sign off to them. Chapter 12 is aircraft servicing. In every part of it there is a clean step. I had a 99.9% chance I was right. I hated wearing it though. I would lock my box with it in it for weeks.

Dude is playing some good music. Spilled my stash of screws. I collect little screws. I have big ones. going to cut a 1X.75 inch strip at about a 33 degree angle. Glue one side on the mirror and screw the other onto the wall. That way I can put it how I want it just by sliding it. No power tools at the moment. Alice In Chains "Dirt" BYE guys as he types in his best southern accent. Have a good journey. It is time for me to go find Randolf Scott literally on the TV.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Dave Mathew's Band. Happy New Year. Don't wish IBS on my worst enemy. David Bowie. I miss my Grandson. Wish he could hang with me. Teach them young. Make learning fun. When my Sons were young I was a Motor Head. Had to be. Couldn't afford a nice car so I built them. They would hand me tools. I would be under the car working they would lay and watch me doing my thing. They would always have 100 questions. I always had patience for them. Children are so much fun. Their minds are like a sponge. Good in good out. I messed up leaving mine with their Mother. Man was I dumb. Should have taken the NASA job in Mohave. Would have transferred to FL. within a year and they would have went with me. I was going to follow the T-38 Shuttle chase planes. I already gave my word to a Co. in OKC to work on heavies. I love Children. Not a big fan of adults. We have to think though. If we had changed one thing in our path we would not be where we are today. Saying yes to a no or no to a yes question. If just one of us had deviated one step. That person wouldn't be here. You wouldn't have even known they even existed.

Working on my cynical thoughts. For me they aren't good. Haven't figured out where they are coming from. Don't like negative thoughts. Puts a damper on your other thoughts. Can a scientist have emotions? If you can not have an open mind how can you explore? You will be limited with what you think is rational. A scientist must go out of the box. They must look at it from every angle no matter how far out there then prove it wrong. If they can't prove it wrong then it is right. Deep Purple You try something and it works then go why. When you read a scientific paper. Look for may, could, our belief. I see those words start popping up I run very far away. I saw a program once they created a sphere of an untold material that at absolute 0 it would conduct enough energy to levitate on it's own. They would not tell what it was made of. There is energy all around you. Lines of flux. Dire Straits been a very long time. Not a big fan. May be the right music for the memento occasion. I bought some ceiling paint. It goes on purple dries white. See spots you missed first time. Coming in for a landing. Flaps down, gear down, throttles back to 120 knots, nose up, mains hit, speed brakes deployed, throttles to reverse thrust, on the brakes. Lot going on on landing. Off course you could set your ILS up if your a Cat 3 or 1 can't remember. It can land in 0% visibility. I'll be back sometime. Lee why do I have 2 phono boards?


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Dave Mathew's Band. Happy New Year. Don't wish IBS on my worst enemy. David Bowie. I miss my Grandson. Wish he could hang with me. Teach them young. Make learning fun. When my Sons were young I was a Motor Head. Had to be. Couldn't afford a nice car so I built them. They would hand me tools. I would be under the car working they would lay and watch me doing my thing. They would always have 100 questions. I always had patience for them. Children are so much fun. Their minds are like a sponge. Good in good out. I messed up leaving mine with their Mother. Man was I dumb. Should have taken the NASA job in Mohave. Would have transferred to FL. within a year and they would have went with me. I was going to follow the T-38 Shuttle chase planes. I already gave my word to a Co. in OKC to work on heavies. I love Children. Not a big fan of adults. We have to think though. If we had changed one thing in our path we would not be where we are today. Saying yes to a no or no to a yes question. If just one of us had deviated one step. That person wouldn't be here. You wouldn't have even known they even existed.

Working on my cynical thoughts. For me they aren't good. Haven't figured out where they are coming from. Don't like negative thoughts. Puts a damper on your other thoughts. Can a scientist have emotions? If you can not have an open mind how can you explore? You will be limited with what you think is rational. A scientist must go out of the box. They must look at it from every angle no matter how far out there then prove it wrong. If they can't prove it wrong then it is right. Deep Purple You try something and it works then go why. When you read a scientific paper. Look for may, could, our belief. I see those words start popping up I run very far away. I saw a program once they created a sphere of an untold material that at absolute 0 it would conduct enough energy to levitate on it's own. They would not tell what it was made of. There is energy all around you. Lines of flux. Dire Straits been a very long time. Not a big fan. May be the right music for the memento occasion. I bought some ceiling paint. It goes on purple dries white. See spots you missed first time. Coming in for a landing. Flaps down, gear down, throttles back to 120 knots, nose up, mains hit, speed brakes deployed, throttles to reverse thrust, on the brakes. Lot going on on landing. Off course you could set your ILS up if your a Cat 3 or 1 can't remember. It can land in 0% visibility. I'll be back sometime. Lee why do I have 2 phono boards?



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Floyd in the garage sitting on a stool. Thought I would just chill this evening. Someone tried to hit my bank acct. this AM for 3000.00. I didn't have 3000.00. LOL OD for 1500.00 and some. Now new bank acct. Phone calls which I love Mon. And Susie said in a loud voice. Brain Cells we don't need no stinking brain cells. Money just came on. How apropos. LOL Divine intervention I tell ya. Love the sax on this song. There is snow on the ground. Music is the only sound. Poet and didn't know it. Use to spend hours listening to Floyd and watch cartoons. I was torqued this morning. I let Carly do her thing at the bank."Pulse" Cough Cough UmmaGumma. Water went down the wrong pipe. Just think you are in a world where there is close to 50 to a 100 people walking around. Painters, cleaners, interiors, avionics, sheetmetal and mechs. Your working on projects you can't fathom. Fisher Bros. G4s straight from Gulfstream to us for interiors. Ever get that warm tingling feeling in your pants. If you let yourself go. You would pee your pants. You know how close you came to death feeling. The I'll be with you in a minute explanation. The screaming shut it down shut it down scream into the headset. As the A 320s wings are bouncing off the jacks with main gear partially retracted and you are under the wing and you can't run. It look like ants running. I had no where to go. I looked at my boss and said guess it wasn't our time. I was a rent a hack. They don't run gear swings. You don't run anything. I did. Thought that was part of the job. Ops checks can kill people. 3000 psi hydraulics. A body isn't going to stop it. You run ops checks at night if you can. Less people You have a person at the tail, wing tips and nose gear. The man with the headset runs everything. He talks to the cockpit. They are suppose to be paying attention not BSing. Red Rotating Beacons means danger Will Robinson. If you are working on a plane and that beacon comes on. Off to the cockpit you go. Before you put power on the plane you are suppose to clear people. There is a time to play and a time not to. 5 cassettes for a nightly rotation. Someone always had a radio. Some nice ones. Boom boxes.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Aerosmith. Like their older stuff. Use to listen to Foghat too. Went to Led. Finishing my ceiling trimming excursion. Wish my thin set would get here. 17.99 free shipping 50 lb.s ebay. Cost that much to ship it. The lifting yesterday hurt me. I'm out of Oxy. Trying not to take it unless I need it. Pain tires you quickly. Plus I didn't pull the tape while it was wet. Will have to score and pull now. Not the 1st time at that rodeo. Cigs have gone nuts. Going to smoke a pipe. Haven't smoked one in years. I'm done 4.00 a pack. I forget how much I like Led.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Next week sort of sucks. Monday my GP Dr. Wed. go see vascular for my tests. Feet have been freezing. I don't want anymore surgeries. Listening to PT not Pat Travers.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights

Gotta love Jeff Beck. I really don't care if a good guitar song has lyrics at all. Just stand there and play. Don't need no stinkin lyrics. Just think if you bought a pair of 36,000.00 cables and they sounded great. You could throw everything away and just listen to the cables. To tube or not to tube that is the question. Why do guitarist use so many peddles nowadays. Do you build to the speakers or do you build then buy speakers. There is no Bible to audio. Cost isn't always the best approach. What can you do when you live in a shoe. A rolling stone gathers no moss. No matter how slow it rolls. It all comes down to the sum of all parts. Is simple always better. Should a component do one thing well or a bunch of things good enough. Do bears crap in the woods. Is it mind over matter or does it matter. Is what you say gospel or could you be wrong. Always wash behind your ears. Did you hear that? No Are you sure you didn't hear that? No Sounds better doesn't it? No I didn't hear it. If your ears stuck out a like satellite dish would you hear better? Do you believe in magic? Pay it forward. I was born a poor farmer in Shen. Co Mem Hos, in Shen county, in the Shen. Valley, by the Shen river. If that isn't synergy I'll eat it. Can you undo what has been done. If a man built it can a man always fix it. What is given can always be taken away. What is earned can't always be taken away. Can we live w/o others. Can others live w/o us. Haven't heard a peep of a lyric yet. God protects Children and Fools. Can you pick the one I am. You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose; but you can't pick your friend's nose.

The girl does pretty good. Loving this cell phone. I don't ever hear it ring. I don't have the code to listen to messages. Though there may have been dust on it. Carly used it. So it is dust free. I'm in the modern world. Carly had to show me how to turn it on. I don't know how to text. If you need to find me you don't need GPS I'm always where I'm at. Do you think the cow was juicein when she jumped over the moon. The little ole lady had to be a crack whore to live in a shoe. The boy is jammin. Nando this may be my digital tape for you. Pretty beat up this week. Up and down that ladder sort of put me in a bad place. Couldn't have been lifting marble and other vanity tops, commode. I couldn't last an hour on the floor anymore. They would see me crawling to them screaming get me a whambulance. I cussed today and really I don't cuss. Rainy and cold is wreaking havoc on my mindless status. My laptop has been dead awhile.

About to move the Nikko into the house. Move one TT to the LR. I miss a TT on the LR. Gotta a Nak that works intermittent. Sweet tunes can flow through the Cary's.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Great story teller. Certain music is better for these types of days. Sitting in my garage with the door open. Last week I would have froze to death. Gotta be that pesky global warming. Already thinking of my back yard. Want to add to my patio. Make it big enough to put a 12X12 with planters on 3 corners for my lilac bushes. Lay pavers and put a canopy on it. Man I'm dreading moving those tile to the bathroom. They are in the garage. I have a hand truck. Still means handling them 3 times. Everything from the BR is in the hall and I'm only moving that stuff one more time. Great song. I try to fathom being in a strange place knowing you are being hunted just as you are hunting them. You don't know these people they still want you dead. It is either you or them. Just because we believe different things. Mind boggling to me. I can't wrap my head around it. Their bass player is good. Pino Palladino I do listen to NIN. He toured with The Who and was part of John Mayer Trio.He woke my ears up to the bass player more. Was going to type something about a mop. As in my hair. When I was at the bank. I said something. She goes your getting a hair cut in glee. I told he I thought about it. The mop is pretty low maint. Well time for me to command my throne and channel surf. With a jovial laughter. Not..


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
I use to say I got a check mark on my report cards. Does not play well with others. That was a lie; because I would have gotten my butt beat. Coming home with a check mark on anything. Not much into the alpha male thing. Would rather just cruise doing my thing. I found in life I do enough dumb stuff to try and make someone else look dumb. Joe I do trial and error a lot. Sometimes it costs me money. Sometimes embarrassment. I laugh just as hard as those laughing at me. If you never make a mistake you aren't doing anything. Never felt comfortable in power positions. Would rather be a worker bee than the King Bee. Just not in my DNA. This audio thing I have been lucky. Use to look at high SPLs till I found I was limiting myself. I have no idea about the spec.s on my gear. It sounds good to me. I accept the fact I'll never be the brightest bulb on the Christmas Tree. When the the thing you love doing is taken from you well things change. Being an aircraft mech was who I was. I still remember that day. Hey Doc when can I go back to work. "Never" That was a little much for the little gray matter to handle for a long time. That was who I was. Oh don't get me wrong. I have a good life. I was a drunk. Functioning but a drunk. One day I woke up well sort off. Looked around going where did I mess up. There was only one common denominator in the equation. Me Something drastic had to change. Had to search my soul. Had to dig deep. I like what I have come up with a lot better than I use to. If you don't like where your at. You won't like where you are going. I don't know how; but I use to spend in a week what I get a month now. Yet i have more. I still flake out at times. Oh well that is life. How serious can it be? It will end one day. We all have good days and bad days. Just sometimes the bad days are really bad. Then the good days are really good. If your not a head. You are behind.

Little head bobbing jams.Gov't Mule
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Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Larrt, there are some exotic Far East Teakwood, Rosewood, and Brazilian Zebrawood IIRC> I think what he had left was the really over the top stuff he couldn't get rid of.