AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to Christmas Music. Some one said I was unemotional today. So it has been on my mind. If I was? How did I become that way? So I have circumvented my brain and thought patterns to reach a conclusion. 2 things. Number 1 I don't think my Doc wants me to emotional. LOL Number 2 I like being laid back. I look at things in a different light. Emotions never help you. Happy and content is a state of mind. I don't get into the chest thumping stuff. The cool methodical approach works for me. I'm going to ask. Can I run resin through my planer. Will it dull my blades? I'm checking the mail at my other address. LOL Mannheim Steamroller "Live"


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Good tunes and good water. LOL I'm losing what little mind I have. Need to get a round over bit I think. Going to move my living room 180 degrees. May have to swap some wires around. Wow good night all.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
The sound of Windows going CLICK through my bigass Pioneer while my tinnitus makes love to my brain.:albino: :lol:


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Whoops...thought this was What are you listening to? ;-)


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Steven you make me smile. LOL Listening to Uriah Heep. Found Magicians Birthday and Demons and Wizards for 25.00 mint each. Not remastered. Original vinyl. I am liking this preamp. This preamp to me is like a woman you want to dress up and show off to your friends. Ever had a woman rub your leg with her foot under the table. LOL Ever throw a going away party for a friend in a bar. End up having to try to catch a ride home. Because your girlfriend was there and everyone got cut off but you and you had been there since 2 PM and it was now 11 PM. The waitress was nice. LOL My girlfriend was very upset. Washington women are very friendly. LOL Women are funny. Most like bad boys. I guess I was one because I wouldn't kiss their proverbial butt. Do you really ever know someone? Or is it a perception of the person you see. Is there a facade their? Be true to thine own self. Pretty profound words.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
For a guy that had your kinda luck with nthe gals, yep.

So the pre finally came about. For that I am happy it wasn't a wasted 9 months on your part.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to Arlo through the Pre that Lee built. I try to be Thankful everyday. There is always someone worse off than I am. There are people who are Homeless and cold. With no family. Carly and I became Homeless the Day after Thanksgiving 9 years ago. Taught me a lesson about life. By being a giving person to those that are less fortunate than I am. I don't know if you can pocket good deeds. Can't hurt though to see how many you can rack up. Never know when you might need them. I was buying school supplies for needy Children one day. I bought everything on the list. My Aunt works at Walmart. I told her it was kinda good they were doing this. She looked at me and said. I give enough. My Father left us when I was 12. He embezzled all the Corp. money. My Mother had to pay all the debts he walked away from. So I was one of the Children that went w/o school supplies. Empathy is a good thing. Giving to others becomes easier every time you do it. You should find the real reason the Pilgrims needed food.

I give to Charities that I deem worthy. It is my money. I want to go on a Gov't. rant. Just for a minute. Look at all the things you have to be Thankful for then think of the worse time you have had in your life. You will find more to be Thankful for. Do that everyday not just one day a year. It gets easier every time you do it. Think of it as a Karma thing. Gotta keep that Karma clean to have Peace of Mind. For living on both sides of the coin. I like my life now. Just put some Billy Joel on. He tells stories. Lee thank you so much.

I am looking at a year course from Stanford. Does courses in business and People skills. LOL See what kind of Medicine I can get for people skills. Never had them. Never had to kiss butt. Did that through my work. I live in a Black and White world. For me at one point I had to answer to my sins. When that happened I didn't like what I was looking at. Life is hard if you are a slow learner like me! I do have a life rule. If you never mess up you aren't doing anything. With that I say Bye. Come on back and see us ya hear. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Can I run resin through my planer. Will it dull my blades? I'm checking the mail at my other address. LOL Mannheim Steamroller "Live

Won't dull them any faster than wood will.If they are a decent alloy blade.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to Gov't Mule "The Georgia Bootleg Box" Lot of good music. Wallet wise I hate learning. I sit here wondering if you should just spend the big bucks up front rather than a little at a time. Last week was a good time to buy stocks. Most are down. Still a good time. My Humana lost 10.00 a share in 3 days I bought at 67.00. Facebook did go up. Its lowest was 18.00 and it is at 24.00 If you bought at 18.00 it is sit and watch. No dividends so sell when you think you will get max profit. You can sell short or stop sell. Set your price when it starts to right itself. I started investing again last year about this time. Refied my house. Went from 6.5 to 3.87. Knocked 300.00 a month off my payment. Another learning process. I always invested in my 401Ks aggressive. Time to go for it again. Will do metals this time. Most are paying 15 to 35% a year. I can start drawing at 59. I'm hoping that at some point we don't hit hyperinflation. These guys at the Fed. Are artificially keeping interest rates down. They are printing more money. Just crazy. We keep throwing money at Fannie and Freddy and the USPS. There is talk of a credit rating down grade by Moodys AAA to AA+. Never seen such craziness in my life time. I'm not into the globalist state of mind. We are spreading ourselves thin. It use to be not long ago we loaned the money. We needed bases in Iraq just as we have in Europe the Far East.

Here is a story. My Mother found a litter of kittens. We always had cats and dogs. Cats you have no snakes or mice. Dogs keep other bigger things away. My dogs were never leashed or even have a collar. These kittens eyes were all matted up. So Carly and I went to the feed store got stuff to clear them up. Well there was one with 4 white feet that was the one Carly picked. Boots My Mother did not like cats. Well they got better. Went up to see here. She was outside sitting. I'm watching this kitten run to her and start climbing up her leg. I just shook my head. I didn't say anything. My Mother letting a cat crawl on her. When I went to leave she tried to slip me money. Thinking to myself this woman has lost her mind. She goes just take the money and get the kittens some toys and canned food. Well we did when we went back up the next day. I think it is 2 days later Carly is called by my Mom. She has fallen and can't get up. I know it sounds like the commercial. She was getting Chemo for the 2nd time in 5 years. They kept her at the hospital for a week. Then they called us in. I had to make decisions. They were asking the questions my sister got mad. I'm just shaking my head. We took her home. One day she asked me to mow her yard. I never asked why. Well I got done and the nurse was there. Another meeting. She tells us she has maybe 2 hours. I looked at Carly and told her I'm going home. I went in and told my Mother I was going to take her kitten to my house. She didn't ask why. She just said Thank You. This cat acts just like my Mother. So I started calling her Babs. My Mother"s name was Barbara. The reason I thought of that story was because I stepped on Babs and she cried. That was it. Didn't run away. Just let a yelp out. LOL Babs is a I'll do it when I want to. Boots is a I'll bug them till they do what I want cat. LOL Ever hear the Carlin joke about cats. A cat is the only animal that will take off running full blast and slide into the wall. Turn around and look at you as if they are saying I meant to do that.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
A variety of music. Anyone want my practice tape. If you don't like it erase it. I must be sick. I'm almost done with the sound room. Thinking of what to do about the sound bounce off the back wall. Can you look at sound waves as you do air? I mean in theory.kij34e/y Boots just walked across the keyboard. LOLbvghhhhhhhhh*6589999999999999\
Again in the other direction. LOL Watching the Muse on Palladia. Have you ever watched the movie Honeydripper? Some pretty good Blues guitar in it. Deep cycling my laptop battery. So it won't get memory of not a full charge.



Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
A variety of music. Anyone want my practice tape. If you don't like it erase it. I must be sick. I'm almost done with the sound room. Thinking of what to do about the sound bounce off the back wall. Can you look at sound waves as you do air? I mean in theory.kij34e/y Boots just walked across the keyboard. LOLbvghhhhhhhhh*6589999999999999\
Again in the other direction. LOL Watching the Muse on Palladia. Have you ever watched the movie Honeydripper? Some pretty good Blues guitar in it. Deep cycling my laptop battery. So it won't get memory of not a full charge.
Larry: Those are some great albums. I"ll do a mix tape swap with you. Vinyl recordings, only, right? Do you want it recorded on a Type II cassette, with or without Dolby? I"ll do a copy for Chris, as well. I have a mix tape to complete this week, then I should be ready the following week to start on it.

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Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
OK Nando. You understand this tape isn't done perfectly. It is me just testing sound. When recording without times is a pain in the butt. Listening to side A. Maybe I'll do side B with the Carys. No Dolby. Yea a type II is fine. I don't even have headphones hooked I'm just listening and working. Some are cut off. My cough meds make me forget what I was doing. LOL Started pouring a surface on my work slab. Make some red this time. Maybe pearl. May do a Led Zeppelin side for you. I promise no Stairway To Heaven. LOL My typing skills have went south. Any Led you want to hear on vinyl? I bought most of my LPs years ago when a Led was 25.00. Most used were 5 to 10.00. Do I have a bidder on my records when I die? LOL Don't know why; but vinyl comes out a month later than CDs. So that vinyl may be here next week or the Tuesday after. Most music and movies comes out on Tuesdays. Over the weather and through the house I see Bob go. Lot of just random good thoughts. I try to live that way. Be back in a few. Have a Merry Day. What a fun day so far. Facebook stock is climbing. May buy more depending on the price next Tuesday. That is my free trade day. Graham I getting there. I have 1/2 right now.
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Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just put the new Led on. Been up since 7:30 yesterday. Started pouring. Filling the old arm board hole. Take measurements and pour the bottom. May cut the template board tomorrow. With a 3/4 inch top and 1/4 inch bottom and the already done plinth. May do the screws and base in brass. With the black I think that would look nice. If I take one inch of the one side. I think it will look a little bit more proportional. Oh new guy Hi. Thought I would try some sanding sponges. You can remove some resin. 20 of them for 10.00. If I wanted to use the phono board out pf the SP 12 to make a tubed cassette deck. What all would I have to change? This has been one of my better days. Wish I could sleep. LOL Night


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Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Here is a place that has some very good deals. They run a special every day. They will email and tell you the special. That is where I got the Pink Floyd Immersion CD set. 5 CDs 1 DVD. A muffler all kinds of stuff. Nando I'll do some remasters and original vinyl. Tell me which is which. I will send a play list with it. Or if you even hear a difference.
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Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
I have no idea who is in the disc changer. It is a sound I know. I'm not sure if Ebay did it. Amazon asked for my soch yesterday. SS number. Have a tooth hurting at the moment. Aspirin helps. I try to give people a fair shake. Not one for candy coating what I think. Been thinking of building a music server. I have no CDP hooked up in the sound room. I have purple dust every here from working on the plinth. Thinking about umph. I'm not much for it. I like it all to be equal. My finish sander sort of broke. It is a pain to change paper. The little knob to change paper came off. So I got a Dewalt. Trash day so I need to clean some.

I never thought I as the coolest person. Tried to be honest. I as the guy the Lead mech hated to like. I never had to do anything I didn't want to do. Went to work on a DC 10 crew. They kept breaking tools getting the shear upper engine mount bolt. The engine is suppose to fly off over the wing if something happens. You torque this bolt with a multiplier. 1st week on the job. Someone asked it I had an idea. Went and looked. Being a spear pin. It was hollow. They were breaking tools left and right trying to break the torque. Went and looked. The pin went through the fwd wing spar. Looked told them to pack the inside with dry ice and heat the spar. They gave me the job to change all the heat exchanger filters in the nose. Not a fun job. You are standing on your head in a confined space. Not fun. At break the engine guys come up to me smiling. The bolt came out like butter. After changing the filters I went up to the lead. Handed him the card bought. He thanked me for helping on the bolt. Well next DC 10 he puts me back on the filters. Didn't say a word. Never complained about my jobs. That was just part of it. The next DC 10 came in. He hands me the filter cards again. I started laughing and handed it back to him. LOL I told him not me this time he needed to spread the wealth. He goes but you are quick. I told him to let someone else get quick on it. This lead got to like me a lot. Made him look good. I was a contractor. Rent A Hack. They were directs. We never got good jobs. I always seemed to go direct or was the last one out the door. My 1st time in Mobile. Two weeks there and contractors are walking out the door. They did a pick and choose who they wanted. They let a bunch of people go one evening. I went to hook up a boost pump plug the night before. I waited for my job. My lead says come with me you cross threaded a bolt on the connector. This is a bolt going into the wing spar. By the time I get there I am hot. Got there there ere 2 avionic guys standing there. They are telling my lead I should be fired because I was a contractor. My lead looked at me. I told him there as no way. I started all the bolts with my fingers. Couldn't heli-coil it. They had already done that. He and I finally got it after about 1/2 hour. The avionic guys cross threaded. Blame the contractor game. Well 2 years later I'm sitting on the ramp waiting to launch a 27. This avionics dude sits don beside me. I look at him. It is the jerk that wanted me fired. He starts moving his lips. I hear him say he was sorry. I just look at him Not saying a word. He asks if I heard him. He asked again. I don't say a word. My friend sitting with me. He just looks at him and says he heard you. You need to go away while you can. I wanted to pound his butt. Lying about me or to me just don't fly. He keeps trying to apologize. Finally I look at him. I tell him he needs to take the advice he was given before he has an accident on the ramp. He is hard headed. Keeps trying to apologize. My friend looks at him again and says you better leave. I just kept looking at him shaking my head. At the last suggestion he left. He had quit and became a contractor. You never want to start a fight on a federal airport. Good thing he didn't go to Papa Buddha's after work. I would have thumped his butt. Gonna get me fired for your mess up. Was talkjng about Obama Care on FB one day. Told them about the VA system. This school mate went off on me. Cussing calling me names. I told him I was going to be nice. Politely asked him to come to my house and talk to me that way. Never heard another peep out of him. I try not to say anything I may regret over the internet. Now why would you call someone names and cuss them if you won't do it to their face. If you made me mad enough if I thought you were worth it I may visit you to see if your cajones are as big in person. To me it is just another stupid human trick. No use getting excited. Just words. Not like you are living next door and I have to speak to you. We all have our ignore lists. Life is to short not to recognize people just don't like you. There are people I don't care for. I tolerate well till I get a reason not to. I wasn't put on this earth to please other people. Still don't know who is playing on the CDP. Eating pain pills. May go back to sleep. Just pushed my gums where it hurts. I know I'm alive.Oh the pain feels so good. LOL Note to self. Don't push on gums it hurts. Joe Cocker is on the CDP. Gotta go work on this pain. See you later.
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Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Will take pics today. Listening to alot of music. Unhooked the BL 10X will play the same songs off a tape and see which is better. May unframe Some Girls and listen to it. I have never played it. Coming up is a Led that was done in Madrid. I didn't remember having this much Led. The 10 weighs close to 40 lbs. Feels like lead in the bottom. May move the TV system back in the sound room. I can bi-wire 2 pairs of speaker cables. See if the Creek sounds better than the Dynaco. See if the HUMMMMMM travels with the TT. If so then it is the Nikko. Will clean everything up and then see. This has been a rough year for me physically. One med gave me hives and made me lactose intolerant. The other caused a headache that put me down for the count. The lactose thing kills me. I wanted cereal day before yesterday. What 20 spoons full of milk? It hurt me yesterday morning. I hate Dr.s. One says fish oil. The other says no quit taking it and eat 2 walnut halves a day. Then my meds got messed up went through DTs a coupke of times. Came off of the narcotics way early. I did it in 4 weeks. Not the smartest thing I have done. They wanted me to curb down a half a month. No DTs. LOL Not me. I'm doing it my way. I try to just accept that is how I feel and go on. Will be back.


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
Creek. As far as I know, is a great choice.

Im listening to "Cargo" by men at work. Remember them? Anyway, thats on the Garrard Type AII, Shure SC35C cart, bellari, Jolida, Snell EII. Ordered a stylus from JICO today $22. Shure M3D. Sounds good on really old vinyl. If the Garrard goes to shit, I can toss it and make money on the cart. Time to start selling things and tossing things. I have a tough time with it. Maybe I know what hoarders feel like a little to part with things.