AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just got done listening to Eagles "Hell Freezes Over" To me the best LP ever made by the Eagles. Joe Walsh was great on this LP. He was playing that box geetar really good. I have to say The Creek and Epo 12.2 is a very good combination. Those little size 6 bookshelves sound like a size 14. I always forget what the Creek can do till I hook it up to the Epos. About to move the 16s in there also.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Nando I have to redo A side. I think B is done with only a couple of booboos. I'm a booboo your a booboo we are all booboos. Booboo what is in the pick a nick basket. I'm trying to pick some different music that I like. I wouldn't mind having some Kenny Wayne Sheppard vinyl.
Nov 26, 2012
Eufaula, Ok
---I like to Rock
Nando I have to redo A side. I think B is done with only a couple of booboos. I'm a booboo your a booboo we are all booboos. Booboo what is in the pick a nick basket. I'm trying to pick some different music that I like. I wouldn't mind having some Kenny Wayne Sheppard vinyl.
I would too. I listen to Stevie Ray about once a week on vinyl. Be nice to throw KW in that mix.


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Hey, thanks Nando. I'll have to get off my butt and record one for you. Any preferences?
Chris: I love most progressive rock, classic rock and current rock. Then there's blues, some older jazz, and of course any psychedelic downtempo/psybient music, like Shpongle. Any instrumentals-only are fine, too.



Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Nando I have to redo A side. I think B is done with only a couple of booboos. I'm a booboo your a booboo we are all booboos. Booboo what is in the pick a nick basket. I'm trying to pick some different music that I like. I wouldn't mind having some Kenny Wayne Sheppard vinyl.
Booboos are fine, Larry. And I think our taste in music is similar, so anything you should like will be something I would like, as well.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to the B side of the tape. Have to redo side A. Got a pretty big stack of records to clean. Need to inventory my records Ken if you want to do a Pink Led swap. I can do that. Let's make it a free for all. Any means necessary to get the mission accomplished. I don't care if you hire the remaining members of the bands and record them live. I remember getting up to watch In Concert Friday nights. I was pretty young so I had to sneak. The one I remember is Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Pink Floyd all live In Concert. I will remember that as the day I understood Rock and Roll. Good learning experience. I would wait for the bus with a friend of mine. Every morning he would pull out his bowl and fire up. I never did it in school. Listening to Soundgarden. I had to search for this LP. I think I took a pic of it. I'm in my memory is crap mode of flight. Have to stop spending money. These last 2 LPs were clean. Very clean. No pops. Hey the Chief of this tribe. Would you like me to ask him if he wants to do a link. That way members get 10% off. He is running Technics tables. He cleans them with a VPI and plays them loud. LOL He gives a grade with them blasting. He plays every LP.

Are there any very good motorized attenuators. Could pull the one out of the Creek. LOL yea right. May sell the BL 10. Doubt it though. Some things you just can't sell. Trying to remember the TT I had in my 1st system. Had Omega Z-7000 speakers, Rotel integrated 45 WPC amp. A wedge style Akai. cassette deck. Zip cord speaker wires. Can't remember the cart. In the barracks it was enough to get written up.LOL Playback on the Akai sucked. Recording was great. Very clean tapes. Very little hiss if any. Time to go put lipstick on this pig tape. LOL

Just put some Rainbow on next is Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush. Two very good guitar players. You can hear a little sound of Deep Purple in the sound. Almost have the Sound Room clean and halfway organized. Organized by my standards. I don't know how to apply to Stanford. You have to say what you are doing now. Next tell about your crews. All the special projects you have ran or was part of. Next is what you expect to get out of the coarse. All sections to be considered has to be a 200 word minimum. 200 words about these topics in not easy for me to do. Ok here comes some pics of the last 2 days. Here are the last days of listening.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
This morning was a pleasant surprise. Found a Traffic LP. Don't remember why I bought it. John Barleycorn . Very good LP. Looking for a nice touch up gun. Would even try to learn an airbrush. Do not adjust your set we are very much in control. Of what is the question. Your guess is as good as mine. Can anyone on here fathom 1 Trillion dollars? Ken you should shop on Grahams list. He has a Thorens I think with a Grace tonearm. If I remember right. It was a very good price. I like straight arms. Garage door open. Cranking a little Led for the neighborhood. If they don't like it they will get over it. LOL Scooter is about to be started. Wonder what my neighbors think about the wild man from Borneo? Gotta Go.

You guys have a very nice day. I am.LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to the new Asia. I remember why I don't listen to them. Just put O.A.R. "Live On Red Rocks" Heard them the other day. Just don't remember. We are cruising throw the feel of music just wondering what I want to hear. Just bought a kitchen faucet. Couldn't call the land lord. LOL Oh just put The Mighty Mighty Boss Tones on. Gotta get the Oppo fixed. LMBO Sitting here with the CDP remote trying to pause. LMBO I'm listening to the computer. Laying thick coats on the sides of the SP. The top is getting polished. If I remember right. Lacquer reactivates the previous coat thus forming one. You can do a mirror finish and it will still bond. Am I correct?

I like when Carly gets up. I can wreak havoc on the house. I don't sit down till 1 or 2pm. Been on a cleaning terror of late. Got the head bobs going. Type listen type listen. I'm loosing it. Watching paint flow. LOL You should try it. Very fast process. I'm getting the shooting back. Just like riding a bike. Keep that wrist level move the arm. That way your shoot an even stroke. No lighter or heavier spots all the same from beginning to the end. I'm checking the mail at my second home. The lights are on but no one is home. As usual. Almost have the sound room done. I have taken a few Maxell shots. Sitting in the chair vantage points. Lee you have heard this preamp. Tell me the truth. Is it as good as I am imagining? I could be just over the weather and through the woods. To no man's house I go. I'll huff and I'll puff and not blow your house down. Takes to much energy. I'm going to play with my hand planer to day. If I mis spell so be it. I'm tired of fixing misspellings. LOL Nando. I went on the A side. Put the music I wanted to redo. It came out almost perfect. Didn't have to erase the the one song I was going to. Now to remember what vinyl they came off of. Kismet is what I call these happenings. Gotta Love when a plan comes together. Some pretty good tunes. We are doing scud runs.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Good morning all. Right now I am listening to a HEPA filter. I have been shooting paint in the garage. Think I am done. It is time to start polishing. Will polish the base coats then start with some coats of clear. I try very hard not to say things that I have are the best. I do say what does sound good to me. I'm still learning. With the gear I have right now I could go a step up with better components on the inside. My Onix hasn't been hooked up for a long time. Even then I was running DACs and Anti-jitters and reclocks. So I know the Onix CD 1 can sound better. But come on now when you say that a 12.00 headphones are the best you have heard. I gave a bunch of Sonys away. I paid 5.00 each. Didn't listen as I could tell from the build they wouldn't last long with me. I mean I broke a pair of AKGs. LOL I can almost guarantee they weren't the best headphones I had heard. I get lucky like the 60.00 Goldring 2400. Now I will walk you through my reasoning when I first got it. Before my little tweaks. When I first set it on a record I could see dollar signs before my very eyes. Lot of pops I had never heard before. Before that I had the Shure on it. Difference was night and day. Let us get one thing straight. Just because I own it doesn't make it the greatest. That is simply BS. I try very hard to make do with what I have. The things I have sound good to me. I'm not the epitome of audio. I don't know crap. I'm just a pedestrian in the audio walk. You can prove me wrong all day long. When giving advice you really must think before you type. It could cost someone a lot of money. Now let us get one thing straight. The more transparent the component the more transparent the sound. If you get noise through your amps you have a problem. THERE SHOULD BE NO NOISE! Warming up the tubes. Just put Suzy Quatro on. You know what noise can be taken care of by cleaning and cable routing and other things. Need to make a volume box to test amps. Now this may ramble. Ok let us see If I can wind this up. If you are so disillusion that you think you have the greatest. I'm sorry. You have to keep it in a perspective. Some of you guys have things I can only dream of. Champagne wants on a beer budget.Let us do the Tortoise and the Hare. I try to be slow and methodical. I have no need for speed. I enjoy every rung of the ladder. Do I know where the gold ring is that I'm searching for? I am very close to a stopping point on one system. When I get this TT built. The Teac I think I will stop. On it. This is some pretty good tunes. Jerry I looked at that EMU 0202 for 15 min.s thinking what the heck is this thing? LOL Well I'm about to go looking for wall warts for the Perpetual thingies. Stay tune for my none eclectic thoughts. Never take yourself to serious. You could be a joke to someone else. LOL


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
DUDE!!!! Ya on a tear today or what??? Larrt had it not been for the hum in that BITCH I would be singing it's praises tpoo. A fine pre-amp.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just plodding along. Finishing up on the preamp top. No pics yet. The camera is in the sound room. The computer is in the garage.Neither can get there from here Steven will start cleaning up the deck. As soon as I get the base on this top where I want to be. Me a tear. Lee I have no expectations of others than I do myself. I know when certain little demons are setting on my shoulders. LOL Listening to the Porcupine Tree Playlist. Few hours of music. This band will take you from Up Up and Away In My Beautiful balloon. To some very hard hitting stuff. All in one song. Steven almost done with the top. The deck should only take a day to clean up and do a little preventive maint. When I was drinking and my other forms of debauchery then I was a terror on a tear. See I'm listening to the puter. So I can't download any pics. Have a wonderful day.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Larry, when do you take a day off? It's the weekend. Lee and I destress by putting a rod in the water. Are the tips of your fingers tarnished yellow from letting the cigarette burn down to the filter, while you're working? That's my dad's favourite pose, as those ciggies spend more time there than being inhaled. He rolls his own. Don't most seniors?

I just saw this and got a good chuckle. Listening to Johnny Winter. Since I stopped taking 40 MGs of Narcotics a day. Clonazapam will make you a little slow. LOL Gotta keep that temper in check. Not really I don't have an aggressive bone in my body. While in Memphis they found certain drugs I took kinda made me aggressive. You believe that about the bones in my body? Don't you? If I go back to school. Audio will be gone. I am a one challenge at a time man. Can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Much less take courses that have nothing to do with flight. Everything to do with the behind the scenes. So I am giving myself till the 1st of the year to say goodbye. If you hear something about me. Think if that sounds like me when it is said. Trust me I will not say anything behind your back. I pick my battles very cautiously. Some people tried very hard to damage the Phoenix name. Oh well. They tried. My customers are still emailing me with their problems.LOL No money and I still try to help.

So on the 1st of Jan. 2013 I will melt into the wood work. Starting another journey in my pedestrian mode. Now you know I am forthright in the things I do. This forum was never about me. Never thought of it as mine. So I try to look at all sides of the coin. As do I pitch it or stick it in my pocket. Made some stupid decisions in my life. Listening to Led again. Steven the deck goes on the block to be worked on in a few minutes. My nephew just PM'd me. He will be taking the garage system minus the pre. I will figure out a garage system if I look around. I try to expand horizons. Just like a drug. Give them a taste for free then they keep coming back. LOL It is good someone other than myself will put it to good use. Steven listening to your deck. Think I found a box. Will clean all the RCAs. Don't think I need to deox the pots. This Van Halen is rather good.