AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
HMMM Why did that happen? Think I will start using photo bucket. I'm proud of myself. I remembered. That will stop taking up drive space. Testing Stevens deck. Sounds very good. For what is. It isn't a play back deck. I think I have the daisy chain wires. Give me a couple of days. I need to dig up some things for you.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just recorded onto a Phoenix. From the Denon. Lot of detail for a bogus tape. LOL Glad I have a few left.One day. There may be a need for a rather good tape if I say so. Nando I have never cleaned any of my cassettes. I know the ink I used etched into the plastic. I have no idea. What they used. I have to go spelunking and find them. I think you will like this tape. Little Frank thrown in for good measure. I don't know the name of the songs. I will put the LP name and every thing. Some loud pops on one song. Pretty long pause. Have to hit play to get it going. Osmosis doesn't quite get it done. This is the program I would like to take.

Wish me luck


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just testing vinyl. Cleanliness is next to Silence. Making a clean pile and cleaner pile. Rainbow. One of my favorites is "16th Century Greensleeves" To me Ritchie Blackmore is one of the least talked about guitar players. He has composed some very artistic songs. Jon Lord was also great. He has passed. Google him. Some very good music. I'm finding my neater kind of records. Just did Off White by the Beatles. I have a bootleg White Album. I haven't been in a serious recording mood in a long time. Watching the Kid across the street trying to start his car. The clutch in it is slipping so bad. he must hit 4000RPM to get it moving. I use to live that way. I can change the rear main seal without pulling the engine on a 350. Drop the pan. Put a trash bag around it. If it was installed properly you won't scrape much. RTV going back on. You save time and money if you don't have a cherry picker.

Have you ever been sitting around with your friends. There are strangers around. You just look at your friend and start talking about weird stuff. You just pick a subject and start BSing. Having no clue what you are talking about much less your friends. People will get quiet. Someone will ask what in the world are you guys talking about. We don't have a clue. I had a friend going around telling everyone he was inland in Vietnam. I would start laughing. The other guys believed him. There was no Vietnam in 1977. He was born in 59. The crazier the story the better. Sheple. Wow I forgot what I was doing. LOL



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Lot more going into the needs cleaning. Man I need to get to it cleaning my garage. I need a 2 car for just my toys. In the sound room. This is a very poppy LP.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Now this is the kind of day God was thinking about when he made man. LOL Windows open and it is Dec. A very good day. You have to appreciate the little things. Not having to go to those garsh darn meetings. If I want a drink. I just think about the meetings. Haven't been to one in 9 years. I went to so many I knew their stories. Better than my own. I'm not kidding I will never go to another one. I nip it in the bud. That was a joke I tell ya. AHAHAHAHA Guess I will try photobucket. Save you guys some space.
Sleeve City order going in. Anyone want anything? Think I can drop ship.

<a href=";current=porn001-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket" ></a>
Nice TT
Gotta love life Well I'm in my forgetful mode. LOL What was I talking about? HMMMMMMM I wonder?

Have a good day I am.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
I think I have more pics. Let us see. They have changed photobucket. I transferred 489 pics yesterday. See I forgot what I am doing. Nope no more pics. LOL Gotta go see ya wouldn't want to be ya. Nanana


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
So many girls and women in short pants it's really weird.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Jon Lord's last CD. I do like it because it is a mix of Classical and Rock. Don't know if he put anything on vinyl. Now music for the traveling tape. Put a lot of my choices on the test tape. I have one Tascam left. Have to put a new faucet in. It is laying on the bench. Think I will redo one of the baths. The small bath. I may have slate floors put in. Kitchens and bath upgrades increase the value. Facebook will start trading on the Nas 500. Which should increase price. Right now I have started to see some light on it. I jumped @ 38.00. I'm down to 27 and change. It has stayed in the 27.00 range for the last few days. If you bought in at 18. 9.00 a share profit now. I think I would start thinking about pulling the trigger @ 35-40. I have been sitting on Humana a year in Jan. Sold some shares already. So I have made a profit. Plus it pays dividends. It is in the 60s. Lowest was 59 this year. High of 95. I have been throwing some change at it being so low.

Can you tell I'm in a rambling mode of transportation. Can't drink milk very much anymore so drinking juice. I can drink orange juice. It is hard though. I worked in a juice plant in Cali. While I went to school. I looked at, smelled ,test, and tasted oringe juice. I extracted the oils from the water run off. When they squeeze the orange the oils from the skin fly every where. So the shoot water on them when it does and then I would separate the solids water and oils. Throw them in centrifuges and spin baby spin. When I did it lemon oild was 4.00 a lb. Around 400 lbs per 55 gal drum. You hand trucked the barrel to the scale. then you walked it on the scale. No we didn't we used a fork lift. I could do to 4 drums a day.LOL Oh the mind is a terrible thing to waste. We had holding tanks. There was 4 white people in the plant. No blacks. When I took my lunch. This little lady would sit across from me and talk up a storm. I couldn't understand many words. I knew when they cussed me. Just start cussing back in Spanish. Never had a problem with most of any race. Now white people man don't make me go there. I have had friends of many races. They all have jerks. I lived with Blacks for a year at a VA Homeless shelter.In Memphis TN. You can get by with a lot of crap. By being a crazy white boy. I use to volunteer to do dishes. I would work 2 weeks then off a week. That experience taught me a lot. I found out I could get to big for my breaches. From Suites at the Ramada to a homeless shelter in 12 easy months. LOL I learned what I wanted to be and not to be. You have to use every lesson in your life as a positive. I would like to see Memphis with money in my pocket. Where the shelter was pretty close to the airport. The cops come in and start kicking people out of the apt.s and boarding them up. Girls turning tricks behind the little shopping center. Shootings all the time. I had resolved myself I would never settle down, own my own home. Never thought it would be like this, Trust me it is the little things.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
This morning nothing yet. Been doing research. Just because someone says something doesn't make it true. Do you guys think I'm joking about moving? I can take online courses from anywhere. Been listening to people say that Christians must fight back. Christians don't fight. Jesus carried his own cross. He didn't run or fight. A Christian is rewarded for their actions or lack there of. I hope and pray that I can get to the point of praying for the person that is going to kill me. A true Christian is a selfless person. It isn't about them. I hope and pray that one day I can achieve that thought process. It takes a lot to make me mad. If you can achieve that goal. It isn't funny. I was taught as a child you take care of the less fortunate. If you needed a shirt. I know my Mother and Father would give it to you. Well I thought the 1st of the year would be a good time to leave. I could go out in a flame of glory. That wouldn't be nice. Have things to do. It has been nice of you to let me write this. I will remember most of you fondly. Some have my email. If you need anything let me know. Steven your deck will ship Mon. Nando and Joe the tapes will be coming. I will ship the traveling tape when it gets here. Graham I still have your email. I leave with no animosity towards anyone. Which is a good thing. It is time to step off this audio bus I have been on these last few years. Will save money that is for sure. Have a great day I am. Good bye guys


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
You will be so missed Larry. Did I ever tell you that my MOS in the Marine Corps was supposed to be Avionics? Broke the head of my femur almost clean off in training. Back to civilian life after 10 weeks bed rest.

Anyway, If your gone already and don't read this then that is sad. But you've been great, and very selfless on many levels with me and I thank you.
Nov 26, 2012
Eufaula, Ok
---I like to Rock
Damn Larry. That sucks. I have really been enjoying your company. Even though we kinda just met seems like we have known each other for years. Hope you get this as I would like to hear from ya now and again. . God Bless Ya and if ya ever need anyone to talk to just holler.

Ken, I deleted your e-mail address cause if you put it out in an open post the spammers will claim open season on your address. Best if ya put that in a PM. Just trying to save you A LOT of delete. Sorry to edit your post, but seconds can mean a big difference. Thanks, Lee
Last edited by a moderator:


Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 14, 2010
Springpatch, IL
It's Beer Season!
This morning nothing yet. Been doing research. Just because someone says something doesn't make it true. Do you guys think I'm joking about moving? I can take online courses from anywhere. Been listening to people say that Christians must fight back. Christians don't fight. Jesus carried his own cross. He didn't run or fight. A Christian is rewarded for their actions or lack there of. I hope and pray that I can get to the point of praying for the person that is going to kill me. A true Christian is a selfless person. It isn't about them. I hope and pray that one day I can achieve that thought process. It takes a lot to make me mad. If you can achieve that goal. It isn't funny. I was taught as a child you take care of the less fortunate. If you needed a shirt. I know my Mother and Father would give it to you. Well I thought the 1st of the year would be a good time to leave. I could go out in a flame of glory. That wouldn't be nice. Have things to do. It has been nice of you to let me write this. I will remember most of you fondly. Some have my email. If you need anything let me know. Steven your deck will ship Mon. Nando and Joe the tapes will be coming. I will ship the traveling tape when it gets here. Graham I still have your email. I leave with no animosity towards anyone. Which is a good thing. It is time to step off this audio bus I have been on these last few years. Will save money that is for sure. Have a great day I am. Good bye guys

Larry, I am sending you this also, listen, friends are forever, come see us when you need a friend.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to Joe's tape of PT.Lot has happened in the world. I have been thinking about something I did.Bought a sink at Lowes. Went to pick it up and they only had the display model. They had a 9 inch though. I told them I would take the 9 inch for the same price. The manager said OK. Went back to get it. Was looking around. Saw an 8 inch box on the top shelf. I didn't say anything. Was I wrong for not saying anything? If I am thinking about it. In my eyes I was wrong. The human in me wants to rationalize that it was an empty box. Should I go back and tell them? This year sucks physically. Maybe my IBS has come back. Been fighting it for almost a year. Found my Grandson again. After the CT shooting thought I should do some effort. He is 3 now. Life is funny some times. Bought some Charlie Christan. Listening right now on Spotify. Just went to Bruce Hornsby "Here Comes The Noise Makers"
Joe Bonamassa said it was one his favorites. Pretty good tunes. What do you do if it feels someone has wronged you? Do you just turn your back on them? Do you forgive and forget the person? To me for a person to do that to another is a lack of respect. Doing the wrong. Do you make excuses. I could see if it was a child. A grown person should not need excuses to act a certain way. It is because they are spoiled. They don't consider others. It is the me thing. All about me. Maybe I think it is all about me also. To me though. It is an inner peace I must find. Thus I try to treat people the way I want to be treated. Maybe I am selfish in my thought process. Doesn't others benefit from me thinking that way. Doesn't caring how others feel matter? In this I think that by looking to improve other peoples lives you associate with. Better than they were when you weren't there. I can say I have wreaked havoc in peoples lives. I'm not proud of it. I did learn from that though. When you sit back and look. It seems that when I went after someone. Whatever I did it came back at me at least 2 fold.

The CT shooting has put me to thinking. I can not fathom their loses. Christmas and a spirit is missing in their lives. There would have to be a very large void. How do you deal with it. What anger would you feel? What sadness? I'm still trying to grasp the magnetude of their grief. The playing of the media. Making them infamous for doing the atrocious act. Was that just what they wanted? This is just my thoughts. I think there were more than guns involved. Evil, lack of sympathy or empathy. Mental illness? I think a lot of things were contributing factors to the end result. Are we trying to coddle ourselves by blaming guns? In most incidents it is planed. It was a deliberate act. OKC took a lot of lives without a gun being involved. I think it was the mind that was the fault. How do you stop evil? I'm just pondering the answer to the question. There will always be murders. Chicago hit 500 today in one year. Why are their gangs? Why did Cane kill Able? I would go on about the things happening in our country. That wouldn't improve the conversation. This is some good tunes. I always forget his name.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to Hot Tuna. Went to turn it down and forgot there isn't a preamp involved at the moment. Computer, amp, speakers is all. My DAC was 20.00 I think. The amp was a gift and the CVs were 15.00. The computer has been beat bad by me. LOL For a garage it isn't to bad. Suppose to snow after midnight. Still snow here on the ground.Fed the birds before the snow hit. Was wondering how they knew I put seed out. They sure knew. The next day I had 20+ birds in my back yard. They do not smell it. LOL I knew that. LOL They do it numerous ways. Sight and chirping. Fighting will tell them there is something worth fighting for. Some pretty good pluckin goin on. Bending some strings. I keep forgetting about these guys. Tell you what though I would rather listen like this w/o headphones anytime. Dust and all. LOL