AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
This is the 2nd LP of the Golden Earring. Acoustic version of Radar Love. No pops on this one so far. Would you buy hot components? I couldn't and be happy. Knowing someone chose that gear for themselves and now it is gone not by choice. Couldn't do it. I know I wouldn't be happy if it was my stuff.Going to have to wash this one. I have tried every thing in my bag of tricks.I turned down the tracking weight. That would make the pops more noticeable wouldn't it?


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
What needle? Could be worn or bad? That can cause louder noise pops too and it's hard to see without magnification.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Nope it isn't the cart. It was that LP. M97xe.Not many hours on the cart at all. I go through non vinyl spells. Get tired of messing with different setups. LOL Guess you could say lazy. LOL When you have some pretty nice CDPs it is hard to just go to the LPs. Listen to the The Zoo Shakin The Cage. Good CD. The PL has a pretty good phono amp. Nice sound. Thanks to who ever turned us onto these guys


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Preordered the new ZZ Top on vinyl. Heard it the 1st day it was out. It was on Spotify. Can't say no distortion. LOL ZZ Top uses a lot of it. Sounded like ZZ Top. Is all I can say. LOL Heart has a preorder out, BCC also. Listening to Live At the Roseland Ballroom. About to bring the wireless speakers in. Save a lot of room. Have to buy this CD. Well I have to go on an excursion. 40 some degrees on the scooter. LOL
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Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Preordered the new ZZ Top on vinyl. Heard it the 1st day it was out. It was on Spotify. Can't say no distortion. LOL ZZ Top uses a lot of it. Sounded like ZZ Top. Is all I can say. LOL Heart has a preorder out, BCC Listening to Live At the Roseland Ballroom. About to bring the wireless speakers in. Save a lot of room. Have to buy this CD. Well I have to go on an excursion. 40 some degrees on the scooter. LOL
Yeah, let me know if the LP sounds any good. Seriously... even the vocals were distorting. I had to get out and play La Grange just to get the aural image outta my head...


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just put my heavy coat on to go for a ride. 43 degrees at 50 mph will bring tears. Still no socks. Wore jeans 3 times in 5 months so far. LOL These are some good tunes. Blueberry pickin diesel drinking fool that I am. See if I can be a little light hearted here. Thank God for music. Very good tunes. No MP3 I am allergic to it. It is ok till you get better. Warren can play some pretty good jams. Is Heart hard rock? Never thought of them to be that. Been noticing in my listening. I am hearing better bass. Not in the back ground. Equal time. You figure the lead can jam. There are some very good bass players out there. For today I like Pino Palladino. Not just 3 notes the whole song. The Aussie that played with Jeff Beck tried. A for effort on some pretty hard bass work. She was young also. Who is this bassist. Dude is jammin. Garage door open. Still dark. Cops know I'll have this door open all the time. When I get up I get up. LOL Midnight, 3 AM Very good jams. I bother no one. Dude I would have been freaking in the old days. See cops going by. LOL Woke me one night. Carly left her lights on. I pay taxes. I'll call you if I need you. Was very cool of the cop though. My neighbor was talking about a home owners assoc. Told him no way. I'm not going to pay anyone to tell me what I can do with my home. LOL I can see it now. Someone telling me my grass is to long. LMBO I fight other people's weeds all summer. Some weed and feed may get into the neighbor's yard in the spring. 3 quick passes. He told me I could do his yard. So I did. He told me what he did in a long big name. It was Intelligence interpretation. LOL He is the only neighbor I talk to unless your dog is messing in my yard. I will then talk. LOL Gotta spray my sidewalk again with pepper spray. They avoid it like the plaque. LOL Dude can hit some strings. Watch them work their hand on the neck. If they are pulling the strings then they are cheating. These guy's fingers don't stop. They are running that neck the full length and then some. Very good tunes. Type 3 words and try to remember what I was thinking. The pre has been on my mind. Lee how big of a piece do I need?

we did some testing for Northwest. Using white noise to cancel out the engine noise. There is a lot of testing done to be able to do these things on other aircraft. When you do the testing the aircraft become experimental. You have to prove it will not affect any or all of the systems on the aircraft. The equipment can't put you out of you CG range. You can do a CG on paper. You have to know the exact weight at what station. You also have to weigh it physically. Takes 3 jacks, no fuel. All other systems topped off. There are 3 transducers carbon pile. So you get 3 weights. Add them together and pay up or collect on guessing the weight. Saw a DC-10 come off a tail jack. Not pretty or fun. Was trying to sell a gear swing. I'm running the swing with the insp. I sell my paper work. He wants to do a free fall. I say no it isn't ready. Not on my paper work. The lead is standing there as me and this guy are yelling. The insp. Tells me he won't stamp the paper work unless we do a timed free fall. The lead just looks at me. I go ok. It passes the free fall. He wants to do it again. I'm asking why. He just holds out my paper work. This is an Airbus 320 on jacks with the tires 18 inches off the floor. Has to be able to clear the out board tires. I tell the guys in the cockpit to suck them up. They get half way up and they start dropping and catching. I saw the wings come off the wing jacks by 12 inches.. Everyone is under the wings. They are now moving. I'm right by the jack yelling shut it down shut it down. The cockpit is saying WHAAT WHAAT. I then am running for the stairs yelling if you don't shut it down by the time I get there I'm going to kick your A#$s. The gear was just sitting there bouncing the whole plane and these idiots are going WHAAAT WHAAAT.. They shut it down. I asked them if they ever jacked a plane. They said yes. Then I asked did you feel it bouncing. They gave me a blank stare. Then I asked has it ever done it before. They go no. I then looked and said. So what do you do when something strange happens. Shut it down. We didn't have a mule hooked to it. So when they did the free fall it put air in the system The pump started cavitating when they tried to raise it back up. I 'll get back to the gear. My paper work is bought off and no insp. Told my leadthis is bull crap. I'm off after the insp. And the Lead insp. LOL I'm a contractor I don't work for them. People are telling me they will fire me. LOL Dude could have hurt and or killed people. Found him in the insp. break room. Where I wasn't suppose to go. LOL His boss was there. First question was where did you go? Then I started calling ever chicken name in the book. His boss's eyes are bugging. I told him to let me calm down I could have been killed. When that came out the whole room got quiet. The insp. got a 2 week non paid vacation. I had a job any time I wanted. Where my life or anyone's life is concerned I can get very intense very fast. Especially for stupid stuff. Nap time. Have a good day.

Still AM here. Listening to Gov't Mule "Mulennium" I have to like a band to listen to it a lot. I go through phases on what I listen to. The Roseland is a good CD. No vinyl. Guess I'll go get my TT tool box. I will buy the new BCC. Just set up the Shure again. Soundgarden Superunknown. Sounds great coming out of the Bellari no noise and well defined. HMMM Hafler maybe. No filter on the AC. Listen for awhile Then change to the Goldring and see the difference. Needs a cleaning bad. Anyone have a zerostat or a Milty? TT working fine through the Ballari. The LPS tube was the 1st tube to go bad. Is it the spindle bearing the gets sewing machine oil? Would spray teflon work? Can I just pull the spindle straight up?
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Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Larrt, that's the only time I get intense. Saw a kid get his head split open like a ripe watermelon. He was swamping on a winch truck who had his poles in the air, I was beside this truck with mine. We were picking up one end of the sub halves on a drilling rig, they weighed 120,000, I was lifting my half and the other truck was lifting his so they could get it leveled up, his swamper(helper) was standind under the poles when the line holding the poles in the air broke. The snatch blocks and end of the poles came right down on his head, sprayed brain matter in a 20 foot circle. Everybody blamed the kid, I blamed the driver, the kid had no business there at that particular time and the driver can see him standing there as he sucked himself back to the load so it's not like he didn't see him. I was screaming at the kid to get the fuck out of the way....... it was the last thing he heard. So when something looks like it can be deadly I get real loud REAL quick, I catch some flack for it, and I always tell em at least you're alive to be pissed--enjoy it---and walk off laughing. The oilfields can be a very dangerous place, but the counter to that is experience. there used to be a lot of that out here, but after the last boom/bust cycle most of the old hands left. When the latest boom started we had folks in supervisory positions who during the last boom would still be sweeping shop floors. It wasn't pretty for awhile. We work for other oil companies moving, setting, and repairing pumping units, cause we're DAMN good at it. We have a machine shop that can fix anything. And I've been around long enough that if you've been in the oilfield around here for more than a week you've heard of me. We've had a rash of young engineers and company men that CANNOT make a fucking decision lately. They have to call the office in bumfuck Egypt to get permision to do something they've never seen done, instead of letting the guy on location who has been doing this for 37 years( me) just do it. I don't suffer these fools very well anymore. There's a time to get coarse and there's a time to be smooth, and I know the difference. Ya rattle some iron around some of these youngins and they are halfway accross location before you can get em shut down. And hard hats do not stop anything that can kill you.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Just put Red Hot Chili Peppers on "Californacation". The HK sounds sterile. The Balleri sounds like it is suppose to. Got that warmth I like so much. Which is subjective. The bass is right there. Headphones don't bother me to much when they sound good. I have been hurt. 4 times. Hospital a few times or the clinic they want you to go to. Yeah watching some one go down isn't fun. One workman's comp. Refused me. I sued. Rolled and tore my meniscus.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listen to Golden Earring " The Naked Truth" Gotta go get the sit and spin and diapers. LOL Have to talk to the seller. Couple wicked scratches. The sit and spin does work. I am liking this cart more and more. God looks after fools and little children. LOL guess which one I am. LOL Just put a clean porcupine on. He is mad as all get out. He gets dizzy and almost falls off the TT. Good thing I got him tied down with wire. LOL You should see him at 45 while I dry him off. He is fit to be tied. LOL There is a moth riding the TT. LOL I took a pic. LOL 012.jpg It is the brown spot. LOL
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Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Watched a guy get 4 fingers smashed off. He had hold of the dead line on a crane. The tackle walked straight up the dead line right over his fingers. We aren't freaking. No calm either. LOL I'm looking for the fingers. I found the tips. The rest of them was smashed in the tackle on the cable. They bled but not you would think. The fun part. We were in a 4.2 million gal tank under ground. The only way out is the ladders. He starts going into shock. He can't to the ladders. The lowered a 55 gallon drum down and we stuck him in it and they took him away.