AM Listening


Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
I appreciate that. I also appreciate your comments Nando and feel for Larry and his story. We've all walked through some fire in our lives and it's nice to be able to relate to that with others.

The last time I went to see a therapist, who specialized in PTSD, thought she had me nailed and then by the end of each session found herself lost. Each new session gave me an hour to retell new events, which I'm going to spare you all of lol. After about 6 weeks, she basically told me that I was beyond her capability and offered me several referrals. One of which I had given up on before, as I told him I feel like I'm just paying him to be my friend.

This doesn't end poorly, and I've been on and upward pace for about 8 years. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and in some ways it is totally accurate. I have about 60,000 people walking through my store a year and I run a well seasoned staff. There isn't a situation that I can't handle. That's a long way off from years ago when I had walked off my job and lived in the basement while my brother and wife took care of my dad, and me.

My wife and I reconciled after nearly 6 years of separation and we moved to a better place. This sort of thing takes its toll on kids when everything is all about you. Living for others is much more fofilling then living for yourself. The thing is that when you remove quitting as a possibility, you face more fears and become stronger. Now life continues, not without struggles, but we try to make new memories and leave the past behind.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Many years ago I took the Rorschach test. Ink blots. The 1st set of blots were black and white. Then they start the color ones. After the 2nd one I looked at her and told her these all are the same as the B&W ones just in color thus I see a more positive picture in them. She looked at me and goes you have done this before. I said no. She asked how I knew then. To me it was crystal clear. I couldn't answer her. Then they gave me a Minnesota. LOL There was 3 sets of question. The last 2 sets were the same questions. Just asked in a different way. So I answered them all with the same as I did the 1st set. LOL They sort of freaked. They really couldn't score me. If I thought my thinking was getting messed up. I was searching for a way to change it. The best Psychologist I went to was into cognitive therapy. I have read many books on it. I could understand him very well. I quit drinking 8 years ago. I didn't go to AA. I see a new beer and I would like to try it for about a second. Then I think what are you doing stupid. LOL



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to Smashing Pumpkins "Siamese Twins" 180 gram vinyl. Some very good tunes. I always liked this CD just couldn't remember the name. Turned the speaker controls sort of flat. Toe tapping head bobbing going on. LOL This was before their drummer died wasn't it. Sorry had a tickle in my throat. Had to take some cough med. Saw a posting on FB the other day said kids raised on farms don't do drugs. Ireally laughed. As soon as I read it I thought of the song "Wildwood Weed" I cracked up. Growing farmers had cash crops they didn't know about unless they cut corn before we could get it out. We could grow some good crops good ole farmboys we were. Don't keep your crop in a pine tree to fool airplanes flying over. It will taste just like it. If as a child you never chewed on a pine needle it is hard to explain. Eggs will keep the deer away. Humans aren't the only ones who like it. They will eat every leaf off of it. I do like like the cover art also. If you buy LPs that are heavier. They should have the liner notes and a different inner liner that is rice paper or the labels are covered by poly. Very good tunes. If they are not remasters they may come like the lighter LPS. Geek USA is a very good jam. Didn't know they jammed like this. Been thinking about a LP tape. This jam would be on it. No matter what genre. Couple 3 or 4 tunes no matter what. Put your set up on a sheet of paper. I can furnish the tapes. After it is done. It can be put on a HD and everyone can listen. Any going overseas I can ship. I do it cheaper. Let me know.

Here is a story. Trump use to have n airline called Trump shuttle. I'll be back. Cough Cough. Lost my water glass. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. LOL Now back to your regular scheduled program. I was lead on a roving crew. If they had a big job or not very easy we did it. We worked squawks before delivery. We also recovered the Trump Shuttle off the gate. Was always was my crew. My supervisor was a weasle called Pete USAF desk jockey. Well I wanted to fire a goofy guy. This was everyday. I gave him a card to pull fuel panels on a certain plane. I'm making my rounds I look up and see this guy on a plane. I'm yelling hey hey. He goes yes. I asked what are you doing. He goes I'm doing the card you gave me. I go no you aren't. He goes yes I am. Then I told him your on the wrong plane. This was an every nite thing. Drove me nuts. I didn't cuss nor yell. Well his 90 day eval came up. On a scale of 1 to 10. This guy averaged a 3. I wanted him gone. I get called in to sit in on the eval and give my reasons. Well Pete goes over it with him. Pete then asks him what do you think. He goes I think someone is blowing smoke. As soon as the word smoke coes out of his mouth. They office chair goes flying back. I'm on my feet looking down at him. In a soft but intense voice I ask him if he was calling me a liar. His jaw drops his eyes are as big around as 50 cent pieces. Him and Pete are stuttering. I was not a big guy. I did lift everyday so I was in pretty good shape. Pete extended his probation 90 more days. He had to ride with me in the truck to go to the other hanger so there was no getting away from me. LOL We are walking out the door. I asked him if he ever heard the old saying hell hath no fury as a womans scorn? He yes. That isn't true. The way it really should be is hell hath no fury as a a PO'd lead. He looks at me. I'm still in my soft voice so he has to strain to hear me. As we are walking I'm telling him he better be Aholes and elbows for the next 90 days. If I say jump it better be how high. You better walk very softly around me. I had a T wheel inspection. You have to crawl up in the exhaust and inspect it. Jet aircraft burn in essence kerosene. There is so much soot in there. I told my asst. let's see how smart this guy is. He gets to eng #3. He comes over and says am I doing ok. I said you are doing great. The only thing white was his eyeballs. LOL I looked at him and asked where is your Tyvek suit. I wanted to laugh but the guy was humping. Pete saga will continue. LOL



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Well the dull chore of cleaning LPs has started. Listened to Rick Wakeman 3 times. 1st time just a brush. Was not good very noisy. Next did the sit and spin. Better Did the Gruv Lube much better. The right way. LOL Just thought I would let you know. Do as you see fit.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 14, 2010
Springpatch, IL
It's Beer Season!
I have found with the Spin Clean that if an lp is very dirty I allow it to soak in and area then turn it a quarter of a turn, let it set and so on, after soaking I will spin it stop and spin it the other way, and reverse again before drying with a clean soft cloth.

If still dirty, do it all again.

I have replaced the brushes in mine a few times now.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
I'm going to clean them when they get here. In stead of waiting and doing a bunch. I have done the liners on 50 of them and I'm not even close to getting them all.



Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
I believe the album is "Siamese Dream" ( with twins pictured ). I have it somewhere. I just had my hands on a 180g double reissue? What did you pay? Good music.

I like the story FYI.

I saw you mention IRobot- I picked that up mint and it's decent.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
LOL I had some cough medicine while typing. LOL It is Dream but I forgot walking back from the TT. I think I got it for 29.99. I remembered right I do hate cleaning them. I hate the pops more. I have the original I Robot. I got a Joe Walsh while cleaning it found some deep scratches. Won't be played on my TT.



Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 14, 2010
Springpatch, IL
It's Beer Season!
I have a couple of copies of I Robot. Have you listened to Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Alan Parsons? All Edgar Allan Poe stories, pretty good. So is Vulture Culture.




Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
I only have the one APP album. My brother had the one with eye in the sky, which I've seen out their but not compelled to buy. I might have to sample some of the others.

I'm still thinking on that machine for cleaning Larry.


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Pure_Brew said:
I only have the one APP album. My brother had the one with eye in the sky, which I've seen out their but not compelled to buy. I might have to sample some of the others.

I'm still thinking on that machine for cleaning Larry.
Joe: "Eye in the Sky" by The Alan Parsons Project is a good album. I bought it in 1982. As with all APP albums, you don't have to worry about the quality of the mastering. All the albums I have of his are excellent, in that regard.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Getting a little over the weather. LOL The Pete story is a little long. Let me tell you about my Air Force career. LOL I got out a little early 2 years early. My discharge was for the better of the service. LMBO It was an Honorable though. I was pretty ate up in their eyes. I was med evaced out twice. One time for a concussion. The other I threatened to go to Canada. They arrested me and sent me to the loony bin. LOL You had to use a key to get off the elevator to get off on that floor. Better than where they really wanted to send me. A little fed facility in Kansas. LOL I was the guy who would hear open ranks and I was going to the paint locker to paint my boots gloss black. Paint was still wet standing before the Commander. I double back taped my stripes on. I figured they were going to take them any way why sew them on. I had a few accommodations. In my file. Had all nines on my APRs except one 8 always on military bearing. LOL I was on tract for Staff in 4. Had one LOR Drunk on station. LOL Played football. Some of the crazy things I did. Stole the bubble gum machine off a SP car siting at the chow hall while they were eating midnight chow. LOL There are a lot of stories. LOL Isn't that just the way it is? LOL



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Keep coming back to this DVD Plant and Page Unledded. Very good music. On DVD I don't watch. Sounds very good. Will try to improve on my 70.00 investment. LMBO I can't get any better? LOL Sure it can but not for 70.00. Keep everything in perspective. This DVD has the foot going and head bobbing. I'm a very mellow person. I have met one person in here. So I have some question for you. Multiple choice 1 question. No pass or fail.

1) Am I the same everywhere as I am here?

(A) yes

(B ) No I am braver behind a computer.

Now don't get confused. This could be a trick question. LMBO Love this DVD. Has me doing the Larry dance every time. LOL Shirley ye jest. This will tell you how I think. I was sitting in class one day. This guy said something. I made a joke. He called me a Smart A%^. I just looked at him and said. Better than being a Dumb A$%. Dumb A*&. They cracked up. I looked at him again and told him I don't play. That was it. I helped him paint his wing we had to make. I said what I had to say and no more. I was done.I was in Maine working in a union shop. I was making more than the leads. This dude who was about 6 foot 3 weighing about 250 goes walking past me and calls me a whore. I go hey hey hey you. What did you call me. He goes a whore. I just smiled at him and said. Better than being a slut at least I get paid for it. Your a slut you'll do it for anything. LOL Dude walked up to me later and said lets go get a beer. I didn't drink at the time. He said ok.

This is a good DVD. I do want this. LOL Not going to pay that. ... 0868743642

Have A Good Day I am. LOL



Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
After all the BS you lived through you should have a good day every day, cause they're bonus days anyway!!!
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: