AM Listening


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to talking heads at the moment. Going to put the Onix in the mix instead of the DVDP. The sound is very accurate but is sort of dead. Sterile. Does that make sense? About to put the 2nd CD of The Jimmy Rogers All-Stars. The 1st cd was delivered. NOT. Think I'll do the Onix and do a comparison and see. Just put it in. Sorta sucks. Good Blues CD though. This is a nice little amp though. Bringing in some LPs so I can move the cabinet they are in. I think I will be able to take the tone controls out. Just took them out. I really like this CD a lot. Who ever recorded it did a good job. This had to be recorded on tape. I didn't think I had this many LPs.

Have a good day. I am


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
LOL Just remembered a story. It was very dry in Lubbock. I friend knew some one. We would have to go with them. He goes and gets them. We get in the car. Dude these were the biggest black dudes I ever saw. The 2 of them filled the front seat. Not fat. They were big. Well we get to the Chocolate Factory bar. My friends asked if I was scared. I lol. No why. One had a knife and one a screwdriver. I lol at them. Never crossed my mind to be scared. The black dudes were cool. I spent 20.00 a four finger. LOL Walked out. Got in the car. I asked the black dudes if I was ever in danger. They said no and pulled out a 38 and a 45. LOL I looked at my friends and said how stupid? Bring a knife and a screwdriver to a gun fight. LMBO. The dudes in the front started cracking up. LMBO. I went to leave and I thanked them. They start laughing again. Told me if I ever needed any thing to let them know. My friends are looking at me like I have 2 heads. LOL They go you weren't scared? I said no. 1 was gone that night and a good time was had by all. LMBO



Veteran and General Yakker
Jun 14, 2010
Springpatch, IL
It's Beer Season!
It has been several years ago, a friend of mine went into the 'other' Elks club on the rough side of town, he thought he was going to impress them, he walked in, sat down at the bar and ordered a beer. Every head in the bar turned to look at the lonesome white guy, he reached into his pocket and pull out a little 380 auto, down the bar they all started grinning, then out comes notheing smaller than a .357 and they all started laughing, he started laughing and before it was all over they had a good time, all started by laughing at the stupiid white guy with the bean shooter.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to the new Santana. Good mellow music. I haven't heard anyone sing on this whole CD. LOL Just thought of that. Good 4:30 am listening music. Getting comfortable in my skin at the moment. Very good CD. Not like his early stuff. Had to get a new router yesterday. I do like the Netgear ones. I have had the others. They are still making my old model.

If you could prove to me without blowing smoke that a box of rocks could make my system better. If I tried it and it did. I would make a box of rocks. LOL

Steven I had the headshells in my hand the other day. I said I better put these where I will remember. LOL I went and got a box and I can't find them. I am looking as I go on my journeys. Santana is playing some good box guitar.

You know I'm getting to the point where I'm not even wondering what someone is talking about anymore. At some point it just starts becoming like Charlie Browns parents. LOL

Wondering what I should listen to. Got some old new Led yesterday. I didn't have a bunch of their main stream stuff. So I got some yesterday. Think I'll do a John Mayer. I like his older stuff. Not so much his newer stuff. This one "Continuum". Do you guys read the liners? I saw him do this concert on HDTV a long time ago. Need to mellow out the lighting in here.

I try not to judge people. LOL But if it looks like a duck. Sounds like a duck. And walks like a duck. It is usually a duck. Tell you what if I didn't judge people I would be dead. It isn't a good person bad person thing. It is really a do I want to be around this person thing. I guess it comes down to if I want to put in time with this person. I don't tolerate stupid human tricks to much. I am not a people person very much. Watching people is fun. I get some good laughs out of it.

Here is a story. A Navy Firefighter got put on my crew. He was making 2.50 an hour more than me. That kind of stuff doesn't bother me. His Dad got him a job as an aircraft mech. His Dad was a know it all Trailer Park Redneck. A brown noser who had never worked on an aircraft in his life. Till a year earlier he was hired as a helper. Well this guy was pulling panels. I was playing lead on an open up. About half an hour into the shift. This guy comes and gets me. He tells me he has some stripped heads. How do you get them out. Depending on who's plane your working on. Some you can drill the heads and write up the screws you leave in. Not this one. This one you hit them with an old man. Which is sort of like a muffler cutter. You carry valve grinding compound to put on the heads to get more grip. Then you hammer them out. If they don't come then you EZ out them. He had no idea what I was talking about. LOL Well I showed him. If you EZ out you use the next size EZ out so you don't have to drill so deep. Try titanium low torque screws. I would cry when I got the open up card. You went and got a whole hand full of bits. After you went through them. You would be at the tool window wanting new bits. They would ask for your old ones. I would ask why. We sharpen them. I said I know that is why I threw them away because then you stop giving me this crap. I want an envelope of new bits or I'm coming back there and get them. The tool guys knew me. I never gave them a hard time unless I had reason. The guys I knew would get me the new bits. Then tell me don't say anything. LOL

I worked at one place. They tested the batteries. I had a 3 D cell Mag light. I would go get some batteries. They wouldn't work. I asked one time for batteries. He said let me see your old ones. I handed to him. He started testing them. Telling me they were good. I put them back in my flashlight. Turned it on. I asked do you see a difference between on and off. He said no. LOL I told him to give me some batteries. I kept putting them in my flashlight and throwing them away. He is yelling at me. I looked at him. And told him one day I'll quit throwing them away when you give a new set. LOL I threw all the bad ones away. LOL



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Doing Zak Brown Band and Jimmy Buffet on Crossroads. Use to really like Jimmy. I remember who turned me onto Jimmy. Was a good time in my life. Been hearing a lot of good things about Zak Brown Band. Jimmy grew up in Mobile AL his job was in the shipyards.
Legend has it Jimmy use to put up signs saying party this way. You would show up and Jimmy would be jammin.

There was a bar called Floribama. Half is in FL and half in AL. In AL you can sell drinks 24/7 365. So when the FL side closed you went to the AL side and keep on keepin on. AL was a drunks heaven. I would still be at the bar after getting of last night. LOL Oh well Jimmy use to show up there and jam.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
I am grading my LPs. Noisy needs cleaning. Just put an original Abbey Road on. Some pops. Had Santana "Abraxas" It is getting washed. So will the Abbey. 1st I'm cleaning with a brush. If that doesn't work then D4. If that doesn't work I will break out the Sit and Spin. LOL Just put some Gordon Lightfoot. Have LPs I have forgotten I have. LOL Good LP. I do like Gordon though.
Just put a Three Dog Night on that I bought when I was in high School. Bought it thru Columbia Music Club. LOL Been awhile.
Will be back soon. LOL
Just put The Who " Who's Next " Pretty clean.
Will be back soon. LOL


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Dude you are too much!! I've thinned out a few toolcribs in my day too.Kinda like your modus operandi there.


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
LOL I culled some tool boxes in my time. They broke and I threw it across the floor. Never much of a tool thrower though. Worked with some that were dangerous throwing tools.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Wow I'm in my forgetful stage. LOL Sent a check I have been meaning to send. 2 months now. LOL I get a thought. Go to do it and by the time I get there I have forgotten. LOL


Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
LOL Just put Alan Parsons I Robot On. A dude on facebook just started calling me names and things. LOL I was neighborly. I invited him to my house so we can discuss his point of view in the same language. LOL I'm not mad. Really I'm smiling. I haven't kicked any butt in a long time. We had an old saying. Throw down or shut up.



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Listening to CSN 2011.
Metal illness is not something to be ashamed of. Just like any other illness. Just takes longer to deal with. It took longer to get. It manifests over a period of time. There are 2 tings I deal with. Fight or flight syndrome. That is where you brain starts producing more adrenalin than serotonin. After 20 or so years of doing this. Even when you don't need the adrenalin it still keeps making it and very little serotonin. I self medicated for many years. In a lot of different forms. I loved LSD. The 70s was a great time for it. I'm glad I didn't live around here during certain times of my life. There were certain drugs and a way of life that I loved. I had to learn one day what to and not to do. I use to do 800.00 a week in very good uncut never been stepped on coke. Didn't take very long for me to say this is crazy. Losing my career and livelihood was not easy. Not because of drugs. I never knew when a pee test was coming. Well when I figured something had to change. I had 35% blood flow in my legs. 3 blown discs and arthritis of the spine. When I lost everything. I stopped dropped and rolled. I never asked God why did this happen or why did he do this to me. I knew why. Had nothing to do with God. That was the problem. I was the poorest rich man you have ever seen. LOL I had some rules in life. Never say something about a person you wouldn't say to their face. So if I was going to say something about someone to someone else. I was not scared to tell you to your face. And never let anyone be confused about your feelings about them. Good or bad. There are a few levels in that rule. Good, bad, indifferent.I try to treat everyone good. Certain things I do have my limits. I may forgive just not forget. Takes me awhile to not try to figure out why they would do it. I think about the circumstances leading up to it. Trust is a big thing. If I have lessened any ones trust in me please talk to me.

I feel for Steven. I came off my narcotics back in Nov. They wanted me to stop taking a 1/2 a pill a month. I was off of them by the end of Jan. I was taking 4 10 mg clonazapam a day for 6 years. This is my second week off of the lithium. Steve may not be having fun. With the lithium leaving his system. Then not having it at all. Last week wasn't fun. It felt like my intolerance for people was and may be is here. Haven't taken much crap from anyone this week.Yesterday God put me in my place. This a good stupid human trick. Hooked up Carly"s TV I thought. The Sat receiver would not pick up a signal. I'm running every test I can think of. Carly called Dish to recognize the box. They did that then went to self test. It failed. I told Carly call dish. They sent a guy here. Cost me 15.00. He is in there about 2 minutes. Carly yells at me to come to them. I go back and he asks if I have a piece of coax. I start laughing and walking to get the coax. That I forgot to hook to the box and the wall. LMBO



Honorary Forum "Larrt" (ornery too)
Jun 12, 2010
Wasted Days and Wasted Nights
Let me explain why I do these posts. It is therapeutic for me to read my thoughts. I do delete a lot of them. If I read my thoughts I can adjust my thinking. If it helps someone then that is good. A lot of times we think we are alone in our thoughts and problems. Empathy is good.



Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Larry: I like to read your posts, as personal as they may seem to others who might be just browsing this forum solely for answers to their audio questions. It's a close-knit group here, and I hope it remains that way. I, especially, like your life-stories about past work experiences, or something funny, or jaw-dropping you've done in your younger years. You seem to weave it into the topic of discussion quite nicely.



Veteran and General Yakker
Sep 2, 2011
New England
Coffee filters
I want to share something with you. Eleven years ago, I was separated from my wife and staying at my parents house. I woke one morning in the spare room I was in and heard some strange rustling in the house.

I got up and started through the living room, thinking I might grab a poker from the fireplace incase it was some sort of intrusion. As I rounded the corner to the hall I saw a uniform and my heart sank. I turned the corner to look into my parents room I was met by a cop who put his hands up to block me from the scene.

My mom had recently undergone total kidney failure, caused by many years of living with diabetes. She had to go to a dialisys treatment center 3 times a week to have her blood cleaned. In order to do this, a tube/shunt had to be installed in her neck so her blood could be accessed. Apparently it was somewhat of a temporary one that was going to be removed in the near future.

What had happened from what I gather, is that she was having a possible sugar issue, which made her weak or even pass out. When I had turned that corner, I had witnessed her passed out, naked and lodged between the toilet and the cabinetry in the tiny bathroom attached to the bedroom. I didn't see her directly, but from the mirrored double closet doors which faced opposite the bathroom on one end, and the entrance on the other end.

She had somehow damaged the shunt in the process and, from what I could see, completely bled out. Not sure why my dad didn't come get me when he found her. I suppose calling 911 immediatly was the right thing to do. But then he went out and moved cars to make room for whoever was coming. Still didn't get me. Panic I suppose.

They were talking about busting the toilet out because she was stuck in there. But they eventually pulled her out, got he on a stretcher and rushed her off. As the last of the people were leaving, I asked one of them if they could help me clean up. He said he didn't do that and offered no other suggestion.
Before I had begun, my father was still sitting in the living room where I put him. He had difficulty speaking, but somehow managed to ask me to check in the basement to see if the blood had gotten down to there.

Well, it had, but I lied to him and said it hadn't as there was no need to freak him out further and I was going to take care of it.

I don't know how long it took me to take care of it all, but there are things about that I'll never forget. My dad slowly degenerated after that until dimentia completely took over, having his keys taken away and finally strapped to a wheelchair to keep him from hurting himself or others, bed-ridden then death. We lost him about 3 years ago and it was a long painful goodbye.


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Joe: Those are heart-breaking events. I would hope that you find solace in knowing most of us here, on this forum, have faced similar tragedies in their life. We have survived, and believe me, there is peace, not in reflecting back on the end times, or sudden passing of a loved one, but all the good times spent with them. That's what I know is good for me. I spend times with my classic cars, listening to music on my old stereo, or out on my boat because it harkens back to a time where my most favourite and pleasurable memories are. And more often than not, there are those particular songs that remind us of what we have lost.
