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  1. stuwee

    Just Venting parts II, III, IV and V

    Part I, the Thorens debacle is old news, and will be sorted soon, thank you Jim and Larry for helping me figure it out (and anyone I forgot). Part II, things were going pretty smoothly, taping away but every once and a while I'd flip the Lp and no sound anywhere. I could put my ear near the...
  2. stuwee

    Welcome to the Phoenix Audio Forums 20tajk7

    Howdy and Welcome :wave: , hope you enjoy the forums, say hello or just jump on in and post in a thread, we like pics!!! Craig :color:
  3. stuwee

    About this epilog thingie

    Nick, are you able to discuss this device? Are you modifiying something to work in a different way? I'm curious about this...
  4. stuwee

    Just venting

    Shit! &$^$##7!! The RCA plugs on the Thorens have gone wonky, the arm wire was upgraded to Cardis in 1975 when the original owner put the SME on it. Well, I guess with all the rearranging of the system has taken it's toll...I assume I can just have new plugs installed on the wires. Of course it...
  5. stuwee

    Let's talk tubes, shall we?

    Nice video of some cool stuff, ... ure=fvwrel
  6. stuwee

    A good 'ol tune for Lee!!!

    You need to blast this for your mates at the site while pumping :thumbright: :thumbright:
  7. stuwee

    16 2/3rpm Lp for the road...

    The good old microgroove 45 sized Lp for your Chrysler or Ford :D ... le_collins I've been feeling nostalgic latey, I know they didn't work for shit or even sound nice, but still :love4:
  8. stuwee

    Big speaker lovers and Yammie fans

    How about this garage system?? From Blu Falcon's collection...Yammies in the rack and some Technics SB-7000A's to bring the cops :shock: :o :shock:
  9. stuwee

    No NASCAR this weekend

    :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  10. stuwee

    GTFO! Patek Philippe cassette deck

    And they want $875, it no worky either, nice pics of the PCB's ... 336905e405
  11. stuwee

    Listen up fools!

    No more 'Hobbit Feet' and bad breath, trim those nose hairs, take a shower once in awhile at least... ... 22742.html I've heard from all the womenfolk here and they say "Shape up, or ship out". Yes even you too Father, Italians need to be extra vigillent...
  12. stuwee

    Cheap power for sale!

    Get ya's a Kennie 'Basic'" onclick=";return false; I just love my M1D, only 130wpc @8ohm or 260 @4, but a true double down, dual monaural design sharing a big trannie. btw, I paid a whopping $70 for mine :cherry:
  13. stuwee

    Lps you can't tape??

    Any of ya'll have any? Or heard of this before? ... l-in-t.php
  14. stuwee

    The internet sucks!

  15. stuwee

    The Motels long lost 'Apocalyposo'

    On orange vinyl no less :D some juicy tid-bits in the link..lyric notes from Martha :love10: One of my fav 80's bands, very underrated IMHO. Cool pic of Lee by the pool on their S/T debut Lp...
  16. stuwee

    Hey Fairchild, sumpthin' to make you smile...

    How's about a 28 minute lap dance? Or a hairy Sugaree in your face? :lol: :lol: ... -24-hours/
  17. stuwee

    Welcome Carl and Tom

    I hope they sign up, one of the few gay stereo/music/car guys I know down here. Super nice dudes. Carl is a teacher of many things at the local college, Tom is a master tech of vintage audio gear. He has Maggies! And some nice tubed Fisher's, he worked in TV broadcasting and their home is filled...
  18. stuwee

    I got Agave'd

    Freakin' tequila blue stuck my ass good...^%&**#$, hurts real bad, I must be allergic or somethin', all the muscles under the skin are real tight! I hope I don't die!!! I was watering some plants, and reached over it, and the f'er jumped me :mrgreen:
  19. stuwee

    Phoenix gets slammed again

    The Dreaded haboob (.) (.) hits again... ... 17327.html Ain't nuthin' nice! This one was a bit smaller than the 7/5 one, only 3,000ft high?!? My baby sis is pissed off! that crap gets in everwhere in the house, her computer is toast, her stereo is...
  20. stuwee

    Ok, here's the deal...

    I love the internet, just found this, ... re=related Get the F outta Dodge! Half filled water bottles on IV stands with a xyophone?? I'm in love :love10: , then throw in a full orchestra!!!!!!! Dayum!! I wish I could find my patchcord to the 'puter >...