Search results

  1. stuwee

    Ya'll probably won't believe this, but...

    I've been meeting all kinds of tube fanatics right here in this cowtown, there's a huge sub-culture here I never even knew about. Well, I met this guy that has Frank Sinatra's tube stereo in this pic....most of it...I haven't seen it with my eyes yet, but he doesn't seem like the type to make...
  2. stuwee

    Happy B'Day to Rob in WA and Dave in VA!!

    Happy Birthday guys!! :occasion4: :occasion1: :occasion9: :occasion9: :occasion5:
  3. stuwee

    Yahoo's 'new' expanded mail blows!!

    Dumbass me signed up for it, how can I undo it, I have to sign in everyday (that little tidbit wasn't mentioned). Yes, I checked the box to keep me logged in. and I can't see attatched files, if it's just a pic from a computer under mangaged attachments, I can see that, but a file, nope. I'm...
  4. stuwee

    '59 Chevy Bel-Air headon into a '09 Impala, who wins??

    This surprised the hell outta me, I would have bet money the big old boat would've crushed that Impala like a tin can, but the '59 was the biggest loser, the '09s front went all the way to the '59s drivers seat :shock: , very doubtful that driver lived, and the '09s driver probably had minor...
  5. stuwee

    I'll be meeting up with Tom, my tube tech Tuesday

    I just got off the horn with them, I'm getting kidnapped again, he can't believe I still have the Pilot...I was like "WTF dude did you think I'd kick it to the curb"??? He's about the only man I'll let near her, he really knows his old tube gear. I'm gonna bring the big Yammie to play with his...
  6. stuwee

    The guardian of the Slabs

    Meet Cumon Iwanalayu, the Bali Goddess and protector of all things electrostatic :twisted:
  7. stuwee

    Type II tape pics

    Show your favorites, there's many, many out there, what ya gots??
  8. stuwee

    Old wood powerboats

    Mom last year age 70 :shock: , the boat is an old family friends 1957 Century Resorter. A Ford 289 IIRC, 17 footer, very loud, very, very fast!!
  9. stuwee

    A new toy, mini AC/DC clamp meter

    Ain't it cute? $150.40 worth of cute :o , I have no idea what it's for, but it was on the kitchen counter when I got home, it's mine now :twisted: Dual built-in LED lights, Velleman DCM269
  10. stuwee

    Tucson leads the nation in poor housing market

    Duh, we're hurting down here. The only movement is in house selling in the $30,000 range, do you know what kind of crap you get for that kind of money...not much even for your dog is what :evil: ... -247wallst
  11. stuwee

    FF quietly passes into the 500 club

    Congrat's to ya mate, you get this solid brass and pure silk badge :bootyshake: Carefull, don't pierce a nipple :twisted:
  12. stuwee

    Happy Birthday Danny Ritchy

    I just heard that it's your birthday, so Happy B'Day !!! Hope is was a good'un !!! Looking forward to chatting with you on the 13th :D
  13. stuwee

    Go West ~ Pet Shop Boys, the remixes

    A friend just stopped by and said " This is for your new CDp", Hehe, what a freakin' trip :twisted: , I'm mutating into a Village Person, some of these remixes are acid house jams :D , big 'ol grin here!! ... 4364049564 I've heard this before on a really...
  14. stuwee

    Luxman R-600E Receiver

    :o What a beauty, rosewood cab and all that silver... :pirate: BIN $125 + $55 shipping.
  15. stuwee

    Hola skiskort

    Welcome to Phoenix Audio Forums, hope you like it here, Larry (speakerman1) will be along shortly to answer you about the Yamaha cassette deck. Lot's of fun here :D Craig :color:
  16. stuwee

    Good Morning Larry

    How's it going so far? Are you still hot? Get the gypsum all layed out?
  17. stuwee

    Blonde driver causes $1,000,000 in damage

    Blonde joke time fellers, ... ender.html
  18. stuwee

    RCA jack damage to Yamaha CX-699U RS preamp

    Edit: CX-600URS Same story as the Denon, but with a twist. The IC just pulled the gold plated cap off, at least I think that's all it did. The cap has two small prongs that connect to something inside, when I put it back on, I seemed to have on right, but it still no worky. Again, I fear that...
  19. stuwee

    RCA jack damage to Denon DN-790R

    This would be Part VI or VII doesn't matter really which. The problem was 'Death Grip' IC's, they had the loosen screw collar, but still way too tight. I baby my gear, and had a bad feeling getting those suckers off, sure enough the Input (R) jack got jacked. It's the one far right under the...
  20. stuwee

    Interesting open baffle design with ribbon horn

    Larry, you might want read this, ... s-not-a-ML , talk to your speaker designer friend and see if they might be fesable to adapt, it's a good read if nothing else :faroah: