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  1. stuwee

    Zep ~ No Quarter '02 show vid Not quite as good as when I saw them in '77, but I was :tongue7: toasted.
  2. stuwee

    The receiver 'Power Wars'

    This is what it was all about for the Big Boxes! It started in the 70's and some late joiners in the 80's :shock: Meet the Monster Receivers...... I tried to list them from the highest rated power output into 8ohms :whax: :lichmalignus: :whax: to the least :binky: I'll go back in and...
  3. stuwee

    stu's yummy dinner

    Made us a fab din din tonight. Started marinating the chicken tits this morning. some red wine vinigar salad dressing with a few plops of creamy ceasar dressing, then wrapped them in alum foil bowls. Chopped up 6 or 7 cloves of fresh garlic, throw that in a pan to toast up. Popped the tits in...
  4. stuwee

    One month till Phoenix Audio Community Forums B'day?

    Or was it from yesterday? I'm guessing 6/11 since that's what it says under Jerrys profile. That was back when we were AudioStorm. Will there me cake and ice cream? What flavors? Should there be an online hootinannie?
  5. stuwee

    DSL modem

    This thing keeps dropping the line :angryfire: It always seems to be this time of year, the junction box is across the street in an alley, Quest trucks are there all the time. At first I thought it was a heat problem, but it does it at night and in the morning when it's cooler out, the modem...
  6. stuwee

    So you think you know cars eh?

    Try this quiz, I only got 88% 42/48 :evil: Guess I need a brush up....
  7. stuwee

    Zep fans, the ultimate T for only $10,000

    "One of the rarest rock t-shirts in the world has sold for $10,000 — the largest sum ever paid for a vintage t-shirt. The record-setting sale of a 1979 LED ZEPPELIN t-shirt on eBay has sent ripples through the competitive vintage clothing community. The item was sold by Kyle Ermatinger of...
  8. stuwee

    Pics of the X-Amp stereo 70watter

    The 70 wpc stereo 'little guy' amp, here it is with my vintage Olsen ME-38 Stereo Level Indicator hooked up just for :mrgreen: 's, the level dials made it easy to match levels for clipping. The pics don't show well, sorry my cam sucks.
  9. stuwee

    A laptop Q

    Hey, when this Dell turns on it says there's WiFi in my range, and while it's on the little green WiFi symbol next to the power button is lit up. Does this mean I can unplug it and use it around the area? Do the batteries automatically recharge when it's plugged in at home?
  10. stuwee

    Panic of Girls

    Blonde has a new one out. apparently they couldn't find a label to put it out on for a while, sad times in the music biz for music you can hold in your hands and not download.....but they plulled together a fan pack, a magazine, CD with bonus cuts, a poster (the cover art is brilliant IMO) and...
  11. stuwee

    Welcome to the Phoenix Forums bestdeal!

    :wave: bestdeal, welcome! Enjoy the forums and tell us about yourself if you like :D Craig
  12. stuwee

    Lee sho nuff knows his way around a circuit

    A premiere tech, I bow to your highness of the transistors and the capacitators :mrgreen:
  13. stuwee

    Lucky Strike greens

    While I was at Moms yesterday, I was snooping around and found a pack of these still wrapped in the original celophane. She gave them to me for my ashtray and ciggie shrine. They're from before WWII, Lucky's changed the wrapper to white after 1942, I love how they say "It's Toasted" on the...
  14. stuwee

    1/18th scale Buicks

    These are from Ertl, look at post #9 for pics, about 9 or 10 inches long, and heavy, fit nicely in your hand :lol: I thought Nando might like these
  15. stuwee

    Hitachi HMA-8300 class G power amp

    I always wanted to hear one of these, interesting info on the class G circuitry in the ad ... 45fa221c54
  16. stuwee

    Dynaco Stereo 416 power amp

    You don't see these everyday, 200+ @8ohms, bridgable. Seems that 'ol James Bongiorno had a hand in the design :cheers: so it must be nice! ... 3a65dfe646" onclick=";return false;
  17. stuwee

    Zapco 150L power amp

    Dig this, ... ioQ5fVideo
  18. stuwee

    Sansui BA-202 tube power amp

    This is kwel!! Anyone familiar with this? And what does it mean in the description that it's a triode design for mid and high frequencys? Nice piece of old iron, check out the youtube vid in the ad, I wish all sellers did those for the equitpment for sale
  19. stuwee

    Sansui B-2102 power amp

    This looks beasty, I'd love to see the nudies of this puppy..... ... 20b90625bb" onclick=";return false;