Search results

  1. stuwee

    Impressive Phoenix dust storm

    You don't want to be driving in this shit :o , alot folks will be cleaning their pools for days...and inside their house...yuck!! ... 48005.html That's what happens when you plow all the old farmland to make room for houses and condos boys and girls...
  2. stuwee

    Cassette tapes and Zimbabwe

    Interesting CNN article on the state of the tape... ... f=obinsite Maybe we should contact that company and see what loader they use and where they get their shells :?:
  3. stuwee

    Steven and you B'more guys

    Apparently there's a repair shop in Kensington MD, that has it's collection out for all to view, but NOT for sale, some neat stuff. any of you B'more guys feel like investigating further, maybe snap some more pics?? I love places like this :D Steven this guy might have parts you seek for one...
  4. stuwee

    How's about a V8??

    Very yummy Wavestream toober!!
  5. stuwee

    We're fixin' to get it good

    In about 5 hours or so, this monster anvil head is brewing over the Catalina's to the north, those peaks are 8,000ft +, the tops of the clouds are 3 or 4 times that right now, it's been getting bigger every 15mins...Mother Nature will be puttin' on the show tonight :twisted: . It's really juicy...
  6. stuwee

    A couple of my buddies

    Well, our second storm of the season is pounding right now, my buddy Kelly went home to let his dog inside, and I looked up at the eaves and my little albino gecko's were out looking for supper around the porch light, they hibernate in the attic space for the winter and come out in the summer...
  7. stuwee

    Cary SLP30 preamp for sale! Nudge, Nudge, wink, wink!

    Oh Larry, you might want to check this out buddy, a nice price for a great tube preamp from Cary..." onclick=";return false;
  8. stuwee

    SAE P102

    I brought an old friend out of retirement for the reconfiguration for the Onix's debut :D I had to take the Yamaha pre out of the 'puter room to the main rig, the SAE is now with the Kenwood Basic M1D and the Luxman K-112 cassette deck in the 'Wall of Sound' spare bedroom :shock: AR 4x's and...
  9. stuwee

    Who's havin' weiners on the 4th?

    Seriously! I got Oscar Mayer Bun Length Classic's for $1.59, such a deal.. My plan is a nice Sonoran dogfest, roast them good, kinda blacken the skin, wrap in slightly crisp bacon, chuck 'em in a toasted potato bread bun, plop some fresh guacomole, add some chopped onion and a dash of fresh...
  10. stuwee

    Slabs and toobs!

    Pic from Wardsweb lovely home, this is his dining area system, McIntosh 240, tube Shanling CDP, and Martin Logan's great photowork by Luther... :cheers:
  11. stuwee

    Stevie Nicks Landslide on the Voice

    a duet with Javier Colon, just watch... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
  12. stuwee

    '60 Jensen P12Q 12" 8 ohm Alnico pair

    Wow! I can vouche for the sound of those, I have the Special Editions in the Pilot console, I wonder what the difference is other than the magnets? Ooops mine are 15"s, anyway, these vintage Jensens are worth the coin folks!! I was not paid for this endorsement :study:
  13. stuwee

    Daytona tonight

    Even if you don't watch racing, tune in to TNT this afternoon to see who sings the National Anthem, I know it's always a good'un for the Patriotic Race, then watch the last few laps for the carnage :twisted: Yesterday's Nationwide race had Danica Patrick in the lead on the 3rd lap with...
  14. stuwee

    Stu's Onix review

    IT's HEEERE !!!!
  15. stuwee

    How many miles do you have on your vehicle?

    try to beat Irv's Volvo, 2.9 million and it's still going! ... iles-.html
  16. stuwee

    A video for my buddy Webby!

    Since you love Prince so much, it took me months to hunt this performance down....MTV Music Awards 1991, 'GeTT oFF' Your golden boy showin some mighty fine ass in a Bob Mackie yellow sequined pantsuit :cheers: :mrgreen: :cheers: , ... FORM=VIRE1 Enjoy...
  17. stuwee

    CD/DVD player on the Dell

    I figured out how to use it to play them :D , now should I pause or hit stop before opening the drawer? I don't want to break anything, and like to err on the side of caution, or does it not matter? Playing these NIN remixes, I doubt if I'd hear a diff in the sound Hehe!! Wicked stuff, need...
  18. stuwee

    Yamaha TC-1000 deck

    I know someone who recently pulled one down from the closet, it plays then stops, prolly a belt or two needed, who sells belt kits? I can't remember, help!
  19. stuwee

    Rex RAOK Rick Rolled!!!

    I received a most excellent RAOK from Rex today :love4: !! Thank you sir! :hippy2: I big stack of CD's, two Phoenix Metal IV's, and a Sony CD-IT I've not used before. I haven't been able to play the tunes yet, but I'm sure I'll love'm! I have a feeling I'm about to be Bjorked hehe!! The...
  20. stuwee

    DSL modem bit the dust

    Last night it dropped me, I went through the tests that Jerry told me about as best I could remember. Nothin', so on the phone this morning with the company, they had me re-check everything and plug it in here and there, no-go, so Dale is having a new one sent out, should be here Monday...