Search results

  1. stuwee

    Really old tubes

    Used in broadcast transmitters, Dale just left for work up to Mt. Bigalow, had a huge box, I asked what the hell it was,..... transmitter tube he says, ......... Cool let me see it! .......I gotta go to work, but I'l bring the old one back for you........ :thumbup: :thumbup: Well, these are...
  2. stuwee

    stu's box-0-goodies thread

    Arrived at FedEx location NORTH SALT LAKE, UT Shipment Dates Ship date May 23, 2011 Estimated delivery May 26, 2011 Destination tucson, AZ :cheers: inching ever closer to Daddy :cheers:
  3. stuwee

    4485 Silvertone

    Orangester, thought you might like to see this one, the guys grandma gave it to him, still works great, very pretty!
  4. stuwee

    Rock on Chrysler, vinyl and McIntosh meters

    Nice to see John Varvatos, and he's playing Iggy on vinyl, great commercial,
  5. stuwee

    Turn on your TVs

    Or however you watch the news, it bad in KS and OK, twisters, big ones staying on the ground for a long time. Luckly none of us are around there, except for Acoustic (Andy) in Olathe KS. Think good thoughts, say a prayer.
  6. stuwee

    Wow! 5 years ago today

    It's my fifth anniversary with E-Bay, just got the message :blob4: :angry4: :blob4: It's your eBay anniversary--year 5 stuwee20, We want to say thanks and let you know how much we value having you as an eBay community member. All of us at eBay wish you the very best in the year to come...
  7. stuwee

    World exclusive!! FF's B'Day the day after pic!!

    Well you'll see it here only at your friendly Phoenix Audio Community Forums. I had to pay the hooker an extra $10 to snap the pic And another $15 to add the graphics, priceless........
  8. stuwee

    It's almost 6pm Sat May 21st

    I see the heathen unwashed Jerry is online, no Larry, ya think he Raptured away?
  9. stuwee

    Like a high damping factor?

    How does over 500 grab ya! Or your speakers for that matter?? Priced in the " If you have to ask" catagory :twisted: The Accuphase A-6000" onclick=";return false; And Dudes, it Mos-Fet
  10. stuwee

    AV123 X-Amp stereo 70wpc

    Hey Web, ya had time to listen to it yet? I'd like to know what you rush, I want a serious review...........
  11. stuwee

    NIte all!

    I'm beat, have sweet dreams guys :sleepy1: :cya:
  12. stuwee

    Woof! Amazing 1959 system youtube video

    Ahhh, this is nice! ... ture=share An EMT broadcast transcription table > MacIntosh > vintage JBL's :cherry:
  13. stuwee

    Lee or Joe, feel like taking on a Carver TFM-45 with issues?

    Hey you PL miracle workers, a Polkie is having some issues with a Carver TFM-45 amp, the beast needs some help (the amp, not him :mrgreen: ). He's a pretty nice guy, if you have any expertise with these, I'd like to offer him your services, here's a thread on it...
  14. stuwee

    Martin Short on Letterman doing Elton John

    *ahem* Sir Elton John, oppsie, anyhoo he does a 'bang up' job of the old queen in a song about killing Bin Laden.....classic Martin :lol:
  15. stuwee

    Whole Sanyo Plus Series 4 sale

    Even has the TT, in black, looking sinister :twisted: You don't see the cassette deck or the noise reduction system very often, he's asking alot for it, but any excuse for me to show pic of this cool stuff :faroah: ... 3cb7a1cf32"...
  16. stuwee

    Nice equipment covers dirt cheap

    I saw these, $6 each set shipped, they're opaque plastic so you can see what's under it. Looks better than an old towel ;) ;) . I just wish they made taller sizes for a short stack of gear. ... 3104669511
  17. stuwee

    Cars found in barns worth millions ... lions.html I remember seeing a show on the Bugatti barn find, the car sold for over $4,000,000 as found, dirty, and in need of a full resto. The other Bugatti stuff in the barn was worth another cool million :o
  18. stuwee

    Hot Wheels Collections, a Restored Ford F150 and a Honda Civic

    I wasn't sure where to post this, feel free to move it. You can get lost in this link for hours, I spent many as a youngin' marking what I wanted :santa: to bring me besides more Hot Wheels :lol: Mod message- This thread was split from the Radio Shack Catalog thread. Carry on.
  19. stuwee

    Santana goes off on AZ and GA's immigration laws

    I still love him but.......the word douche comes to mind......he played the Pima County Fair here in Tucson every year in the 70s, 80s and 90s, then Supernatural came out and he won 9 Grammys, well no more state fairs for him, it has statium time. Shame because those shows were very intimate...
  20. stuwee

    Welcome Gepetto

    Welcome to Phoenix! :wave: You are our 50th member and you win a prize! Just say hi and tell us a little about yourself, or just say hi! Craig :color: