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  1. stuwee

    Clean your Heads!!!

    Just a friendly reminder from the stumiester, your ears will thank you :D
  2. stuwee

    Welcome reotts !!

    Hello, welcome to Phoenix reotts :wave: Thanks for stopping in ! Nice to have ya here Craig :color: btw, your username sounds very familiar 8-)
  3. stuwee

    Canadian youtube, take off eh? Buncha hosers

    Oooh my, such language from such nice people, at least they say please afterwards.... ... ha-hosers/
  4. stuwee

    Who mastered RtR, cassette and 8-tracks back in the day?

    This is an interesting read, there is a great post by the talented Barry Diament on the subject (google if you,ve never heard of him) ( or get you're ass kicked by me :violent1: ). I never really thought alot about what he says , but it makes sense! ...
  5. stuwee

    Welcome to Phoenix Windhills

    Hola :wave: , thanks for signing up, we like pics, and we're all really nice folks! Craig :color:
  6. stuwee

    Hello BccP91

    Hello, welcome to Phoenix :wave: , really nice to have you here! Craig :color:
  7. stuwee


    "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" opens Dec 21st, should be a masterpiece with David Fincher's dark hand on it :twisted: , I loved the Swedish original, but this looks yummy, and add NIN's Trent Renzor at the helm of the soundtrack :cheers: , Nurse!!!! Medic!!!! OMFG I love the Karen O/Trent...
  8. stuwee

    Welcome goblin141 !!

    Welcome to Phoenix goblin141 :wave: Hope you like our fun audio site, lot's of goodies coming up for sale in our new Auction Central, many have ben renewed by quality techs. or just hang around and join us for interesting stuff, we like pics! Craig :color:
  9. stuwee

    Empire Turntable

    A feller over at Club Polk just scored a 598 MK II rig, and she's a beauty, looks almost perfect! I always like these because the dust cover was so unique and classy in a 70's way :thumbleft: , IIRC it didn't sound half bad either. Pic courtesy of Cayuga @ CP
  10. stuwee

    Palin the media HO !!

    This skank just can't keep out of the spotlight, even when she doesn't show up to planned events. Wake Up people she's doing it on purpose just to keep eyes on her in the news, whata WhoHaa, er WhoHo!! Hey Sarah, try releasing that nasty sex tape when things get really bad :o , not only does...
  11. stuwee

    Joy Division/New Order cover art

    I have most of these on Lp, the only way to have cover art :thumbleft: Peter Saville interview and examples of the artwork, the later New Order one are rare, but 'ol stuwee has 'em, yes indeedy :D ... 39&index=0 If any of you watch The Graham Norton...
  12. stuwee

    Diggin' testuser's avvie !!

    Hey girl :evil4:
  13. stuwee

    Site for Thorens parts

    Most of the more popular models are covered, some htf stuff,
  14. stuwee

    DP-3700 back.....?

    That's what I'd do , but I also scratch my butt :ugeek:
  15. stuwee

    Happy Memorial Day (weekend)

    Whatcho gonna do? Have a howlin' good time :cherry: The dog and pony show :lol: freakin' pic won't load......" The extension is not allowed. " wtf!! Edit: He must have a 'lock' on his pic, here it is.... I thought it was clever since I...
  16. stuwee

    I would like some nice thoughts from ya'll

    Most of you know, my beloved Sony Trinitron passed on a couple months ago (It sits forlorn over by the fireplace, I use it as a stand for pics I've taken lately). The replacement lasted about 3 weeks, then poof! Sooooo, the good part, Dale is in a raffle at work, there are 2 broadcast TV...
  17. stuwee

    Welcome to Phoenix tasuke

    :wave: Thanks for stopping in Tasuke, we're a friendly bunch, say hi and let us know what gear you have, we like pics! Craig :color:
  18. stuwee

    Oh, this is just to rich!!

    Say it ain't so Joe! ... ng_arrests Right under is big nose too :o
  19. stuwee

    Why I love vinyl

    It's just so gorgeous, a little rock getting dragged through a ditch....and Wow, just Wow! The Sumiko Blackbird, Lp unknown discuss......
  20. stuwee

    Shandling CD-T100 deck

    Photo from Wardsweb stash, I think his name is Luther, he of the mighty SAE, Ampzilla 2000 and Martin Logan's, beautiful photograph.......