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  1. stetter

    700 Series II NOS Face Plates, Will trade for Black one

    Perry , is there a new bundle of joy in Minnesota?
  2. stetter

    Gasoline prices Skyrocketing!

    Gas in Northern Minnesota still hasn't dipped below $1.69 been there about a week
  3. stetter

    Another Carver 4000t Pre in work

    I will let you know when I tear into the 4000C I picked up. I like the idea of stable power for it but sounds like it might not work for my model. But some of the other board sound like the cats meow. I do like your work, some of the best you get to look at. I will let you know after more...
  4. stetter

    Another Carver 4000t Pre in work

    Perry, Do you sell those boards by chance.
  5. stetter

    Another Carver 4000t Pre in work

    are those new PCBs for the 4000t or the old ones (because they look new) you are populating?
  6. stetter

    Another Carver 4000t Pre in work

    You had me at the game board, I knew Bob Carver was a visionary but wow installing a channel for gaming now that is forward thinking o_O
  7. stetter

    Another Carver 4000t Pre in work

    My wife always hates Mouser order day. I say I need $50 to $75 worth and it always doubles.
  8. stetter

    What dia. Kester no-clean solder you like to use; aka the solder shoot out at OK corral

    thanks, I had read your posts Joe about the Kester no-clean solder but never saw the dia. listed. Any reason for the difference between you and Lee? I know not a big diff between 0.025 and 0.020. Getting list together for an order for parts and other supplies.
  9. stetter

    What dia. Kester no-clean solder you like to use; aka the solder shoot out at OK corral

    What dia. Kester no-clean solder do you all like to use for your WOPL builds?
  10. stetter

    Jolly Green Giant 700B in work

    sorry Perry someone is going to buy that one , Sweet looking in those color combos
  11. stetter

    Carver C 4000 pre-amp

    The cheap RCA jacks were the reason I retired my PL2000, Had a couple fall apart from old age.
  12. stetter

    Carver C 4000 pre-amp

    You all are the best, Going to go look at it tomorrow. I let you know what I find.
  13. stetter

    Carver C 4000 pre-amp

    I am going to check on serial number to see what I have to look forward to.
  14. stetter

    Carver C 4000 pre-amp

    Thanks Perry, as I look through old posts I see you have done a few . Looks like I might have another project.
  15. stetter

    Carver C 4000 pre-amp

    ok, will have to dig a little deeper on this
  16. stetter

    Carver C 4000 pre-amp

    Is the Carver C 4000 pre-amp a good pre amp worth restoring, friend has one and wants to get rid of it.
  17. stetter

    Toobs! gets no love!

    Get the Silver 700s Lee, Think of the money you will save by not having to use your furnace to heat your house.
  18. stetter

    what are you listening to?

    nice way to wake up on a Sunday morning Lee
  19. stetter

    400SII popped and died

    On every forum I follow this is the #1 way for problems with builds to be solved and on most forums the good help will not even start until the pictures show up. The help you are getting right now is the best help possible form the best people on this forum but the frustration will start to...
  20. stetter

    Jolly Green Giant 700B in work

    I was also wondering about led color for the meters. Purple rang my bell, and a black face plate would be killer with the green.