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  1. stetter

    No more 60 Hz hum in a PL2000 preamp.

    The jacks on my Pl2000 were the reason I retired it, that was 25 years ago, replaced it with a Carver Ct-7. The Carver still sounds great but the memory of the Pl-2000 with the Pl 400 still haunts me. Winter will be coming fast to my neck of the woods so bench time will increase. George keep...
  2. stetter

    No more 60 Hz hum in a PL2000 preamp.

    e enjoying your thread and your efforts, I have a PL2000 that I plan on upgrading so your pictures and info you have brought up has been a great read.
  3. stetter

    It Can Happen To You

    This is really good stuff. Thanks for sharing.
  4. stetter

    Hello! Audiophile-in-training needing guidance.

    The sound of your favorite song reproduced on a really good stereo is the best drug there is, Welcome to the forum.
  5. stetter

    New to PL!

    welcome, nice score, start reading, lots to learn. That was was my first stereo way back in 1975.
  6. stetter

    Krell KSA-250

    This white lightning
  7. stetter

    Krell KSA-250

    That sucks, you need some real white lightning to keep the wound clean, ----- and for pain of course
  8. stetter

    Rev. A to Rev. E differences and Quasi vs Full

    also means my budget for the rebuild went up $20
  9. stetter

    Rev. A to Rev. E differences and Quasi vs Full

    I read the notes, much clearer now. I learned something just now, thank you both.
  10. stetter

    Rev. A to Rev. E differences and Quasi vs Full

    So when I use my amp for just plain stereo setup with the dual mono control board, does this give me more available power for each channel, and help with transients?
  11. stetter

    Rev. A to Rev. E differences and Quasi vs Full

    My advice would be to invest in the new output transistors (maybe you only need 8 MJ21195G), the WOA Backplane/Wire kit , and the Rev G1 Dual Mono Control Board kit. You will be rewarded with an amplifier that sounds better than 90% of what is out there today. You will never look back. just...
  12. stetter

    Tube Line stage rebuild

    Good to see you exercising that brain Mike, it will keep you young.
  13. stetter

    Krell KSA-250

    Perry, You been lifting weights to get ready to lift that on the bench?
  14. stetter

    Single Ended Amplifier info

    Interesting site, people sure love them toobs
  15. stetter

    What Crown is this

    check your in box
  16. stetter

    What Crown is this

    I sent you a pm too
  17. stetter

    Covid Relief Check and use

    It is also for simulating the economy, for people to buy the things they might normally buy but put off, which has a snowball effect, things not being bought, businesses lay off or shut down and the snowball keeps getting bigger. It is nice that you can give to help people in need.
  18. stetter

    sent you PM

    sent you PM
  19. stetter

    Covid Relief Check and use

    Part of mine is going to Joe and wattsabundant, WOPL 400 parts
  20. stetter

    700/1 “Tim” WOPL driver board

    Thank you