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  1. stetter

    700/1 “Tim” WOPL driver board

    Does denatured alcohol work, I am going to start tearing down a pl 400 soon? I have never tried that on the white grease.
  2. stetter

    Hello! Newbie from Edmonds Washington

    welcome to the forum, Perry you need to pipe in now about ( Everything seems to be working, except one channel of the amp's output is less than the other side and there is a slight crackling sound when adjusting volume and the meter movement is minute ) He needs to save those JBLs before it is...
  3. stetter

    Question for Joe or builders with appropriate test equipment.

    And thank you all for that
  4. stetter

    Question for Joe or builders with appropriate test equipment.

    Lee have you seen the new Kevin Garnet commercial about Royal Crown, I ask because I want to make sure you are getting enough water
  5. stetter

    Question for Joe or builders with appropriate test equipment.

    This thread is why I love this forum, thank you all for your free flowing thoughts. I mean that in a good way by the way
  6. stetter

    RIP Stephen...

    I thought I read somewhere that Shpongle was the official music of Heaven, and the only music played in all the elevators going up. 66 way too young, and not saying it because I am soon to be 65. It just is plan is too young. Sorry for your loss Lee.
  7. stetter

    400 WOPL Pics

    HUHH!!! AHH now we know the rest of the story
  8. stetter

    Carver C1 going through rework

    Lee, did you catch any fish on the river
  9. stetter


    well the price got too high when I told him I was interested. I decided to add the money to the kitty for a better one. I have to start my search over. Do you remember the app name that was on itunes?
  10. stetter


    I am going to make an offer and try and get at that price. Like you said just to have one until I find something better. I will upgrade down the road for better one. It is in great shape so should work until a deal I can't pass up comes along. It seems like all of us electronic junkies are...
  11. stetter


    looking for manual now, still like your suggestion on the Wavtek 134. Thanks you two for the input
  12. stetter


    It sounds like I could get it for $15.00 to $20.00 bucks, not worth it for that price?
  13. stetter


    anyone have any experience with this model
  14. stetter


    is a VIZ SINE/SQUARE WAVE AUDIO GENERATORS #WA-504B/44D a good unit to buy and any idea of a good price for it
  15. stetter

    Carver CT-Seven anyone?

    I have used a Carver CT-7 for uhhh since I bought it brand new( have to look up when I purchased) always had great sound with it have only used it as a pre to my PL400. had a Pl 2000 before that . I rely like this combo.
  16. stetter

    What signal generator app on your phone is the best

    Wondering, I am using Android op phone.
  17. stetter

    Pile of Tubes found at old closed shop. Any Interest?

    If I lived close to you I would be there in a minute.
  18. stetter

    700 Series II NOS Face Plates, Will trade for Black one

    Like the healthy part, had to cross my legs after reading the rest, triggered flash back. watch out for those gas pump handles. stay safe, it is 30 degree way up here, not that much warmer in the twin cities. Hope you brought your long johns. :eek: