So, unable to get 53v...
The cheezy-Chinesey wave generator shows a max 2v output, I get ~17v output at speaker terminals.
Max. οutput of my laptop shows 1v, and I get 37v output (~170w) at speaker terminals.
Consistent output- both channels, I went for the 37v and calibrated the meters to 1 segment before 175w (yes, I know this is wrong). Odd that the laptop’s lower output level yielded higher output at the speaker terminals...
I suspect I have some bad output transistors, but find it odd that I get the same values from channel to channel. Back when I shorted pad 11/12 on the backplane, I wonder if I took something other than driver circuit components and the picos, but again- this would have shown on the left channel only.
Tested with the coupling in “normal” and “direct” positions (should not have any significant effect regardless).
Power supply is balanced (-100,+100v). Played about 2 minutes of audio, this is far below the output of the 400! Cut the audio playing short, obviously.
This better NOT be those emitter resistors...