Nothing was said about distortion, it was said it had all the white oak bells and whistles, the full upgrades, new faceplate and knobs, and said it was perfect. I have no reason to doubt Ed's word, I'm not saying it was misrepresented, it traveled from Boston to Texas so something could have happened during shipping, maybe something was overlooked during rebuild/upgrade, I do not know what it is.
It's not perfect, but it can be. I don't expect any of you to work for free, but it needs something I cannot do for it to be perfect and I would hate to subject it to several thousand miles shipping both ways. It wouldn't be a problem for me to deliver the amp and return to pick it up if it's only a few hour drive.
If any of the fuses were blitzed, would both sides still have sound?
Once I had the amp set up for testing with the CD player and speakers hooked up, I was just a bit disappointed when I heard what I did. I just shut it all down and proceeded to swap out to the Sony integrated and then to the Yamaha M-65 to rule out the preamp involved with the Sony. I only hooked it back up after shooting the Yamaha video, to record the video of the sound coming from the PL.
I did let Ed know what is happening and invited him and Chuck to participate in this thread so we could possibly come up with what is going on, what has been done and quite possibly work out something satisfactory for all parties involved to rectify this.
We will see.
I do want this investment to be worth what I spent to finally have this amp, and for it to last long time.