It's getting late...


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
About 80 GB.

That's not 1 trillionth as important as Windows 7.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
I don't have any leads on a win 7 computer yet, but I am checking. you should be fine on XP as long as you keep your anti virus up to date.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I've already got FOUR computers and all will convert sucessfully, I've already been over that with the computer repair shop...

Good lord, I'm trying to give stuff to charity as it is and two Dell slim chassis sitting there for parts. The only reason I don't have FIVE towers is that I'm pretty sure the IDE controller on the 2400 has a bad primary. It might even be repairable.

I gotta work on the OS. I wanted it a few years ago as it was, but not 8. Everybody pines for 9.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I have had to completely reinstall my Windows updates because the registry was broken by the time I got the drives back.

One of those versions updates a computer with XP installed, I'm certain of that and I looked. Either or a lot of people on Amazon etc don't know jack about that they are selling (one guy didn't, found him right off the bat).

Swami on Mt. Hood, better get me a new set of Columbia winter wear for the trip!~

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
I've already got FOUR computers and all will convert sucessfully, I've already been over that with the computer repair shop...

Good lord, I'm trying to give stuff to charity as it is and two Dell slim chassis sitting there for parts. The only reason I don't have FIVE towers is that I'm pretty sure the IDE controller on the 2400 has a bad primary. It might even be repairable.

I gotta work on the OS. I wanted it a few years ago as it was, but not 8. Everybody pines for 9.
Well if you get a new and better computer then either sell one of the lessor ones of donate it, or even take it to the recycling center. It is going to cost you $400 smackers to upgrade four computers. What do you do with four computers? I know, i know I should ask as I have 6 computers myself, but mine with the exception of one all run win 7. I have an old laptop win XP that I am going to put on ebay as soon as i get motivated, and one of the newere ones is going to my father one of these days. :rabbit:

You would enjoy newer computers as they no longer have ide or floppy ports.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Well if you get a new and better computer then either sell one of the lessor ones of donate it, or even take it to the recycling center. It is going to cost you $400 smackers to upgrade four computers. What do you do with four computers? I know, i know I should ask as I have 6 computers myself, but mine with the exception of one all run win 7. I have an old laptop win XP that I am going to put on ebay as soon as i get motivated, and one of the newere ones is going to my father one of these days. :rabbit:

You would enjoy newer computers as they no longer have ide or floppy ports.
I'm USING all of them throughout the house!

AV serving

Work area

Music production

General internet

Why the heck do I have two Roland sound modules, a DSP unit, three synthesizer keyboards, four reel to reel decks, MIDI merge box, two mixing boards (16 and 4 line), Fostex cassette multitracker, a sh!tload of tape in several audio and video formats AND the recording equipment...three CRT projector and half a dozen television sets dating to 1963?

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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
No, seriously, I'm tighter on equipment than the railroad. When I die I'm gonna roll into the ditch with all the parts flying off and they won't get a NICKEL REFUND.

What I have will work until it doesn't. I didn't invent this replace the operating system when Melinda Gates is bored crap, I just do what I can.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
PS I have six Sony Mavica floppy disc cameras and I have nothing against ISA even. Converting bit by bit is still cheaper than buying newer used computers...I know what they cost, I go to secondhand stores regularly.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
A decent modern computer with Win 7 can be had for the price of two Win 7 upgrades. Just somehing to think about.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
No, seriously, I'm tighter on equipment than the railroad. When I die I'm gonna roll into the ditch with all the parts flying off and they won't get a NICKEL REFUND.

What I have will work until it doesn't. I didn't invent this replace the operating system when Melinda Gates is bored crap, I just do what I can.
I hope it wasn't the hoarders show inspecting your house last week? :rabbit:


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
A decent modern computer with Win 7 can be had for the price of two Win 7 upgrades. Just somehing to think about.
I don't have $150 for a recent used computer with Windows 7, I live on less than $750 a month and until 1992 I had only what I could get from minimum wage jobs or lawnmowing. This argument has no merit, stop making it please as you don't realize it's just not going to happen like that. It took me over 15 years to get to XP. I have to live with what I have and do what I can. I saved in better times and got what I could find. Now and then I was rewarded for hard work and GIVEN nice things, for which I'm vdery grateful.

I don't honestly expect to LIVE long enough to need a new 'modern' computer. I'm not going to invest heavily in such right now. NO, it was NOT the 'HOARDERS SHOW'...and all I hjave to do is have a clear pathway throughout the house and then I don't have 'clutter' and will pass in short order. You have a habit of saying things sometimes, I did too...lord knows Craig probably wasn't happy about all of it and you thought you were teasing. Don't take a bloody serious endeavor and poke at it. I won't get all four done tomorrow but I also see that I have to have SOMETHING better to acheive my goals with the equipment I already have and 8 SUCKS. While I have the opportunity I will work at it. I had to be very shrewd to get what I do have in the short period I've amassed it in and believe me, money is about the sorest point you can jab at with me. Money isn't everything, this isn't the HALF of what I had and I didn't appreciate the crack.

I'm not mad at you though, just get back on track. I have to get at least one or two of these updated soon. I have to work from there on. I HATE Linux and after 30 years will be damned to go back to writing puny DOS crap like it again, and yes, I've tried Suse and Firefox as well. I wonder why I never took COBOL or FORTRAN instead of BASIC programming in college when I had an HP 3000 minimainframe at my disposal?

I want better CASSETTE DECKS...computers are computers until they lose their utility, then they are parts.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Just asking, doesn't make sense to me but go ahead and upgrade to win 7. I think you will be fine with XP for quite awhile, so upgrade when you can.

As the thread title says It is getting late, time for me to go.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Well, alright, but also as the title says, I'm running out of chances to do this for less than a fortune...that's the most urgent part.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I've noted a couple or three things...

I've tried two floppy drives, both older, possible not working, or maybe the cable...will try again. could be the cable's not down on the board well. No power, Windows sayus to insert a disk.

The top USB port on the front panel is dead...I think I can replace thw entire twin USB assembly.

I can't add anymore USB than the board and front panel or it loses either SATA or my ROM drives on the IDE. That's solved.

If I don't unplug the network cable from the dual core on shutdown the Dell gets drunk. It sobers upon removal.

There's a new version of Spybot-Search and Destroy...not so sure it and AVG Free get along 100% but I need both. Working around that.

But basically I have it about wrapped.

The P4 in the G-series computer (2.8 GHz) is the pinless socket kind...not going to work in the Dimension.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I fugured out that the front USB panel was plugged into the wrong USB conncetion on the board and solved that and after two floppy drives failed to even stir I pulled the right side panel to freee the screws, forgetting that one held the board in place and had to take the video card and such off the board to putit back as it slipped free...swell. but it wasn't powered anyhow so I just put it back in and replaced the removed stuff and checked the new floppy drive connections.

I'm now from no floppy to a continiously running floppy. Been there before. Probably the cable. for now I'll disconnect it and call it a night on that. Spent some time and effort reconnecting the CPU fan and top chssis fan plugs as well, I'll swap that top fan and remaining rear fan for non-lighted ones next time and that will take care of the funky advertisements to the neighbors enough to stay incognito.

How's THIS for a desktop?



Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Okay, here's thye stupid question:

If the physical disk is available for under $100-150 with a key and the computer store will install a copy without a disc for $160-170, why is buying a disc a bad idea?

Right now the Dell is sitting in the bedroom where I've dedcided to go ahead and make it a standalone jukebox. That leaves the Evo and the Asus that I'm still getting to but I've been cleaning and puting my gear back together in the livingroom and bedroom and they are now better than ever.

I still need to get this running on 7 before it's too late. It's not like Obamacare, I have full Medicare and Medicaid coverage.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
If the disc is the same price then buy the disc. The price you are paying is for the COA or key. You used to be able to downloaded the Win 7 ISO's and burn them to a disc for free. Of course if you install it you have a time limit to activate it and you need the COA to activate the OS.

I wouldn't pay a lot more for a disc and you can use any install disc of the same operating system as long as the disc matches your COA. I am pretty sure I have a downloaded version of Win 7 home premium on my backup hard drive. Or ask the shop that sels you the COA to make a copy of the install disc. You don't want to be at a point where you need to re-install and you don't have a disc available.

Anyone who has a disc can make a copy of the install disc. What you need to purchase is the COA or you will not be able to activate your OS.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I think if I go to the computer store they'll probably just want to install it themselves then and there.

Are you trying to tell me the key isn't on the DVD itself?

I just ran the 7 compatability program and this will do everything but support a virtual XP instrallation, but it does support XP mode. If I can get ht e floppy drive to work right I'll post the shots I took and more elsewhere.

The Dell is sitting in the bedroom being a jukebox offline until I can find a DVD burning utility to back it up. I've been trying to use the GE wireless mouse but the driver disc didn't seem to help much either and I wish I still had the last wireless mouse and keyboard I had (with the Sony Vaio a few years ago) but mostly the mouse.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Are you trying to tell me the key isn't on the DVD itself?
The dvd doesn't have a key on it or in it. The key is on the little sticker they give you to put on the side of your computer. There are several types of DVD's thought such as Win 7 Home, Win 7 Home premium, Win 7 Pro, Win 7 Pro ultimate and also most of these are available in the retail or OEM versions. If you buy Win 7 Home premium any win 7 home premium disc will work with your key.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Okay, fine. It seems like we've been dancing around the fact that I need to install the booger and IF I get any more bills in this month I'm not going to get much food with cash beyond slightly less than $80 in Food Stamps and I'm stretching the drumsticks until Tuesday... I may only have $20 left to do that in cash and my BIL is finding me some pants as it is.

This will even handle Aero.