It's getting late...

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Those won't work either. 845 motherboards only support 400FSB processors, those Prescotts are 800mhz FSB cpu's. Officially 845 chipsets motherboards only support up to 2.6GHZ P4's. I think all 3.0ghz cpus are 533 or 800FSB need more power and they have hyperthreading so they won't work with the Intel 845 motherboards.

You can find 2.8GHZ socket 478 400FSB pentium 4s on ebay, but some motherboard manufacturers never updated the bios in 845 chipsets to officially recognize these cpu's. They would probably work in those motherboards, but there are no guarantees.

Your probably better off saving your $ and buying something a computer a little more modern so you can run Win 7 in it.
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Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
No Lee, I just work on computers for hobby like you do with the Spec and PL gear. I have been assembling and repairing and upgrading computers for nearly 30 years.

As the computer gear gets more and more outdated, sure it can be upgraded, but it isn't cost efficient and even if he upgraded the computers he has as far as he can they will still run much slower than even today's entry level computers. I would recommend at least a quad core cpu or better in today's computing environment
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Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Your probably better off saving your $ and buying something a computer a little more modern so you can run Win 7 in it.
:thumbup: XP, even Vista builds are a waste of time and with XP - a security risk. Just about any Intel 'Core' processor build will run nicely with 7 and can be done so on a very limited budget.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
This is the stright dope from the computer shop in Payette.

A8N-SLI WILL run 7. The GeForce 7800 variant you gave me will have support and will work.

The 845 boards will take a 400 MHz FSB Northwood 3.0 GHz P4.

They've put plenty of older computers such as the Dell on 7.

In the case of the P4PE-X according to the ASUS website it CAN support 3.0/400 AND 533 or 800 MHz with PC 3200 RAM.

I can do what I wanted to do on all of them and I have a friend as I said who can help for little/no cost and can help me install at least a clean and legal copy of XP on all of them to convert.

I have 4 GB (2 GB x2) of RAM from BubbaH, two 1 GB 3200s and at least one more 3200 and I can get more.

Your package came today Thank you! I'm going to get back to work and I'll email you when I know more.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Yep it looks like the 845PE chipset in the Asus will support FSB of 533 or 800.

As for the Dell, while technically a 3.0ghz 400 FSB P4 is the same architechture as the 2.6 and 2.8ghz try and find one, they are as rare as hens teeth. If the Dells bios doesn't support it it might not be recognized ot might even be recognized as a 2.6ghz. And quite often the faster cpu's draw current from the motherboard and if the Dell mobo cannot supply it the processor wont work. just because the cpu fits i nthe socket doesn't mean the motherboard is up to powering it short or long term.

And Yes the Dual core AMD in the Asus mobtherboard should support Win 7 provided you can find the correct drivers.

I am still questioning the logic of upgrading a bunch of computers from 2000 to 2002 hardware though. Your best bet is to put Win 7 on the Dual core Asus with the 7800. I suppose for $3 you can upgrade the ASus Motherboard and you can probably find a 2.8ghz for the dell for $5 or so. Good luck finding as 400mhz P$ 3.0Ghz I think intel whipped up a few for Dell back in the day, but I don't think they sold them over the counter to any retailers, most likely it was a binned up 2.8ghz.

Also what you have to remeber is a faster processor generally generates more heat so you may need to upgrade your heatsink fan combinations. You will also need to buy new thermal past to help transfer the heat from the cpu die to the heatsink.
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
The 2.8 from a previous Dell Dimension is in the Evo now, same series. The cooling is that big green shroud over a heatsink with a rear fan, which is pretty much de facto for those things. I have two new tubes of very good paste.

I'm going fire the AMD up again.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I still have no OS drive but I think I didn't plug the power in again and the board says CPU fan FAIL or speed too low now...gotta look at it again but I've still had that drive every which way but Clint Eastwood's orangutan. I have to shut this down and get it out of the way a minute.

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
If the bios was reset then the cpu fan speed alarm was also reset to default. I think default is 800 rpm and the fan is probably only turning 600 rpms since it is a larger fan/heatsink then the stock one so it turns slower. If the cpu fan is spinning then you should be ok. Another possibility is you unplugged the cpu fan and plugged it into the wrong connector. The cpu fan connector on the motherboard is monitored in bios, if nothing is plugged into the cpu fan connector then the bios will read zero rpms on the fan and thus give you that error.

Who ever thought plugging in and pushing the start button on a computer could be so dramatic? :rabbit:
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Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
Actually, it was the 4-pin board connetor wire causing it to drag so I twisttied it to another wire to hold it out of the way.

Then I got the SATA cable yousent on, found the OTHER SATA power connection, got the OS drive back and found the 200 GB on thirs SATA master, couldn't get the keyboard to work on either PS/2 or USB, called a friend over and I disconnected thefront and extra 2 on the dongle...still no KB.

Plugged the USB KB into the board's supplied ports with the PS/2 simultaneously for giggles and crap and it probably wasn't related but I let it run at his insistance and...



Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I've got to shut down and check a few things as IE has blackouts and I had an initial message that virtual memory had been exceeded, which I found to be over 9 GB! I rellay didn't have anything in there and so I cleared the temp files and reset to 250 MB and I have to replace the CMOS battery and get the front USB and such back up. do I transfer files directly from this to the AMD without a parallel cable? I could put media files etc on the spare drive easily if I can do that.

Two down, two to go.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
No. I don't have any Windows 7 discs. I have 2003 Server though I don't think it will work for the conversion so a friend will help me. If the XP Pro OEM I have will work there and on the other one I'm working on I will have four computers...I seem to recall installing an OEM on the Compaq Evo and having problems with WGA though. My friend will be able to help me further next week.


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
Win 7 Starter is an OEM licensed product. The Amazon thing you linked is an upgrade disk and requires an existing OEM installation being present. Starter is extremely hampered and really meant to be upgraded something up-the-food-chain. I've never encountered a stand alone Starter OEM disk. It was propagated via image files to the likes of Dell and HP.


Veteran and General Yakker
Jul 6, 2010
Broken beyond repair but highly affable
I'm figuring that out.

For Christ's sake, why don't they just send a holy man to sit with me on a mountain top and install it? :bs:
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Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
I should have mentioned for you to check cables as I have had them interfere with the cpu fans before too. As far as the KB you may have sent the KB buffer into tizzy and usually if you disconnect the kb with the power off the buffer will reset if you give it a few minutes. Don't try to hot swap PS2 kb's, usb hot swapping is fine but not PS2.

Win 7 Starter as Blazed explained was preinstalled on Dells and or HP and others and it was a locked down or dumbed down win 7 vareint. If you had starter they will let you upgard to win 7 home for Cheap. You need either and Win 7 Upgrade version or a New OEM version as the retail version s are to expensive.

File transfer from one computer to another can be down in a vraiety of ways. You can network the computers together, or the easiest way is to copy to thumb or usb drive and then copy them to to the target computer. Since you have some computer savy you could hook up a spare drive to the source computer either IDE or Sata comy the files to that drive, then physically remove that drive and install it in the target computer. If you are careful and have a long ide or stat cable and a molex power extension cable you can just lay the drive on your work bench and just move the data cable from the sourse to traget computer. Of course you will want to do this with the power off.

How many gigbayte of files are you talking about? I can proably send yo ua 250 GB usb drive or a 16 gb thumb drive along wit h a keyboardor two. I have a fe new CMos batteries also, but you may not need a new battery. When you boot up go int othe bios setting and then just save an exit without chanign anything. That should get rid of the press F1 to continue message. If the message re-appaears after powering down and up again then your battery is probably dead.
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