Worth a look-see if the price doesn't run up..

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Apr 4, 2013
When do you let yourself know that you know?
Ok, I've been watching this "drama" unfold and honestly Jazzy - I and I have a strong suspicion many others here think the entire "drama" part of this is "all you". If it takes me bluntly pointing that out to you, then so be it.

Put yourself in the seller's shoes for just a moment. You're nervous enough since this seems to be your first sale on ebay, and now not even 24 hours after the auction close, the winner's emailed you SIX TIMES already (I won't speculate the content of the emails, but as Nando stated that would have put ANYONE off - even the most seasoned sellers with 1000+ feedback and 100 percent positive).

Now, the auction's ended on a Thursday... He still had 2 business days... today at 3pm eastern.. to ship the deck to you. And as far as payment, well.. I haven't seen anywhere on this thread to where you stated you paid by direct withdrawal, CC, or eCheck (where the last option.. eCheck DOES take time to clear). So how was your payment configured??

And finally... 2 days later (!!!!) and on a weekend where his options are limited, you file a paypal dispute?? And the basis is because he won't answer your emails?? You do realize that some people are not sitting in front of their computer 24 hours a day, right? I'm going to say the TYPICAL email sender would wait at least a couple of days before following up - that's just good etiquette, sir...

Jeeze man... really??? Remind me that if I ever do offer something for sale on ebay to watch for your name on the bidder's list. Just how "entitled" do you think you should be here??

Sorry.. I am getting more and more pissed off, and I sure as heck don't need this "drama" going on - not on this forum as we all DO try to be as laid back as we can, but damn... someone has to be brutally honest that you've created this debacle all on your own. Take this the way you'll take it, but all of these one sided "poor me" posts I'm seeing from you without any real basis to them isn't too cool in my book.

Think.. reflect... review this thread from the beginning and try to see the other party's side of it, as I (and I am sure others here) have. That's what I am telling you... take it for what it's worth.
Your anger negates anything you have said.This is a community of analog and digital audio hobbyists and your irritating comments are not in keeping with the spirit of this community.BTW I paid with PAYPAL I mentioned this several times in this thread,you obviously didn't read carefully.
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Apr 4, 2013
When do you let yourself know that you know?
In no way am I calling out your integrity or your sincerity Jazz. My point is, someone who is seasoned at this, which im going to say you are(based on the amount of decks you have purchased) should understand the do's and dont's of ebay at this point. Especially when dealing with a newb seller. Too much ebay nonsense involved in our hobby these days.
I guess "culprit" was the wrong term.I accept your explanation.


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Your anger negates anything you have said.This is a community of analog and digital audio hobbyists and your irritating comments are not in keeping with the spirit of this community.BTW I paid with PAYPAL I mentioned this several times in this thread,you obviously didn't read carefully.
I read the entire thread fine, thanks. Yes you stated you paid with paypal, but as most of us know here know, how you choose your funding source determines if payment has to clear or not. So as they say "put up or shut up" - let's see the transaction itself (redacted of course). Was the paypal source a direct debit, by CC, or eCheck?

I'm just telling you like it is, calling a spade a spade here. Your actions with this seller were unacceptable, period. Yep, he should have emailed back. But after getting the virtual version of "email stalking" (6 emails.. wow... ).... you think MAYBE you could have handled that a little differently, if given the chance to do it over again?

If anything, you could have waited until the proper time (2 business days after auction close) to file a dispute. By then he probably would have shipped anyway, and then you can vent your frustration with his lack of communication via his feedback rating - THAT would have been the right way to go... not a paypal dispute.

Enjoy your deck... :cyclopsani:


Apr 4, 2013
When do you let yourself know that you know?
I read the entire thread fine, thanks. Yes you stated you paid with paypal, but as most of us know here know, how you choose your funding source determines if payment has to clear or not. So as they say "put up or shut up" - let's see the transaction itself (redacted of course). Was the paypal source a direct debit, by CC, or eCheck?

I'm just telling you like it is, calling a spade a spade here. Your actions with this seller were unacceptable, period. Yep, he should have emailed back. But after getting the virtual version of "email stalking" (6 emails.. wow... ).... you think MAYBE you could have handled that a little differently, if given the chance to do it over again?

If anything, you could have waited until the proper time (2 business days after auction close) to file a dispute. By then he probably would have shipped anyway, and then you can vent your frustration with his lack of communication via his feedback rating - THAT would have been the right way to go... not a paypal dispute.

Enjoy your deck... :cyclopsani:
Why on earth do i have to prove anything to you???? I am a VERIFIED PayPal account that means PayPal takes it right out of my Bank Account.Your comments in this thread are consistently inflammatory and irritating.


Admin/Server Dude MAA Guy
Staff member
Jun 11, 2010
Powhatan, Virginia, United States
WassupYa Mang?
Why on earth do i have to prove anything to you???? I am a VERIFIED PayPal account that means PayPal takes it right out of my Bank Account.Your comments in this thread are consistently inflammatory and irritating.
And I find your attitude here, towards that seller, and how you are basically ignoring the truth that your actions with him are NOT normal. If you can't admit there is a problem, well fine... But bringing it here and making an ass out of yourself in the process is not something I am NOT going to let continue. Catch my drift? Any more on this, feel free to PM me. In the meantime, and in the "spirit of this forum", consider this thread ended.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Ok fellers, everybody back to their corners... take a deep breath... I read this entire thread also.

Ben, from a totally objective view, if I was the seller, especially with just 2 sales under my belt, I'd be asking myself " Jeez, what's a guy gotta do?" Now don't blow up here I'm trying to help. It looks to me you're a little hypersesitive to getting screwed on e-bay. Considering some of your transactions, possibly a valid concern.
I have had over 1500 transactions on E-Bay, never been stiffed, and 99.9% of sellers were willing to bend over backwards to make sure the deal went smoothly. You had 45 days to start the resolution process, waiting until the seller had gone past his shipping date would have been the correct thing to do. If his e-mail account looks anything like mine he's lucky to even see a new one. It takes 1-2 minutes to scroll through mine, and it's not that hard to miss one. And multiple e-mails from the same source get a mark to the left , not a while new line, once again easy to miss.
Ben, giving someone the benefit of the doubt does not mark one as easy or gullible, it's the grease in an arena that is by typed word only and so much is left to interpretation, how do you tell someones intent of thumb??
I'm not judging you or the seller, just trying to give you an objective assessment of the transaction. We are not questioning your integrity, but trying to get you to put on anothers shoe and walk a few steps.

And lastly, preserve judgement till the deck is in your possession. I myself have loathed the person I'm sending something to, but that would never be an excuse to sabotage the transaction or play loose with the merchandise. I'll reclose the thread , if you wish, start a new one in the cave and we can put the gloves on and go at it....There are some wise and very experenced e-bayers here and seeking support from them when it isn't something they would do does not mean they are throwing you to the dogs, they're just trying to get your attention that perhaps your methods do not provide the grease to make things go smoothly....

Web Police

Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Bloomington, MN
Moderate in Moderation
Jazzy, I don't have any problem for you sticking up for your rights as a buyer, but at the same time have a little compassion for the seller. I myself would have given the guy a week or so to respond knowing the circumstances surrounding his listing. You can file a claim up to 45 days from the time the auction ends so there would be no rush.

As Lee said most of the buyers and or sellers on ebay are very good unfortunately the bad ones are the ones we remember longest.

Ans lastly I am not doubting you sincerity and integrity, but $100 plus shipping is not something I would to go ballistic over as in the scheme of things it is probably small potatoes. On a positive note the seller did ship you the deck, so give him the appropriate feedback after you have received the deck and tried it out. Don't you think in a week or a month you probably will have forgotten about this. To me life is too short to dwell on minor irritations. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems and then again nothing is ever as good as it seems. Time will smooth the dips and peaks out some.
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