What cassette deck ?


Chief Journeyman
Feb 9, 2013
Hudson Valley NY
This 682ZX came to me in a very sad state, with bits missing from the transport and with many faults, most likely it was used for swapping parts. I've restored the transport (including a replacement head mounting plate), replaced one dead Dolby chip, replaced orange caps and did some usual upgrades, now the deck plays back and records just fine, the only faults left are in the auto calibration board.


I have read in various fora that people simply disable the AA feature and manually set the heads.


Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
and why not also heads spotlighted?

found this one at the shop here below, NOS, without the guide and with a few surface scratches because it was kept for decades into a box together with other heads without the protection cap!

made a light lapping on it to smoothen the surface scratches a bit, and now I am managing to put a suitable guide on it.... hopefully, it will finally start to sing! :)

AX Heads.jpg


Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
and the guide is attached! but on the right side because it will go into an AIWA deck.
(in fact, I will also need to modify the head's mounting plate a bit, since I put the guide at the opposite side than it originally was)

It shows some more lamina offset at the PB head, which reduces its effective track width by a small bit... but it should work OK anyway, since the recorded track is a hair larger than the effective playback track. (the opposite would have been a problem, though).

AX Heads with guide1.jpg

AX Heads with guide2.jpg

AX Heads with guide3.jpg
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Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
Yes, it's a Technics "AX" amorphous head marked as QWY4148Y which I guess it was used on some top of the line Technics decks around mid 80's.

But, of course, it was produced by Canon or Alps, because Technics didn't really make heads.


Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
This one! :D

Finally, this AIWA AD-F880-MAX (MAX stands for Modified and AX heads) is ready... spent the evening checking frequency responses and MOL on a few tapes, to make sure the "AX" amorphous heads transplant went fine and I must say I am really satisfied... it plays better and it records considerably better than when it was in original shape with its own permalloy heads! :cool:

Need to finally reassemble the cassette holder/door, remove some dust (it was left open on my bench for a few months), close the chassis and finally put it to regular use.

AIWA AD-F880-MAX.jpg
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Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
one thing to do next...

making a thread here about this modified AIWA, documenting all the modifies I've applied on it.

at first, this deck had its own original permalloy "DX" heads and the usual modifies by Alex/A.N.T. and his more recent modify regarding the REC EQ on normal position.
On top if it, I put these amorphous heads, made the extra modifies needed to make them work properly and, last, I repurposed the timer and memory switches to bias ranges for normal and Cr modes (to make the actual fine bias knob range much larger on those two tape types) and repurposed the mpx filter button to record/listen at 120us setting also at Cr and Metal modes. (on metal tapes, this is just overkill, though)



last, but it's only a matter of look, i should re-print those stickers with the new features at a place where the black background of the sticker is truly black.
My home printer isn't up to this task.
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Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
Looking forward to your build thread on your Aiwa deck, Vincent.

well, it might need some more time because, just this evening, i've finally found how to boost maximum bias current the deck could deliver... something i was hoping to find for quite some time.
These AX heads, in general, need more bias than original ones and my internal bias trimmers were just pushed to the max without being able to properly bias certain brands/models of metal tapes.
(i could still bias any type1 and type2 properly, though)

But, now i found out how to boost the bias current over the previous maximum so, as a consequence, i'll be probably modify some of the REC EQ filters again, to take the obvious advantage of it...

so, still some work to do on it to try to squeeze some more than now.


Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
well, it might need some more time because, just this evening, i've finally found how to boost maximum bias current the deck could deliver... something i was hoping to find for quite some time.
These AX heads, in general, need more bias than original ones and my internal bias trimmers were just pushed to the max without being able to properly bias certain brands/models of metal tapes.
(i could still bias any type1 and type2 properly, though)
Well, after experimenting some more modifies, which I guessed they were THE way to raise maximum bias current, it seems they are not... but, on the contrary, even if i gained quite some available range at the bias trimpots (they give me the previous max bias levels when they are tuned half way, at now) , it seems I am putting the circuit sort of out of its own specs or something like that.
So, unless someone truly expert will give me a hint about how to do that in this deck, it seems I cannot nicely exploit the metal tapes with the highest bias point I own here (i.e. TDK MA and That's MR-X PRO) and I'd need to stick only to the Sony Metals which work well with some less bias current.
And, of course, I can nicely bias all type1 and type2 tapes which need less bias current than any metals.

On the other deck I had modified with amorphous heads, my Technics RS-M260, I was able to raise the maximum bias but, differently than the RS-M260, this AIWA has also HX-PRO handling the bias levels then it's a more complex circuit and, of course, there is something I am failing to get about it... we'll see... I know that if I go and ask Alex/A.N.T. about how to get more bias on the AD-F880, he will likely be able to tell me the solution in a matter of 5 minutes but I don't want to "disturb" him with such questions... also, if I'll ever happen to find the solution by myself, it would be nice but, keeping experimenting without finding the actual solution risks to be frustrating.
So, for now, I will revert the deck to how it was before this latest attempt to raise the bias current and will record the metal tapes with highest bias point on some of my other decks here, which can do that.

Why not make a nice new machined and engraved aluminum face plate? Then add whatever features you want and arrange switches as desired. Replace crap switches with good ones etc.
Nice, but it would be a hard work and I don't know anybody here who might make a suitable face plate.
Also, it's not possible to alter the actual layout of the front panel controls, since there is a PCB behind the face plate, and a long row of pins on the main board which insert there in the PCB behind the face plate in a very precise way.
About the selector switches, there are only the timer and memory ones which I repurposed as bias ranges and they are of good quality... of course, i opened and cleaned them inside.
The source/tape and "Rec 120us EQ mode" (previously MPX) button switches, they are not really at the front panel but those are buttons with long plastic pieces behind which go to the main board, where the actual switches are located, so they cannot be replaced.
The remaining switches are all button microswitches which are soldered on the front panel's PCB, then they must also stay as they are.
Last, there is the power on/off switch and the Eject button is totally mechanical and it must stay just as is.

Let's say that some properly printed adhesive labels with a truly black background would look a lot better than what I did here... and this is just something I'll do when the deck will be totally ready.
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Jun 4, 2013
Puerto Rico
Revox is certainly close to the top for cassette. No denying their transport is completely over-engineered and badass (since it's the Studer transport). Many prefer Nakamichi, and think they are "the best" but I disagree.
Yes, you are right concerning the Revox, still one of the best ever made. As for Nakamichi goes, you know, this is highly subjective and up to the end users preference. But, again, no one can deny the importance of that specific brand in the cassette recording history. I like it all. Regards.
Jun 4, 2013
Puerto Rico
I say, "If you got it, flaunt it."

There are many of us who have TOTL cassette decks, that are used for their intended purpose. And there is another group of people who own TOTL cassette decks, which are essentially "trailer queens" - decks that are for show and bragging rights, but rarely used.

Well, you already know me and I use all my decks . Those that I don't use, I rather sell it as I'm not a museum keeper. I keep a "practical" collection where all the pieces must work perfectly, and installed in a working system. All my decks, hardly 10 cassette decks and 10 open reel, are exercised weekly to keep them in form. Usually without a tape, as I don't listen to all of them, all the time. Some are played more than others, as usual, but as I said: now I keep TOL models only. My days of 50+ units just to collect, are long gone. Regards.