What cassette deck ?


Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
On playback I noticed that when I first press play it sounds normal and has that typical Nakamichi sound. But after a couple of seconds the highs, the treble goes away a little bit, and it's a little perplexing because it doesn't happen on all tapes. It's been suggested to me that it could be something with the playback azimuth, but right now I'm just running it and seeing if it'll settle in and sound better.
From what you are describing, that the sound starts OK and then gets muffled after a couple seconds just on some tapes, I would first start thinking about pinch rollers or something else related to how the tape gets moved through the transport, not certainly about the PB azimuth, otherwise it should be muffled also during those first couple seconds.
The sound changing over time lets me think more about some kind of tape skewing issue or a not good/constant tape tension between the two rollers/capstans and/or a variable tape/head contact.

On which brand/model of tapes you are experiencing this problem?

In the past, i had a similar problem on a totally different deck and it turned out to be the pinch roller. And it happened mostly on those cassettes where the tape moves more freely, with less friction, and especially while playing the beginning zone of the cassette side... while it didn't happen, say, on TDK which had some more friction within the shell.

Try to make this quick test... when the sound gets muffled, put a finger on the left/supply reel hub, to apply a light/gentle pressure on it like trying to reduce a tiny bit the speed of the supply reel, and see if treble do return as they were before.
Doing this way, you are adding some more back tension and this might mean you have a pinch roller problem or some other kind of transport issue (back tension, a belt, maybe head penetration, slightly too low pinch roller pressure maybe due to hardened grease or a weakened spring, etc).
Unfortunately, this kind of test isn't too definitive in telling you exactly where is the root of your problem but it worths a try.
But i think PB azimuth alignment is less likely to be your problem there.

Maybe, someone who knows such Nakamichi decks much better than myself, might chime in with some better ideas.
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Chief Journeyman
Feb 9, 2013
Hudson Valley NY
Hi, I received the 680ZX yesterday, and it is in very good condition, and serviced by a reputable tech in my area approximately 18 months ago.
This was purchased by someone from the original owner, and the seller I bought it from had it serviced.

Then it sat for 18 months on the shelf, and it's unclear if it was used after the repair or not, I could find that out today.

Cleaned it all up, and the tape path was clean to begin with, but I do magnetized heads played back a couple tapes and then recorded one. The automatic Azmath for the recording is unique, and it came out well for the first attempt.

On playback I noticed that when I first press play it sounds normal and has that typical Nakamichi sound. But after a couple of seconds the highs, the treble goes away a little bit, and it's a little perplexing because it doesn't happen on all tapes. It's been suggested to me that it could be something with the playback azimuth, but right now I'm just running it and seeing if it'll settle in and sound better.
nice score!
That Auto-Azimuth function is what I now recall was what broke on my 682ZX years ago. While performing the tape calibration, I recall hearing the azimuth motor oscillating back and forth, and finally the process ended with the Record and Pause lights blinking … essentially a failed calibration. There is a plastic cogged “belt” that is attached to the head assembly and I seem to remember seeing some of the cogs/rungs in that belt as being broken. That was when I basically walked away in frustration, having spent a lot of money on a great brand…only for this piece of plastic to break. That was 30 years ago….
Dec 31, 2022
nice score!
That Auto-Azimuth function is what I now recall was what broke on my 682ZX years ago. While performing the tape calibration, I recall hearing the azimuth motor oscillating back and forth, and finally the process ended with the Record and Pause lights blinking … essentially a failed calibration. There is a plastic cogged “belt” that is attached to the head assembly and I seem to remember seeing some of the cogs/rungs in that belt as being broken. That was when I basically walked away in frustration, having spent a lot of money on a great brand…only for this piece of plastic to break. That was 30 years ago….
thanks for the post, and yes it is definitely automated on the record side. Mine does that very well, and it's during playback that it's foundering a little bit, but I honestly believe it's because nobody used it after it was serviced. Today it sounds better, although playback seems to be very sensitive of the recording on other decks. It did not like some of the tapes that I recorded on my other machines, and especially does not seem to like tapes recorded on my Teac. Whatever that is, different type of head, different alignment whatever it is they're not playing nice together.
Recordings on my other Nakamichi deck sounds great on this one.

I was concerned at first, but not so much now and I think if anything the playback azimuth may need to be adjusted slightly. Very underrated machine in my opinion and I'm working on my second recording right now.


Chief Journeyman
Feb 9, 2013
Hudson Valley NY
thanks for the post, and yes it is definitely automated on the record side. Mine does that very well, and it's during playback that it's foundering a little bit, but I honestly believe it's because nobody used it after it was serviced. Today it sounds better, although playback seems to be very sensitive of the recording on other decks. It did not like some of the tapes that I recorded on my other machines, and especially does not seem to like tapes recorded on my Teac. Whatever that is, different type of head, different alignment whatever it is they're not playing nice together.
Recordings on my other Nakamichi deck sounds great on this one.

I was concerned at first, but not so much now and I think if anything the playback azimuth may need to be adjusted slightly. Very underrated machine in my opinion and I'm working on my second recording right now.
There is a seller on ebay that has a set of calibration tapes he made on a Nak reference deck of some sort. I wonder if it is worth the gamble to try those for playback azimuth. Then again, I believe you have a trusted tech who works on Nakamichi decks…probably best to stay with what works.

Bob Boyer

Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 24, 2013
Chattanooga, TN
Not sure how I missed this thread - but will join the party now. I've owned two Naks - a BX-100 and my current 482 - and a Pioneer CTF500 (I think). I like the 482 a bunch but my favorite deck just based on looks is the Technics RS-M85. Love the extreme horizontal shape. Used one in a newsroom at one of the radio stations i worked - it was a tank. I tried to repeat that low-slung look with the Nak 482 and it gets pretty close for a 3-head deck.


Chief Journeyman
Jul 26, 2011
Absurdy, new name of France
You never have too much tapedecks ^^
nice score!
That Auto-Azimuth function is what I now recall was what broke on my 682ZX years ago. While performing the tape calibration, I recall hearing the azimuth motor oscillating back and forth, and finally the process ended with the Record and Pause lights blinking … essentially a failed calibration. There is a plastic cogged “belt” that is attached to the head assembly and I seem to remember seeing some of the cogs/rungs in that belt as being broken. That was when I basically walked away in frustration, having spent a lot of money on a great brand…only for this piece of plastic to break. That was 30 years ago….
That's a bowden cable, plastic gets fragile with age.
Some amps uses these for source selectors.

@overmodulated, as said by Vince666, it's tape skewing, so check pinch rollers, guides, back tension and also the capstan belt, if the size is wrong this might cause some strange tape tension problems.


Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
There is a seller on ebay that has a set of calibration tapes he made on a Nak reference deck of some sort. I wonder if it is worth the gamble to try those for playback azimuth. Then again, I believe you have a trusted tech who works on Nakamichi decks…probably best to stay with what works.
in general....

test tapes made at home on a consumer deck with stereo heads are not true test tapes because they cannot be reliable for a long series of reasons.

proper test tapes, which are EXPENSIVE for a good reason, are recorded in full-track configuration (save for the head height/track alignment tapes) , under laboratory conditions by technicians who know what they are doing.

personally, I wouldn't waste any money in such homemade "test tapes".

At now, the only truly reliable/professional test tapes available are either the old branded ones (i.e. Teac, Abex, Sony, Basf, etc) if you can find them in good shape and with the signal not partially erased or the tape not phisically worn/ruined or the ones freshly made by Alex/A.N.T. Audio (member A.N.T. here at Phoenix) , which are made in full-track and under strictly controlled and verified conditions and recorded on top quality/suitable cassettes.

@overmodulated, as said by Vince666, it's tape skewing, so check pinch rollers, guides, back tension and also the capstan belt, if the size is wrong this might cause some strange tape tension problems.
Thanks for your confidence, my friend. ;)

Anyways, here we use to say that if good advices weren't for free, people would put more attention to them. :p
Dec 31, 2022
There is a seller on ebay that has a set of calibration tapes he made on a Nak reference deck of some sort. I wonder if it is worth the gamble to try those for playback azimuth. Then again, I believe you have a trusted tech who works on Nakamichi decks…probably best to stay with what works.
it may be worth a shot to try those out, I don't really want to send this out if I don't have to. The only tech I have dealt with is a couple hours from me towards Philadelphia, and they actually have a receiver of mine right now that they are repairing.
It seems like it's getting better, and maybe it's because it sat for 18 months after being serviced? I don't know but it just may be tape dependent, and I'll know more about that when I get done recording this morning.

I appreciate your input thank you.
Dec 31, 2022
That's a bowden cable, plastic gets fragile with age.
Some amps uses these for source selectors.

@overmodulated, as said by Vince666, it's tape skewing, so check pinch rollers, guides, back tension and also the capstan belt, if the size is wrong this might cause some strange tape tension problems.
that is a definite thought, and I might get the capstan belt from ES labs and see how I make out. They are expensive but I know they work. Thanks for the post.
Dec 31, 2022
Sooo... I just recorded a full 90 minute tape on the Nakamichi 680ZX and it recorded very well. Before setting the recording levels and actually recording I did the calibration, and it did set the azimuth automatically for the record head.

Play back is flawless, and I think what was going on is this machine was serviced 18 months ago and it sat and was never used in those 18 months. I think it needed to be used, and it could've been a little cold yesterday. It is sensitive to recordings made on other machines, and seems to like its own recordings much more.


Chief Journeyman
May 15, 2013
deep south of Italy
I will not be missed! :p
not certainly that Nak! :D

a toy deck might be, i.e. , the old plastic Fisher Price aimed at small childs... on such kind of deck, it's acceptable that some tapes work fine, transport-wise, and some other tapes don't.

on a Nak or any other "real" decks, any cassettes should work fine, as far as tape travel goes.
Dec 31, 2022
I see noses starting to point skyward
first time I've ever had a conversation with you and you're gonna call me out mis-typing and my nose is pointed upwards?

Let's start over if you don't mind, my name is John I'm from NEPA and it's nice to meet you Mr. sniffer.
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