what are you listening to?


Veteran and General Yakker
Nov 4, 2012
Seattle area
Ry Cooder - Into The Purple Valley
(1972, Reprise)

The record has a side 2 label on both sides, so I used the deadwax
matrix to start on the first side/track 1.


Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
You're a very resourceful guy BD! :thumbup:
... you may or may not be that interested B, but I PM'd you a link to the DVD

It's a biggie at almost 8Gb.
The sound is surprisingly good, (especially the bass), but a bit of overkill with compression at times, and also has a 5.1 soundtrack as well as PCM.

To be able to watch them playing these tunes makes all the difference.

If you do decide to get it, let me know and I'll keep seeding it until you get it all.
(you are familiar with BitTorrents aren't you?)



Veteran and General Yakker
Feb 27, 2013
In witness protection.
I've totally lost the plot....
BD, .....
There's a signature in the original masters that made its way to the pressings that sort of sounds like a high pitched tape flutter at one point.
I'd have to think about it a while and locate where it is on the original source, but it was corrected on the 2009 release - among other things.
It's the sound of a baby shrieking/screaming/chuckling (call it wot u will)
I'm assuming it's coming from Rick Wakeman's bag of tricks.
I'm kickin' myself now, as I didn't stop to take note, and now I can't remember which song it was....
.... my bad!
But it was very 'forward' as if recorded over the top of the recording. Most odd.
It may have been during during "I've seen all good people".
I'll have to find it later and figure it out.


I know what it is now....
It is Wakeman, well at least I'm pretty sure it is.
It's a sample of sound that's been pitched up really high to make it sound like a baby shrieking. It happens at 1m 37sec, and 1m 57sec, and one at 2m 20sec. The 'real' sample is actually played some time later at 6m 36sec, and it's of someone screaming "Yeow" in real time. So it has to be Wakeman, as also much later in the concert there's reference to him being the 'funny man' on the tour so far.
I'm pretty sure this is the tape thing you were referring to B.
Last edited:


Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011

What I remember hearing was definitely a tape flutter or speed issue that made its way to the pressing; somewhere near the end of 'Gates' - maybe around 'Soon'.
I'll have to dig out that older recording and see if I can find it; my primary listening for some time has been the remaster which was cleaned up so the recollection isn't fresh.
What I can say is that it was a single occurrence and lasted several seconds; I don't recall it being present anywhere else on the recording.

In any event, I'm glad you found some more Yes material to enjoy! :thumbup:

It's the sound of a baby shrieking/screaming/chuckling (call it wot u will)
I'm assuming it's coming from Rick Wakeman's bag of tricks.
I'm kickin' myself now, as I didn't stop to take note, and now I can't remember which song it was....
.... my bad!
But it was very 'forward' as if recorded over the top of the recording. Most odd.
It may have been during during "I've seen all good people".
I'll have to find it later and figure it out.


I know what it is now....
It is Wakeman, well at least I'm pretty sure it is.
It's a sample of sound that's been pitched up really high to make it sound like a baby shrieking. It happens at 1m 37sec, and 1m 57sec, and one at 2m 20sec. The 'real' sample is actually played some time later at 6m 36sec, and it's of someone screaming "Yeow" in real time. So it has to be Wakeman, as also much later in the concert there's reference to him being the 'funny man' on the tour so far.
I'm pretty sure this is the tape thing you were referring to B.


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
Tony already knows I'm a Yes fan. I have a few of Yes' albums and a few of the group members' individual efforts. I have the Yesshows on LP, and I recently recorded a few tracks from that album for a progressive rock mix tape. And "Gates Of Delirium" is the first track on Side B of the cassette.

Here's the cassette with the J-card I created for this tape:

Another great live album from Yes is their 9012 Live: The Solos. Here are a few videos from that album:

Click on images to play videos:



Veteran and General Yakker
Aug 17, 2011
That I do my Elite-ist friend, that I do! :toothy10:
And 9012 Live is a gem! It's one of the few store bought cassettes my buds and I had to have back in the day and we frequently did a fast forward to 'The Fish' and turned it up LOUD! Over and over..
Probably the one pre-record I've owned more than one copy of. :toothy7: Squire's bass playing on that, on 'Drama' and on 'Tormato' are nothing short of genius.
Trivia: 'On the Silent Wings of Freedom' is definitely THE SONG that will make me push aside my cane or walker and dance like a maniac - at the ripe old age of 90.


Tony already knows I'm a Yes fan. I have a few of Yes' albums and a few of the group members' individual efforts. I have the Yesshows on LP, and I recently recorded a few tracks from that album for a progressive rock mix tape. And "Gates Of Delirium" is the first track on Side B of the cassette.

Here's the cassette with the J-card I created for this tape:

Another great live album from Yes is their 9012 Live: The Solos. Here are a few videos from that album:

Click on images to play videos:



Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010

SLF--I had Aja!!
Thanks, Lee.

That I do my Elite-ist friend, that I do! :toothy10:
And 9012 Live is a gem! It's one of the few store bought cassettes my buds and I had to have back in the day and we frequently did a fast forward to 'The Fish' and turned it up LOUD! Over and over..
Probably the one pre-record I've owned more than one copy of. :toothy7: Squire's bass playing on that, on 'Drama' and on 'Tormato' are nothing short of genius.
Trivia: 'On the Silent Wings of Freedom' is definitely THE SONG that will make me push aside my cane or walker and dance like a maniac - at the ripe old age of 90.

If Chris Squire isn't one of the top five bass guitarists, he should be. Any of his solo work is spine-tingling, at the least. I"ll have to give your recommended "up-out-of the-wheelchair" tune a listen. Why did I miss it?



Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010