THEY"RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SONIPHASE S6


Chief Journeyman
Jul 28, 2011
Wise, Virginia
So Lee, you basically have a pair of bass bins and no tweeters in them. You are looking to the tweeters in the KHorns to cover both the KHorn and SoniPhase bass you had to "unpad" the tweets to give you 3 db or so....more upper frequency? How about the mids? Are the SonioPhase doing mids, or are you haveing the KHorns do the mid-duty as well? Just trying to understand what you have going on with the SoniPhase. Skratch built full range speakers, right? Using the Altec 811 or 511 horns with a compression horn? I wish we could find a really affordable 2" compression driver...there has got to be one out there..I'm still waiting to get the La Scalas put together...I'm working on the crossovers from Al....really nice set of crossovers...and beautifully presented in the assembly and wiring instructions...can't wait to hear them make music...

Are the EV drivers as awesome as they look? 4 inch voice'll bet they can make some bass, and certainly I understand they could gobbe up some power...I'll bet you will be able to fully see the capabilities of the Carver PRO amp before all is said and done...That is the very amp you needed for the SoniPhase speakers..


Chief Journeyman
Dec 27, 2011
Huntley Il.
Life is short, so take your time
Sutton, My Soniphase are just bassbins, The mids and highs are covered by my altec 311 and 811 horns in addition to my 828's


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Yep, just bass bins. Going through the Pioneer D-23 electronic crossover (Ahem---one of the worlds finest), to the Spec 2 and then out. The cool thing about an extra set of bass bins with a crossover like the D-23 is seeing just how right PWK was. I've tried almost every combination of slope, cutoff and level, and until I get em in the corner it's no better than self flagellation. I'll get the boys in here this weekend to lift the K-Horns straight up and then I'll slide the Soniphase under the K's. Then I'll get down to some serious testing. Yep, serious testing...............ya know the TP-2400 can be bridged for 2400 watts into 8 ohms................


Chief Journeyman
Jul 28, 2011
Wise, Virginia
Yep, I'll bet it will be concert level db levels at the front of these guys. Will there be any time alignment issues, or do you already have those addressed? How are you going to designate the power amps for all these drivers?....and I'll bet the KHorns will have to be flipped as well, or all the frequencies above your transfer point will be pointed at about 6 or 7 feet off the ground...and they are suppose to be about 42 inches? Or is it 39"? Can't remember.....what are the crossover points going to be? Do they change from the KHorn and its' setup with the Universal crossover from Al? I guess that is what you have been experimenting are yoou going totally active crossover, or a hybrid usings Al's crossovers? Confusing my brain...

Where did you end up, Mark? Using active withe Altec mids and highs covered by altec 311 and 811 horns in addition to the 828's ..........are you using steep or gentle slopes, and where are your transfer points? 300 hz and 800 hz, and then somewhere around 8,000 or 9,000 hz? Padding will be interesting in Lee's system too with all the bass being produced....

Oh.........if you are going to bridge the Carver for 2400 watts into 8 ohms, you're going to need another one for the other bass bin...Now THAT would be getting too I don't know if the EV could handle 2400 watts, and I know you would attempt to test the limits of the driver with this much power...

Your audio room will probably need additional AC service and its own utility bill..
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Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Sutton, there are time/frequency issues now with them out from the corners by 5 feet. It may be that I can't run them at the same time. I may have to go ahead and finish them out with their own mids and tweets, we'll just have to see how Mark makes out on his latest pair. I will not at this time mess with the crossovers or drivers in the K's. They're just too good the way they are.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Guys.........for the first time 23 years the boys in blue asked me to turn it down. I got way radical. I have very tolerant and forgiving neighbors, but last night was too much.The mancave is in the basement, there are 2 windows in the cave. With the K's on the floor they are well below them and if I'm not at Mach 8, I can leave em open......well......with the K's atop the Sonis they are perfectly aligned to divert 1/2 the bass output directly into the street.....accross that street.....over the lawn accross the street.........and explode into the neighbors very large living room window.
Blew one of the Crites 1526's in the right K and wounded the crossover in the left K. Had the badass Carver balls to the walls and pegged out on the Sonis. the only question I had was" Why did it take you so long to call?" Made it halfway through Crystal method's "Vegas". Track 4 did it. The neighbor said it was ok until that last song and shit was vibrating off.......HIS WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tri-County electric is now billing me on "Large Load Commercial demand"


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
The flatscreen has the "crack" showing again, the 300 watt incandescents lasted less than 30 seconds and the 150 watt quartz will never be the same. The Soni's could always find work in the demolition field if the speaker thing doesn't work out for em. Seriously, Mark was right, it's ungodly loud , and he only had 450 watts goin through, I had 838.35 goin through. And the Carver was gassed, the Soni's could have taken MUCH more. My house, couldn't. Nails will back out, sheetrock would have a limited service life, and the molecular structure of wood, would be something we wouldn't recognize.


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
I believe the sound field was so powerful, molecules could have rearranged.


Veteran and General Yakker
Apr 12, 2012
The flatscreen has the "crack" showing again, the 300 watt incandescents lasted less than 30 seconds and the 150 watt quartz will never be the same. The Soni's could always find work in the demolition field if the speaker thing doesn't work out for em. Seriously, Mark was right, it's ungodly loud , and he only had 450 watts goin through, I had 838.35 goin through. And the Carver was gassed, the Soni's could have taken MUCH more. My house, couldn't. Nails will back out, sheetrock would have a limited service life, and the molecular structure of wood, would be something we wouldn't recognize.
Mein Gott! To do that here requires an earthquake greater than a 7.0. We're talking some serious movement here - can't believe you're blowing down the neighbors house - that's crazy loud. Are you the big bad wolf?

The Soni's aren't happy with only 800 plus watts per channel? Holy f@#ck!


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Not the big bad wolf----- The Insanely Loud , Psychologically Challenged Roustabout. With too many watts. The Soni's were tickled with what they got, it was the snicker i got out of em when I had finally shut everything down, put all the shit back where it belonged, turned off the lights and walked out the mancave headed to bed ---in a real low voice dripping with impetuousness and mirth----" Please---don't tell us that's all ya got", " We were expecting a wee bit more out of ya Laatsch"........spooky.
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