THEY"RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SONIPHASE S6


Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
The Soniphase SL6's are gone. Sold them to a Bud here yesterday. Finished em out with the Elliptrac wood 2" horn with the BMS4592 drivers and Crites CT-125 tweets. Tri-amped with a Pioneer SF-850 electronic crossover, the Carver TP 2400 on the bass bins, a PL 400 Rev "C" quasi comp board, and an HH Scott integratged on the tweets. I am no longer his wife's favorite friend. There was some things about the set-up I didn't like and will rotate out some equipment. The TP-2400 I thought was weak in the low bass depnartment. I don't think it goes as low as a WOPL, or has as much control there as a WOPL. The 400 on the horns needs to go fuly comp, much smoother in that department. and still wondering what amp would do the tweets better.

All in all
a damn good sounding system. Source was an Onix CD-1, Pre was a PL 2000 Ser II

PS.....I will be trying some BMS-4592's in the K's tractix horns...


May 26, 2013
St. Louis, MO.
Born and Raised In The 700 Watt Club.
Just got ahold of this thread topic. Nice. Still.......only about half the size of MY cabinets Lee? ;) I still fancy a round someday. But I need to hear your set up!! Jerry, how heavy would you say my woofs were? 25lbs, is heavy Lee! I think mine are around there at minimum. But multiplied by sixteen. That's how I make up the difference for a deficient speaker output. LOL! the avatar. That's my favorite one so far. Hello! :cyclopsani:

I haven't been as bold as you though Lee. The cops haven't seen the inside of my foyer yet. ;-)


Administrator, (and straight-up pimp stick!)
Staff member
Jun 12, 2010
I have only experienced one pair of K Horns in original condition. They were sold at Innovative Audio this past year and I sat with the couple as they auditioned them. I can only imagine how well Lee's sound. Right now, IA is selling a pair of Altec A-7 VOTT for their Facebook Special of $800 cash.

And the Klipschorns:

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Staff member
Jan 14, 2011
Gillette, Wyo.
Halfbiass...Electron Herder and Backass Woof
Finally got the tweets to finish out the Soniphase yesterday. Drove to Timdalf the Grey's house and went about getting the tweets in and fine tuning the whole works. Without a mic and spectrum analyzer we stumbled around in the dark for quite awhile until we put on some Shpongle. Now I KNOW what Shpongle should sound like and that caused a lot of progress to be made. Timdalf the Grey lives out in the country with neighbors far enough we fired the SL6's UP!! Still not sure if we have the crossover points and slopes right, but we were close enough it sounded pretty damn good. That particular driver combination of the EVX-155 woof, BMS-4592 2" driver with the Elliptrac horns and Crites CT-125 tweets is an awesome combo. The SPL meter will never be the same and my ears are on a 3 day sabbatical....